Symptoms of tubo-otitis and methods of treatment with folk remedies. Tubo otitis symptoms and treatment Acute catarrhal tubo otitis

Many do not consider tubo-otitis as a serious disease, since it occurs most often against the background of other diseases. But in fact, it can provoke purulent otitis media, inflammation and induration of the tympanic membrane and lead to permanent hearing loss. How to treat Eustachitis and whether it can be done at home using folk remedies should be decided by a specialist after a thorough examination and comprehensive diagnosis. Improperly chosen drugs can accelerate the development of the disease and greatly complicate its course.

How to treat tubo-otitis

How to treat tubo-otitis depends on the nature of the disease and the reasons that caused it. The most effective is complex treatment, which helps to simultaneously solve several problems at once:

  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • quickly relieve puffiness;
  • restore the patency of the Eustachian tube;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • activate immunity;
  • clear the respiratory tract of mucus;
  • accelerate the regeneration of mucosal cells;
  • prevent possible complications.

But, of course, first of all, it is necessary to act directly on the cause of the disease, which can only be accurately determined by an experienced specialist.

So, with infectious etymology, antibiotics for Eustachitis are prescribed necessarily. And if the swelling and blockage of the auditory tube is due to allergic reactions, you will have to use antihistamines.

If microbes enter the mucous membrane of the ear canal due to chronic inflammation of the adenoids and / or tonsils, it is likely that an operation will be required to remove them.

Modern methods of treatment include not only medications, but also physiotherapy procedures. They activate the immune system, accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration and increase the intensity of the effect of the drugs used.

The course of physiotherapy is prescribed after the acute phase of the disease has passed and the body temperature is normalized.


Only a doctor should decide how to treat Eustachitis. Medicines are selected strictly individually, depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the course of the disease. Four types of medication are commonly used:

Antibiotics for tubo-otitis in adults are prescribed for severe pain, fever and purulent discharge from the middle ear. These are usually broad-spectrum drugs. But to enhance their effectiveness, you can make an analysis for microflora and choose the most suitable drug. Most often, for the treatment of Eustachitis, the following are prescribed: "Amoclicillin", "Amoxil", "Gentamicin", "Biseptol", "Ceftriaxone" and others.

The standard course of treatment is 5 to 14 days. It is very important to go through it to the end. It often happens that pain symptoms and severe inflammation with complex treatment disappear within 2-3 days, but this does not mean recovery.

With self-withdrawal of the drug, you can provoke a relapse, which will lead to serious complications. Antibiotics for Eustachitis are not an obligatory component of treatment, often anti-inflammation agents can be dispensed with.

Anti-inflammatory drops for tubo-otitis allow you to quickly remove the redness of the tympanic membrane and reduce its tension. Most topical drugs contain lidocaine or other pain relieving components. The use of drops relieves swelling, improves blood circulation, restores patency.

A doctor should prescribe ear drops for eustachitis. Most of them cannot be used for perforation or rupture of the tympanic membrane, and this is one of the most common complications of tubootitis. The most effective drops are: "Sofradex", "Tsipromed", "Normaks", "Otofa", "Otipax". However, each of the drugs has its own characteristics of use and contraindications, which must be taken into account.

Vasoconstrictor drops for tubo-otitis help reduce mucous secretions and quickly eliminate nasal congestion. They relieve puffiness well and restore the patency of the ear canal. Most often appointed "Naftizin", "Otrivin", "Galazolin", "Sanorin", "Nazol". Such drops should be used with caution - in case of an overdose, they cause dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Antipyretic drugs are used only if the body temperature rises above 38.5 and / or lasts for 12 or more hours. Usually, with antibiotic treatment, the temperature drops on its own as the inflammatory process subsides. Therefore, their long-term use is impractical.

Folk ways

Traditional methods of treating Eustachitis are effective only at the initial or final stage of the disease. If the inflammatory process is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, then in most cases it will be ineffective. They can also cause complications if a perforation or rupture of the tympanic membrane occurs. Therefore, before starting to use them, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis and cause of the disease. This can only be done by a doctor.

Juice from onions or garlic and alcoholic tinctures of medicinal herbs (celandine, eucalyptus, St. John's wort) can replace antibiotics for tubo-otitis. They have pronounced bactericidal properties, improve blood circulation, and act anti-inflammatory. 3-5 drops of the chosen agent are instilled into the sore ear 2-3 times a day and the ear is closed with a cotton swab.

Treatment with boric alcohol is often used for the diagnosis of tubo-otitis, but it does not have bactericidal properties. But boric alcohol has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, heats the ear deeply and restores blood circulation well. Not recommended for irritated or overly sensitive skin.

