Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. “The hands of a cute one are a pair of swans ...

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin

Cute hands - a pair of swans -
In the gold of my hair they dive.
Everything in this world is made of people
The song of love is sung and repeated.

I sang and I was far away
And now I'm singing about the same thing again
That's why it breathes deeply
A word impregnated with tenderness.

If you love your soul to the bottom,
The heart will become a lump of gold
Tehran moon alone
Will not warm songs with warmth.

I don't know how to live my life:
Whether to burn out in the caresses of sweet Steps
Or in old age to grieve anxiously
About the past song courage?

Everything has its own gait:
What is pleasant for the ear, what is for the eye.
If a Persian composes a song badly,
It means that he is not from Shiraz forever.

About me and for these songs
Speak like this among people:
He would sing more tenderly and more wonderful
Yes, a couple of swans have ruined.

Driven by an interest in oriental poetry, Yesenin longed to visit Tehran, then Istanbul, but his plans were not destined to come true. The famous Persian cycle was born during the author's stay in the Soviet Caucasus in 1924-1925.

Sergei Yesenin in the Caucasus (center)

The beautiful Shagane became the central image of the creations, covered with enchanting and mysterious oriental exoticism. The imaginary Persian has a real prototype - the Armenian arithmetic teacher Shagane Talyan, whom the poet met in Batum.

Shagane Talyan

In Persian poems, the image of a swan, traditional for Yesenin poetics, is endowed with a new meaning. Rising to numerous legends about the swan-maiden, it is associated with the hands of a beautiful woman, her harmonious and graceful movements. "Swan hands" of the eastern beauty, similar to wings, appear in the text "I have never been to the Bosphorus ...". In the work being analyzed, an expressive image is developed, identified with the charm of a beloved and captivating power of a high feeling.

How does “sweet Step” appear in the eyes of her chosen one? Faithful, delicate and affectionate, able to calm the anxiety in the soul of the lyrical "I". The hero, enchanted and inspired by the bride, composes a song from living words “soaked with tenderness” - his own contribution to the universal and eternal “song of love”, which serves as the basis for a harmonious world.

The quivering idyllic feeling that united the lyrical couple is akin to a rare jewel. This idea is emphasized by the golden range of color shades, leading in the literary text. The first mention is associated with a specific characteristic of the appearance of the subject of speech, the second is a component of the allegorical series about the heart and soul, oriental flowery and profound.

The content of the fourth quatrain violates the pacified intonations that prevailed in the first movement. The hero dares to report his doubts. In the depths of his soul, two hypostases are fighting, two important roles - a brave poet and a gentle lover. Which one to give the remaining years? IN rhetorical question contains a hint of the answer, as if dictated by an oriental sage: it is ridiculous "in old age" to grieve about the unfulfilled, exchanging fun for despondency.

Internal conflict is resolved in the last quatrain. The lyrical “I” prefers the inner harmony of intimate relationships, the affectionate support of the beloved woman’s hands-swans to the former “song courage” and a loud name.

"The hands of a dear - a couple of swans ..." Sergei Yesenin

Cute hands - a pair of swans -
In the gold of my hair they dive.
Everything in this world is made of people
The song of love is sung and repeated.

I sang and I was far away
And now I'm singing about the same thing again
That's why it breathes deeply
A word impregnated with tenderness.

If you love your soul to the bottom,
The heart will become a lump of gold
Tehran moon alone
Will not warm songs with warmth.

I don't know how to live my life:
Whether to burn out in the caresses of sweet Steps
Or in old age to grieve anxiously
About the past song courage?

Everything has its own gait:
What is pleasant for the ear, what is for the eye.
If a Persian composes a song badly,
It means that he is not from Shiraz forever.

About me and for these songs
Speak like this among people:
He would sing more tenderly and more wonderful
Yes, a couple of swans have ruined.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Lovely hands - a pair of swans ..."

Driven by an interest in oriental poetry, Yesenin longed to visit Tehran, then Istanbul, but his plans were not destined to come true. The famous Persian cycle was born during the author's stay in the Soviet Caucasus in 1924-1925. The beautiful Shagane became the central image of the creations, covered with enchanting and mysterious oriental exoticism. The imaginary Persian has a real prototype - the Armenian arithmetic teacher Shagane Talyan, whom the poet met in Batum.

