Central baths of traumatology orthopedics named after Priorov. Central Science and Preceding Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (cyto)

I want to be able to support all the medical staff. MM. Priorov and I am especially aware of the news, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.V. Balberkin. I was two (May 2015 and Berezen 2016) I was booted to the drive of the endoprosthetic joint of the slopes, and the bullet was very much enamored of the good fortune, organized by all the robotic personnel. Today we are wise by the certificate of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.V. Balberkin. to carry out surgery more quickly: Ph.D. Shavirin D.A., Ph.D. D. A. Snetkov, Ph.D. Kolondann A.F. Being instantly and lykaryami, Shavirin D.A., Kolondann A.F., Snetkov D.A. eagerly respectful, spokyini and good-natured to our own wearers we are sick. With them it is even more comfortable to sleep, you can easily negotiate possible options for operational treatment, ways of competent rehabilitation and training in a comfortable way of life. If you are a candidate, you can choose to qualify for additional help from a choice of not only licks, but also vitamins and mineral complexes, options for recreational physical culture, sanatorium-and-spa treatment. My life was drastically changed and the quality of my life was changed, and I would like to see the work of medical nurses, like the senior medical sister Smirnova E.S. Medical sisters Glikina I.M., Gerasimova N.A., Bogacheva O.V., Shevelova O.N., Odina O.S. Zdіysnyuyut tsіlodobove cherguvannya by vіddіlennyu, promptly vіznі pіslyaoperatsіynі indications of lіkarіv. At any hour, finish off a sick stench for the first wicklake, ready to nadati, I will need help. Master of your help - Surgical nurse Lisova V.G. - virtuosis at the dressing-up and the nobility of the shviv. In the first days of the operation, it is easy to do without turbot and respect the young medical staff. Schodnya, without nagaduvan і prokhan, sister-mister Rusanova O.A. The change to the postal business, which is even more important in the operational period. Respectfully keep an eye on the ailments of the sanitaries A.N. Marchenkova, A.G. Gorshkova, M.M.Savina, Marina Ruseeva, Galina Kuzhnenkova. Kind words, assistance, assistance, as well as clean wards, before the hour of the ship, the appearance of the meeting and the saw - all the result of the copyright work. Everything is to make it comfortable for people to move around in a classy and comfortable way. I would like to help the grandparents of the buffet show Dudin to Nadiya and Olen Kovalov for the chance to distribute food. It didn’t pop, they took a cold or unsaturated їzhu. Those who had a very versatile menu and home-style savory food were dazzled. I would like to encourage all the protesters to see the cyst pathology of the health of the people, to the good fortune of people, a good salary, to the world and well-being in all families! Dyakuyu for help, chuynist, respect and help! I vvazhayu, of such general, high-quality, high-grade sportsmen, such as the development of cyst pathology No. 6 CITO im. MM. Priorov, put the demand in the butt and zahochuvati materially.