Good results are obtained by deep warming up the inflamed ear. But it can be done only if there is no purulent discharge. Otherwise, you can provoke a rapid spread of the infection, which can lead to serious complications such as meningitis and even sepsis (general blood poisoning). You can warm your ears with salt bags, a blue lamp, solux, paraffin or alcohol compresses.

To strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to drink multivitamins or immunomodulatory drugs. They can be replaced by tinctures or decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage, coltsfoot, St. John's wort.

Green tea with lemon and honey improves immunity well, which should be drunk warm, but not hot, so as not to destroy vitamins and bioflavonoids. But no matter what folk remedies you choose, you should definitely consult a doctor before using them.

Tubo-otitis occurs when inflammation of the ear invades the Eustachian tube. The onset of the disease goes unnoticed, the patient complains of a feeling of ear congestion and hearing loss. When the inflammation spreads to the tympanic cavity, there is a temperature, severe headaches, discharge and dizziness, due to which a visit to a doctor occurs. He makes a diagnosis and explains how to treat tubo-otitis at home - after all, there is no point in sending a patient to a hospital, he will cope at home.

The main directions of treatment

For the treatment of tubo-otitis at home to be successful, it must be comprehensive and push the disease along several fronts at once. Prescribing medicines and advising folk remedies, the doctor achieves several goals at once:

  • removal of puffiness - as a result, the diameter of the Eustachian tube increases and the exudate accumulated in the tympanic cavity flows into the nasopharynx;
  • liquefaction of mucus - as a result, the exudate becomes liquid and flows down the wall unhindered;
  • removal of inflammation - as a result, the likelihood of complications decreases and the patient ceases to suffer from pain;
  • increased immunity - as a result, the body will cope if the threat of capture by pathogens arises again;
  • elimination of infection - as a result, the root cause that caused the disease disappears.

The set of measures includes a variety of procedures - from taking pills to rinsing the nose - and requires one to two weeks for the body to cope with the disease and the patient can return to normal life.

Variety of funds

After a visit to the doctor (or a doctor's visit), a whole stack of bubbles, jars, inhalers and blisters with pills quickly forms at the bedside of any patient. None of these remedies can be excluded, none of them is unnecessary. With tubo-otitis, you can find among them:

  • Antibiotics, antimycotics, or antivirals. They are used if the disease is severe and requires a blow to the root cause. Antibiotics are prescribed if the nature of the disease is bacterial, antimycotics if it is caused by a fungus, and antiviral if it is caused by an acute viral infection. The main form of these funds is ear drops, which make it possible to deliver the active substance to the focus of the disease. If the infection has already spread throughout the body, pills are used.
  • Pain relievers. Tubo-otitis is characterized by exhausting headaches, which can only be eliminated with the help of painkillers. It can be either pills or drops.
  • Vasoconstrictor. Their main purpose is to relieve swelling and allow exudate to drain through the nasopharynx. Often they are supplemented with mucolytics, which thin the mucus.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Used to relieve swelling.

In addition to medicines, procedures are used to treat tubo-otitis:

  • Warming up. They are carried out in the physiotherapy room, and not at home. Designed to relieve swelling, improve blood flow in the vessels, and allow the patient to breathe through the nose. Relieve inflammation.
  • Blowing and washing in a hospital setting. With the help of air pressure, the Eustachian tube is cleared of accumulated exudate and pus inside - this is useful if the contents are abundant and cannot drain on their own. If the pipe is completely clogged, washings are used - with the help of a thin tube, after taking vasoconstrictor drops, antibiotics are injected into the patient's nasopharynx - directly to the focus of inflammation.
  • Washing at home. With the help of medicinal solutions (miramistin is often used), the patient flushes the nasopharynx - inhales them, or inserts it into the ear with a syringe without a needle.

Inexperienced procedures can damage. To prevent this, you need to consult a doctor and make sure the lesson is learned.

Antibiotics do not tolerate self-medication - you cannot prescribe them yourself. Only a doctor can choose a suitable remedy, having made a preliminary bacteriological culture and having determined which active substance the causative agent of the disease will be sensitive to. With tubo-otitis, the following can be used:

  • Azithromycin. It is applied only once a day for three days. You cannot take it longer - an overdose will develop. It is not possible with an allergy to an active ingredient, and with diseases of the kidneys and liver, and with breastfeeding, and children under twelve.
  • Amoxicillin. It is used in an individual dosage, which the doctor calculates based on the sex, age, weight of the patient and the neglect of his disease. Contraindicated in allergies, in diseases of the nervous system, liver or kidneys, in asthma.
  • Cefuroxin. A very powerful remedy that is used in advanced cases. Applied in an individual dosage, in the form of injections or orally. Contraindicated in exhaustion, during pregnancy and lactation, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Polydexa. A tool that includes not only an antibiotic, but also a vasoconstrictor. It is used up to five times a day, it is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, people with kidney disease, hepatitis, with urinary retention. In coronary artery disease, the decision remains with the doctor.