In Persian poems, the image of a swan, traditional for Yesenin poetics, is endowed with a new meaning. Going back to numerous legends about the swan-maiden, it is associated with the hands of a beautiful woman, her harmonious and graceful movements. "Swan hands" of an oriental beauty, similar to wings, appear in the text "" In the analyzed work, an expressive image is developed, being identified with the charm of a beloved and captivating power of a high feeling.

How does “sweet Step” appear in the eyes of her chosen one? Faithful, delicate and affectionate, able to calm the anxiety in the soul of the lyrical "I". The hero, enchanted and inspired by the bride, composes a song from living words “soaked with tenderness” - his own contribution to the universal and eternal “song of love”, which serves as the basis for a harmonious world.

The quivering idyllic feeling that united the lyrical couple is akin to a rare jewel. This idea is emphasized by the golden range of colors, leading in the literary text. The first mention is associated with a specific characteristic of the appearance of the subject of speech, the second is a component of the allegorical series about the heart and soul, oriental flowery and profound.

The content of the fourth quatrain violates the pacified intonations that prevailed in the first movement. The hero dares to report his doubts. In the depths of his soul, two hypostases are fighting, two important roles - a brave poet and a gentle lover. Which one to give the remaining years? The rhetorical question contains an allusion to the answer, as if dictated by an oriental sage: it is ridiculous "in old age" to grieve about the unfulfilled, exchanging fun for despondency.

Internal conflict is resolved in the last quatrain. The lyrical “I” prefers the inner harmony of intimate relationships, the affectionate support of the beloved woman’s hands-swans to the former “song courage” and a loud name.

Sergey Yesenin

Cute hands - a pair of swans -
In the gold of my hair they dive.
Everything in this world is made of people
The song of love is sung and repeated.

Sang and I used to be far away
And now I'm singing about the same thing again
That's why it breathes deeply
A word impregnated with tenderness.

If you love your soul to the bottom,
The heart will become a lump of gold.
Tehran moon alone
Will not warm songs with warmth.

I don't know how to live my life:
Whether to burn out in the caresses of sweet Steps
Or in old age to grieve anxiously
About the past song courage?

Everything has its own gait:
What is pleasant for the ear, what is for the eye.
If a Persian composes a song badly,
It means that he is not from Shiraz forever.

About me and for these songs
Speak like this among people:
He would sing more tenderly and more wonderful
Yes, a couple of swans have ruined.

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895-1925)

Yesenin! Golden name. The murdered lad. The genius of the Russian land! None of the Poets who came to this world had such spiritual strength, enchanting, all-powerful, soul-capturing childish openness, moral purity, deep pain and love for the Fatherland! So many tears were shed over his poems, so many human souls sympathized and empathized with every Yesenin line, that if it were counted, Yesenin's poetry would outweigh any and by much! But this method of assessment is not available to earthlings. Although one could see from Parnassus - the people did not love anyone so much! With Yesenin's poems they went into battle in the Patriotic War, for his poems they went to Solovki, his poetry excited souls like no one else ... God alone knows about this holy love of the people for their son. Yesenin's portrait is squeezed into the wall family photo frames, placed on the goddess along with the icons ...
And not a single Poet in Russia has yet been exterminated or banned with such frenzy and stubbornness as Yesenin! And they forbade, and hushed up, and belittled in dignity, and poured mud - and they still do it. It is impossible to understand why?
Time has shown: the higher Poetry is by its secret lordship, the more embittered are the envious-losers, and the more imitators.
Another great gift of God to Yesenin - he read his poems as uniquely as he created them. They sounded so in his soul! All that remained was to say. Everyone was shocked by his reading. Note, the great Poets have always been able to uniquely and by heart read their poems - Pushkin and Lermontov ... Blok and Gumilyov ... Yesenin and Klyuev ... Tsvetaeva and Mandelstam ... So, young gentlemen, a poet who mumbles his lines on a piece of paper from the stage is not a Poet, but an amateur ... A poet may not be able to do many things in his life, but not that!
The last poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..." is another mystery of the Poet. In the same 1925, there are other lines: "You don't know what life is worth in the world!"

Yes, in the deserted city lanes, not only stray dogs, "smaller brothers", listened to Yesenin's easy gait, but also great enemies.
We must know the true truth and not forget how his golden head was thrown back like a child ... And again his last breath is heard:

"Dear ones, good, good ..."