Many people do not care about tubo-otitis in serious illnesses, which is why it is most often blamed on aphids of other illnesses. However, in fact, it can be caused by purulent otitis media, inflamed and hardened ear drums.
Tubootitis (eustachitis, otitis media) is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eustachian tube and tympanum. This illness often develops after suffering from a gastrointestinal infection, when the infection from the nasopharynx gets to...
Drops Sofradex is a medicinal agent for local treatment in ENT practice, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Sofradex formulations reveal bactericidal and...
Acute catarrhal otitis is an inflammation that spreads throughout all the mucous membranes of the inner ear. Both adults and children are susceptible to this illness. And remember to remember that we won’t immediately reveal...
Acute otitis media - often causes illness, which can affect both adults and children. Its symptoms manifest themselves intensely, causing the discomfort of a sick person. To avoid problems, follow the terminology...
Periodically or permanently visible pus from the ear, sometimes from the blood. The smell may have an unpleasant odor. Severe hearing loss. Congestion of the ear. You can see the transfusion of radish in the whole place. Periodic...
The auditory analyzer plays an extremely important role in recognizing and recognizing sounds. Preserving hearing is a priority for any pathologies that affect the anatomical structures of the ear. Otitis...
Otitis media is an inflamed process in the patient, which is accompanied by underlying and local symptoms, which are often more pronounced. Sickness is more common in different age groups. Characteristics of the pathology.
Plenty of people knew about the need to take care of their ears even before school, when they didn’t bother telling their children about the need to put on a hat and avoid long walks in windy weather. Hypothermia...
Your browser has java script enabled, you need to enable it otherwise you will not be able to remove all the information behind the article “I will show symptoms of otitis”. External (diffuse) otitis media. It is important that this form of otitis begins...
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