Antiviral and antimycotics are used with the same caution.

Anti-inflammatory, mucolytics, vasoconstrictors, pain relievers

This entire group of drugs can be attributed to auxiliary - they, acting directly on the cause of the disease, help reduce the manifestation of its symptoms and improve the patient's position. Each group requires an understanding of the specifics:

  1. Vasoconstrictor. They are used to relieve edema - after taking it, the patient immediately remembers how to breathe through his nose. But you cannot use them for more than a few days, as they become addictive very quickly. Among them are Naphtizin, Nazifin, Xymelin, Tizin.
  2. Pain relievers. To relieve pain, they use both pills known to everyone - from Analgin to Ketarol - and specific drugs suitable for ear diseases. They dull the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the ear and have a mild antiseptic effect. Among them are Otipaks, Anauran.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. They often combine the properties of anti-inflammatory and mucolytics. Relieve symptoms, kill bacteria, reduce swelling. Among them are Avamiks, Garazon, Sofradeks.

Combining antibiotics and drugs of other groups, they also remember about folk remedies.

Folk remedies and procedures

There are three types of procedures used to get rid of tubo-otitis. But heating and blowing at home cannot be carried out, therefore, rinsing is used. This is done sequentially:

  • there is a clean syringe that can be used;
  • a suitable solution is found - it can be miramistin, it can be a saline solution, it can be an infusion of chamomile or warm water with the addition of citrus, mint, pine essential oils;
  • the head leans to the shoulder, vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into the ear;
  • after a couple of minutes, when the effect appears, the syringe is gently inserted into the ear and the plunger is pressed - as a result, the solution (miramistin, chamomile, lemon) must pass through the nasal cavity into the mouth;
  • the procedure is repeated several times, and proceed to rinsing the nose.

The nose is flushed in one of two ways:

  • Manual. It is used if there are no additional funds in the house, and the patient is experienced enough. Miramistin (or any other drug of a similar kind) is collected in the palm of your hand and inhaled with one nostril. As a result, it should pour out of the other.
  • With tools. It is used if the patient is a child, or he cannot inhale the solution correctly. In the pharmacy, a rubber bulb of the smallest size is purchased or a small syringe is filled with a solution. The nose is lubricated with petroleum jelly, inserted into the nostril. The effect should be the same - the solution should pour out of the other nostril.

What exactly to use - miramistin, warm water, sea or salt water - depends on the patient's tastes. The main condition is that the solution should not be hot or burning.

Folk recipes may offer aloe or onion juice for rinsing. You cannot follow them - there is a high probability of burning the mucous completely.

In addition to washing at home, you can also use folk remedies:

  1. Boric alcohol. Apply three drops several times a day. The head should be tilted, the ear should be instilled and sit in this position for several minutes. After that, plug your ear with a clean cotton swab and wear it for another half hour. The tool helps relieve swelling, relieves pain and tinnitus.
  2. Calendula and propolis. Pharmacy tinctures are used. They roll up the turundas from cotton pads and, dipping them into the tincture, put them in the ear for half an hour. Repeat several times a day. If there is a burning sensation and pain, the turundas are immediately removed.
  3. Onion juice. Bake the onion, squeeze the juice, instill in the ear warm, five drops three times a day. If pain or burning occurs, the juice should be diluted with warm water.
  4. Decoctions of herbs. They are taken to improve tone and immunity. You can brew mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, dandelion, birch and yarrow leaves, lavender. A glass of boiling water is enough for two tablespoons of dry collection. You can drink it instead of tea, each time brewing fresh.

The fight against tubo-otitis takes up to two weeks and requires attention, accuracy and precision. Follow all the doctor's orders, stop procedures if pain appears, do not skip taking medications, do not hope that everything will go away on its own.

Tubo-otitis is an inflammatory phenomenon that forms in the Eustachian canals and tympanic septa. The disease is accompanied by a narrowing of the passage of the drum-pharyngeal tube and a deterioration in air permeability... In this case, inflammation can capture the area between the outer and inner ear and provoke otitis media. The pathological process in the middle ear and the auditory canal is called salpingootitis in another way, eustachitis is considered its beginning. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, suppressing the infection, and involves a combined approach.

The reasons

The auditory tube is the conduit between the upper part of the pharynx and the middle ear. When the upper respiratory organs are infected, pathogenic microbes can easily enter the auditory canal, and then capture the tympanic septum. This is how the inflammatory process develops.

The causes of tubo-otitis are most often:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the upper ENT organs - tonsillitis, runny nose, pharyngitis caused by pneumococcus, staphylococcus and other microorganisms;
  • swelling of mucous surfaces resulting from allergies;
  • overlap of the nasopharynx region with various defects, adenoids and polyps;
  • neoplasms in the upper respiratory tract;
  • deformation or curvature of the septum in the nose;
  • rarely, pathology in adults can result from the use of tampons to stop nosebleeds;
  • with dental procedures that cause excessive salivation;
  • sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.

In childhood, the likelihood of contracting tubo-otitis is higher than in adults, since the auditory canals in children are shorter.


Symptoms and treatment of tubo-otitis depend on the type of disease. By the form of the course, the pathology can be chronic or acute.

Acute stage

Acute tubo-otitis is a pathological process, accompanied by an echo of your voice in the head - autophony
... In this case, pain symptoms are not always present. The patient's condition during an exacerbation of the disease is stable, the temperature is within normal limits, with yawning or swallowing, hearing ability can be restored for a short time.

The acute form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • ear congestion;
  • deterioration in the ability to distinguish sounds;
  • feeling of noise;
  • an overflowing liquid may be heard during head movement.

Pathology can arise from one or both sides. Acute bilateral tubo-otitis is an inflammatory process that develops in two ears at the same time.

Timely started treatment allows you to stop symptoms in a few days... If it is not possible to restore the patency of the pipe in time, stagnation of fluid in the ear cavity may occur, which often causes bacteria to multiply. In this case, there is a possibility that the disease will acquire a purulent form that is difficult to treat. So the pathology becomes chronic.

Chronic form

Chronic tubo-otitis accompanied by purulent discharge usually lasts more than 21 days. In this case, the inflammatory process occurs together with other symptoms - fever, bloody discharge from the ear cavity, dizziness. The condition is dangerous by the development of infection in the bones of the skull and in the brain itself.

Most often, the chronic form of pathology is accompanied by:

  • hearing impairment;
  • redness of mucous surfaces;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the Eustachian tubes;
  • displacement of the tympanic septum.

On the side of the membrane separating the outer and middle ear, protrusion of the membrane is often observed... Most often, symptoms of the chronic stage occur on an ongoing basis, relapse alternates with remission.

Depending on the side of the lesion, the disease is subdivided into left-sided tubo-otitis, while the inflammation captures the left ear, as well as right-sided tubo otitis - the spread of inflammation in the right ear.


An otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis based on a visual examination, as well as guided by the patient's complaints
... In addition, the ENT doctor prescribes:

  • audiometry - a procedure that will detect impairment of hearing ability;
  • tympanometry. This diagnostic method will reveal the displacement of the tympanic septum.

The chronic form of the disease during an exacerbation is accompanied by the same clinical picture as the acute one. In remission, a chronic process can be detected only visually. In this case, during the diagnosis, the following symptoms are revealed:

  • deformation of the tympanic septum, its sinking;
  • redness of the mucous surfaces of the Eustachian canal or its individual sections;
  • swelling of the tissues of the auditory process;
  • narrowing of the lumen.

To determine the type of pathogen, swabs from the ear canal are prescribed... If there is a suspicion of an allergic type of illness, the patient takes an allergy test.

The presence of a chronic stage may be indicated by a decrease in the perception of sounds on a permanent basis.


Suppressing the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms will help means for internal use, produced in the form of tablets, suspensions and capsules. In a severe form of the disease, intravenous drugs are used.

Treatment of tubo-otitis in adults involves an integrated approach:

  • elimination of infection in the upper respiratory tract;
  • reducing symptoms of inflammation and swelling;
  • improved ventilation of the auditory tube;
  • restoration of the immune system.

Most often, the disease is treated at home, under the supervision of a doctor. The mild stage of the disease can be cured on its own, without the use of medications: usually the immune system itself copes with the infection. However, some cases require elimination of acute symptoms. For these purposes, analgesics are used:

  • to relieve puffiness, antihistamines are prescribed - Suprastin, Tsetrin. An allergic form of the disease will help to cure antiallergic drugs, desensitizing drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing sensitivity to allergens;
  • to relieve the symptoms of inflammation, non-steroidal drugs are used - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin;
  • for vasoconstriction, drops are prescribed in the nasal cavity - Sanorin, Otrivin, Tizin;
  • to pump out fluid, glucocorticoids are injected into the eardrum - Adrenaline, Hydrocortisone;
  • with an infection provoked by a fungus, antifungal medications are used.

Antibacterial agents are used in the absence of positive dynamics, as well as if the disease becomes severe.

For the treatment of bilateral tubo otitis in adults, provoked by bacteria, antibiotics are used - sulfonamides. With the viral nature of the disease, Amoxicillin is prescribed. If necessary, it can be replaced with Amoxiclav or Azithromycin.

To restore ventilation of the passages, improve well-being and consolidate remission, a specialist additionally recommends physiotherapy
, including:

  • blowing, washing, irrigation of the ear cavity with medicines. In this way, excess fluid is removed from the ear and tube;
  • pneumomassage - alternating pressing on the tympanic septum;
  • electromyostimulation. The procedure will help restore the muscle tone of the tube walls;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy and pulse currents.

To restore the immune system in the chronic form of the disease, immunostimulants are used, as well as vitamin complexes. As an auxiliary measure, the patient is recommended to independently carry out home procedures:

  • periodic pressing on the processes of cartilage in the auricle;
  • inhaling oxygen through closed nostrils. This facilitates the opening of the auditory tube;
  • frequent yawning.

Properly prescribed treatment usually leads to relief of symptoms of tubo-otitis in 3-6 days. If patency is impaired due to a tumor, surgical intervention is used.

Folk remedies

Treat the disease with alternative medicine after consultation with a specialist.

Herbal medicine

Usually in the treatment of pathology, herbs are used that have anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties:

  • eucalyptus;
  • birch leaves;
  • aloe;
  • mint;
  • celandine;
  • blueberries;
  • lavender;
  • coriander and others;

With the help of broths, the nasal cavity and ear and throat are washed, as well as tampons soaked in herbal decoctions or juices from the pulp are placed.


An excellent folk remedy with a disinfecting effect
... Onions are used in the following form:

  • in the form of juice, which must be instilled into each passage, 4 drops;
  • tampons are soaked in onion juice and inserted into the ear cavity;
  • another way can help: a small piece of onion is slightly heated and placed in the ear canal. At the same time, onion juice drips into the nose... Treatment is carried out within 14 days;
  • successfully eliminates inflammation in the eustachian tube following method. The core is removed from the onion, freed from the husk. Pour 5 g of caraway into the resulting glass, put in a hot oven and keep until the onion becomes soft. After that, juice is squeezed out of the onion and buried in the aisles, 1 drop per day.

Collection of herbs

The next collection will help relieve internal inflammatory processes. For cooking, you need to mix in equal proportions:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • hop cones;
  • angelica;
  • nettles;
  • mint;
  • lingonberries.

The components are crushed. A glass of boiling water is required for 2 tablespoons of the collection. The mixture is infused for 12 hours. Consume 100 g orally three times a day on an empty stomach. Besides, in this infusion, a tampon is moistened and inserted into the ear cavity closer to the tympanic septum... Duration of treatment - until complete recovery.

Garlic drops

An excellent result was shown by ear drops made from garlic, sunflower oil and glycerin... The head of garlic is ground through a meat grinder, mixed with 1/2 cup of oil, filtered, infused for 10-12 days and 2-3 drops of pure glycerin are added to the solution. The resulting mixture is warmed to room temperature before being instilled.

Boric alcohol

Treatment with boric alcohol is carried out after consultation with the attending physician. Most often, this method is used if there are no defects in the tympanic septum.

Alcohol is instilled in a few drops into both ear cavities or used in the form of tampons dipped in a solution.

This tool has antibacterial and warming properties, and is quite effective even in childhood. However, you should be careful: boric alcohol can provoke burns.


An ancient folk method used to relieve inflammation in the ear and relieve pain symptoms
... Soft-boiled chicken egg. Warm yolk is instilled into the affected ear, 3-4 drops, then covered with cotton and go to bed. In the morning, cotton wool soaked in the following solution is inserted into the passage:

  • onion juice;
  • golden mustache juice;
  • butter.

The components are combined in the same ratio. After 4 hours, the tampon is removed. On the same day, mummy tincture is dripped into the passage... For this, 1 tablet must be combined with 20 ml of vodka.

Operative intervention

If the disease is caused by abnormalities of the nasopharynx, surgical treatment is performed, for example, the elimination of adenoids, polyps, and the alignment of the nasal septum.

In addition, the use of the operation will become advisable with the progression of the disease and the absence of positive dynamics after the prescribed therapy.

To do this, special catheters are inserted through a small incision into the ear cavity to facilitate fluid flow.


Usually, the acute stage of the disease has a sluggish character... Most often, this form is not accompanied by acute pain. That is why the patient does not consider it necessary to go to the hospital. Thus, the pathology becomes chronic.

A late visit to a specialist often leads to:

  • to deterioration of the function of the tympanic septum;
  • to narrowing of the ear gaps;
  • to scarring of the passage.

All this can negatively affect hearing ability and provoke irreversible deafness.

Another unpleasant consequence is purulent otitis media, which often leads to brain infection and sepsis.


If symptoms of an inflammatory process occur inside the ear cavity, the patient should not take any action that is associated with a sudden fluctuation in pressure
such as diving and flying.

The following measures will help prevent the appearance of tubo otitis:

  • timely visit to the otolaryngologist in case of ear congestion;
  • mandatory therapy for nasopharyngeal infections;
  • strengthening the immune system, hardening;
  • avoiding various injuries to the head, nose and ears;
  • exclusion of bad habits.

In addition, you need to learn how to blow your nose correctly. To do this, the patient should open his mouth, alternately blow out mucus from each nostril.

Most often, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. A timely visit to a doctor in the early stages of the inflammatory process will help to fully recover.

Hearing is one of those functions that enable a person to gain information about the world around him. For it to work fully, you need a harmonious interaction of all parts of the ear. However, very often people develop diseases of this organ for certain reasons. Now we will consider what tubo-otitis is, the symptoms and treatment of this ailment, as well as preventive measures, thanks to which you can protect yourself and your child from this ailment. Another name for the disease is eustachitis, so this word will be mentioned in the text of the article.


To deal with such a phenomenon as tubo-otitis, the treatment of which should take place with the participation of an otolaryngologist, you must first find out what this ailment is. In humans, the auditory ossicles are located in the air cavity in the region of the temporal bone, and for their normal operation, the pressure in this statement should be the same as in the environment. And in order to maintain it in a normal state, the vacuole of the middle ear must communicate with external conditions. This is usually due to the presence of a special formation called the Eustachian tube, which opens into the nasopharynx. Its length in newborns is 2 cm, and in adults - 3.5 cm. Tubo-otitis, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in this article, means an ear disease that impairs the function of this auditory tube.

Acute illness: symptoms

For this type of ailment, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • the appearance of constant or intermittent tinnitus;
  • the patient's complaints that fluid is allegedly overflowing from one ear to another;
  • the occurrence of noise in the organ of hearing;
  • body temperature generally remains within normal limits, but there are exceptions (for example, when tubo-otitis is combined with other diseases, such as tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and others), and the basal body temperature can rise to 38 degrees in children.

A typical indicator of acute eustachitis is dulling of symptoms after yawning or when swallowing saliva.

Chronic disease: symptoms

For this type of tubo-otitis, the following manifestations are characteristic:

  • of the symptoms of acute eustachitis, only one remains - a constant decrease in hearing acuity;
  • a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, noise that appears at the time of pressure drops, for example, when immersed in water, landing an aircraft;
  • on examination by a doctor, he observes a thinning of the mucous membranes of the auditory tube, as well as a distortion of the eardrum.

Causes of occurrence

Tubo-otitis, the treatment of which must be correct and effective, arises from a number of certain factors. The sources of this ailment can be:

  • rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis; in most cases, it is after these diseases that acute tubo-otitis occurs;
  • whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever - another group of ailments, after the transfer of which eustachitis can develop;
  • an allergic reaction that can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • congenital or acquired defects of the nasopharynx, such as curvature of the septum.

And the chronic form of this ailment can appear in the following cases:

  • prolonged course of acute eustachitis;
  • lack of adequate treatment;
  • stopping the full course of therapy is the most common situation when symptoms are relieved, when it seems that the disease has passed.

Ailment therapy

Chronic or acute tubo-otitis, the treatment of which should be aimed not only at eliminating the signs of the disease, but also at full recovery, passes without a trace. It is only important to follow the doctor's instructions and follow all his recommendations. The doctor can use different techniques that can be prescribed as a complex or independent therapy in order to relieve the patient of a problem such as ear tubootitis. Treatment for this ailment can be as follows:

  • with the help of medicines;
  • hardware treatment of the disease;
  • folk remedies for getting rid of ailments.

Tubo-otitis: treatment with drugs

To relieve inflammation and edema, certain groups of drugs are prescribed.

This is the basic treatment regimen for such a diagnosis as tubo-otitis. Antibiotic treatment for this disease is not advisable if the inflammatory response was triggered by a virus. Such therapy can be prescribed to patients with bacterial infection, but in other cases this method is not used.

In addition to drugs intended to eliminate Eustachitis, drugs are prescribed that can remove the cause of the disease, for example, angina, rhinitis, etc.

The allergic nature of the disease called tubo-otitis, the treatment of which should be aimed at identifying the irritant, requires joint therapy with an otolaryngologist and an allergist.

Hardware treatment

After the acute symptoms of Eustachitis have been removed, the doctor prescribes special procedures due to which the tissues are regenerated and the function of the auditory tube is restored. These activities include:

  • pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • ultraviolet radiation, ultra high frequency therapy (UHF).

Tubo-otitis, the treatment of which involves carrying out all of the above procedures, should be eliminated in 7 days. When prescribing such events, it is necessary to take into account the patient's age, since such sessions are contraindicated for people over 60 years old. In addition, individuals with heart pathologies are also advised to abandon physiotherapy.


A disease such as tubo-otitis also suggests treatment at home, and it can lead to positive effects. As a rule, it is necessary for those patients who have intolerance to certain components of the drugs to resort to the help of grandmothers' recipes. However, in any case, before treating the disease in this way, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist.

Now popular options for the treatment of a disease such as tubo-otitis will be listed. Treatment with folk remedies can have a positive effect if a person uses the following recipes.

  1. Linden flowers (1 tbsp. Spoon) need to pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for about 1 hour. The resulting liquid can be drunk several times a day, and the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.
  2. St. John's wort decoction: 15 g of dry grass must be brewed in 200 ml of water, and then strain. The resulting liquid should be instilled into the nose, 5 drops in each nostril three times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.
  3. In folk medicine, the therapy of Eustachitis is also offered with the help of such a collection of herbs: burdock root, bird's wort, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, blueberry shoots. All components must be taken in equal amounts (1 tbsp. Spoon). Pour boiling water over everything and insist for 7 hours in a warm place. You need to drink 1/3 cup during the day.
  4. Tubo-otitis, which can be treated at home with different recipes, can be cured with onion juice. For a medium-sized vegetable, carefully cut off the top, and then pour half a teaspoon of cumin seeds into the hole. Then you need to cover the onion with the crown, wrap it in foil and send it to bake in a preheated oven. The baked vegetable needs to be finely chopped, put in cheesecloth and squeezed out. The resulting liquid should be instilled into the sore ear three times a day, four drops.


Often there is tubo-otitis in children. Treatment is supposed to be medication, this is the main method of therapy, but traditional medicine can only be an additional method of getting rid of. However, as many know, the best way to protect yourself from disease is to prevent it.

  1. It is necessary to avoid injuries to the ear, nose, head.
  2. It is necessary to blow your nose correctly (you need to pinch one half of the nose, and open your mouth at the same time).
  3. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner at the first symptoms of the disease.
  4. On the part of parents, there should be increased attention to the health of the child, because babies get sick with the flu and other infectious diseases more often than adults.
  5. It is necessary to regularly rinse the oral cavity and nose so that the infection does not linger in these organs.
  6. Hypothermia of the body should not be allowed.
  7. Proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, playing sports are the key principles of well-being and the absence of any diseases, including eustachitis.

Tubo-otitis, the symptoms and treatment of which have been described in this article, will be cured without problems and will not leave behind any complications if the patient turns to the doctor in time and follows all his prescriptions.

Now you know what Eustachitis is, what its symptoms are and what causes it. They found out that there are several ways to treat this ailment, including with the help of traditional medicine. However, in order to avoid complications, one should not self-medicate, and at the slightest suspicion it is important to urgently make an appointment with an otolaryngologist who will prescribe adequate therapy.

Tubo-otitis is a non-suppurative inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the middle ear caused by infection of the auditory tube.

The penetration of infection through the auditory (Eustachian) tube is considered the main cause of tubo otitis. The disease is associated with the structural features of the Eustachian tube, which is responsible for the regulation of pressure in the tympanic cavity.

How the Eustachian tube works

The tube is a bone-cartilaginous tube 3.5 cm long and 1-2 mm in diameter, lined with connective tissue. Its upper part, consisting of bone tissue, opens into the tympanic cavity. The lower part of the Eustachian tube opens into the nasopharynx, this part of the tube is made up of cartilage. Muscles are attached to it, which, by contracting, expand the lumen of the pipe, which allows air to circulate freely.

How does inflammation start?

The tube acts as a valve, opening or collapsing under pressure changes. In addition, the Eustachian tube performs drainage functions. In the mucous lining, an accumulation of lymphoid tissue is observed, and at the lowest (pharyngeal) orifice there is a tubal amygdala.

Lymphoid tissue performs a barrier function, protecting it from bacteria from the nasopharynx. A decrease in barrier functions leads to the penetration of infection into the mucous lining of the auditory tube.

Inflammation causes:

  1. infection with flu, acute respiratory infections;
  2. diseases of the nasal cavities;
  3. curvature of the nasal septum;
  4. tumors of the nasopharynx;
  5. differences in atmospheric pressure.

The inflammation causes swelling of the mucous membrane, persistent narrowing of the auditory tube. This leads to a disruption of natural ventilation in the tympanic cavity, the pressure in it decreases, and gradually it fills with fluid coming from the pressure difference. The fluid does not drain, since the drainage function of the auditory tube is impaired. As a result, phenomena associated with hearing distortion are observed: hearing appears, decreases.

Swelling of the mucous membrane can cause an allergic reaction, lymphoma, or nasopharyngeal cancer. Any hearing dysfunction requires examination, in order to understand how to treat tubo-otitis, it is necessary to find out the reasons for even a slight hearing loss.

Tubo-otitis in childhood

The causes of tubo-otitis in children are the peculiarities of the hearing aid at this age - the auditory tube is shorter and wider than that of an adult. The muscles that change the tension of the soft palate, thereby regulating the width of the lower mouth of the auditory tube, are not developed. Bilateral tubo-otitis in children often occurs after measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, rhinitis,. Adenoids can lead to tubo-otitis.


The first signs of tubootitis are hearing impairment. They can be bilateral in nature. In acute tubo-otitis, there is:

  1. hearing impairment;
  2. noise in the ear;
  3. gurgling when swallowing;
  4. heaviness in the head, when moving the head, there is a feeling of overflowing water;
  5. resonance of the voice in the ear - autophony.

When yawning and swallowing saliva, some patients notice an improvement in hearing. This is due to improved patency of the auditory tube. Hearing decreases moderately, with acute tubo-otitis, a decrease of up to 30 dB and an immunity to low-frequency sounds are observed.

In the acute stage, the disease is treated with medication within 1-2 weeks.

It is much more difficult to cure chronic tubo-otitis that develops against the background of untreated. Frequent otitis media of the middle ear can serve as a sign of chronic tubotitis.


  1. Otoscopy;
  2. Audiometry;
  3. Tympanometry.

According to the diagnostic examination, with tubo-otitis, a retracted tympanic membrane, swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory tube orifices are found. The final diagnosis is stopped by a set of data.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tube is eliminated in parallel with the treatment of the main focus of infection, with bilateral tubo-otitis, physiotherapy procedures are carried out sequentially.

Drug treatment

Therapeutic actions in the treatment of tubo-otitis are aimed at eliminating the edema of the Eustachian tube, for this they are prescribed:

  1. vasoconstrictor drugs;
  2. antihistamines.

Therapeutic procedures

  1. Eustachian tube catheterization... The procedure is prescribed to improve the condition of the auditory tube. A hydrocortisone suspension or epinephrine is injected with a catheter;
  2. Photodynamic therapy... Exposures to laser radiation act directly on the mucous membrane. The laser suppresses microflora, promotes tissue regeneration;
  3. Treatment of the nasal cavity with phyto-drainage sprays.
  4. The procedure is easily tolerated by children. The medicinal components of the sprays help to improve the outflow of accumulated fluid from the middle ear;
  5. Microwave therapy;
  6. UHF;
  7. Electrostimulationmuscles that regulate the lumen of the auditory tube.

Home treatment

Folk remedies for tubo-otitis include treatment with anti-inflammatory preparations that reduce swelling and irritation.

Baked onion juice

For a large onion, you need to cut the crown off and pour some cumin seeds inside. Then cover the onion with the top of the head, wrap it in food foil and bake for 30 minutes over low heat in the oven. Chop the baked onion, squeeze the juice. Instill warm into the sore ear 3 times a day, 3-4 drops.

Lemon balm tincture

A good folk remedy for tubo-otitis that reduces tinnitus, lemon balm tincture on vodka. You need to insist for at least a week, be sure to strain before use.

Exercises to improve the ventilation function of the auditory tube

To strengthen the muscles that regulate the width of the lumen of the Eustachian tube, at home, tubootitis is treated with exercises:

  1. With an open mouth, push the tongue forward with effort, to the sides, pull it in;
  2. Move the lower jaw to imitate chewing;
  3. They make movements that imitate yawning.

An adult can refer to yoga experience and perform an exercise that improves air movement to the middle ear:

  1. Stand up straight, close your eyes;
  2. stretch and close your lips;
  3. close your ears with your thumbs;
  4. press the nostrils with middle fingers;
  5. stretch your lips, open your mouth, take a breath;
  6. close your lips, hold your breath, tilt your head, trying to rest your chin against the jugular fossa;
  7. hold your breath for a few seconds, keeping your cheeks puffed out;
  8. slowly raise your head, open your eyes;
  9. exhale through your nose without opening your lips.


In adults, tubo-otitis is often chronic, does not have severe pain symptoms, hearing deteriorates moderately. Such a sluggish course leads to late treatment and complications:

  1. persistent hearing impairment;
  2. disruption of the structures of the inner ear;
  3. purulent otitis media of the middle ear.


To avoid tubo-otitis, you need to try to prevent colds and flu. Often, the disease occurs as a complication of ARVI. Due to sudden changes in pressure, persons who have had tubo-otitis are not advised to travel by plane and go diving.


Tubo otitis cannot be started. Turning to an ENT doctor at the stage of a slight decrease or distortion of hearing, the patient can count on a complete cure. With late treatment, sometimes it is not possible to completely rid the patient of autophony and discomfort in the affected ear.