Cytoflavin: instructions for stagnation of injective properties. Cytoflavin in the detoxification of patients chronically exposed to alcohol Cytoflavin tablets and alcohol vidas

Cytoflavin is a medicinal drug that is used to prevent the body from various types of infections. This drug stimulates the process of cell metabolism and energy production, speeds up the process of acid utilization by tissues, and renews the activity of enzymes, which ensures antioxidant activity. These skins have a combined component structure, which can be used to successfully treat without serious illness.

How can you drink alcohol from the drug Cytoflavin? What negative consequences can you bring for the body?

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Cytoflavin and alcohol – what is wrong with the whole massacre behind the warehouse and authorities of speech?

Ingestion of alcoholic drinks during the hour of medical therapy

The power-loving Cytoflavin shows itself well in practice due to the special nature of the drug. The storage of cytoflavin contains riboflavin, riboxin and other biological compounds.

Cytoflavin is a reliable protectant for neuronal nodes, which are often subject to influx from a waste warehouse. Such an influx becomes possible through the power of the neuroprotective type. With this situation, there is a significant change in the risk that the body may experience the process of intoxication from strong radicals, or from another type. Neurons are responsible for being infused with molecules with a sour structure, otherwise the smell can lead to a lethal result. Cytoflavin helps to minimize the deficiency of molecular molecules that can occur in neuronal connections. Positive medical action can minimize the risk of spontaneous necrosis, as well as ischemic strokes.

The active components that Cytoflavin has in stock may have a stimulating effect on the nature of metabolic processes in the brain. This is reflected in the energy provided by glucose in the cellular structure.

Drinking alcohol immediately after drinking alcohol is not recommended, the splinters of alcohol will infuse the lips into the brain, causing people to degenerate. It can be noted that people who rely on drinking alcohol at high rates often develop memory problems, and also suffer from a lot of moral problems.

Taking the drug with alcohol is not recommended, as this may lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of the drug components. When these substances interact, further neutralization of the drug and intoxication of the body with ethanol occurs. There are no reasons why you should drink alcohol and take medications at the same time.

Chronic form of alcoholism

If the individual is a chronic alcoholic, the drug Cytoflavin is often used to carry out the treatment procedure.

The drug can reach a good level and has an immediate effect on the patient’s body:

  1. reducing the process of exchange of biological components in the brain;
  2. a sign of a hangover;
  3. return to the natural healthy state of people who suffer from alcohol addiction.


With the help of Cytoflavin, it is possible to completely reduce a person’s addiction to alcoholic drinks during a hangover. Such staleness in a negative way signifies the way of life and health of people who are susceptible to drinking alcoholic beverages.

The confinement at this time meant suffering both for the alcoholic himself and for those close to him who would have to leave him permanently. When alcoholism develops in a less pronounced form, people begin to notice the different symptoms that manifest themselves in their body:

  • three thousand hands kick in;
  • natural arterial pressure is restored;
  • get rid of a strong headache.

Such therapeutic therapy with the help of alcoholic drinks in small doses is unlikely to have a negative impact on the general health of people. Of course, it’s not good to go into this kind of stalemate for three hours. People suffering from alcoholism must be treated according to the methods established in clinical practice.

Treatment for additional medications

In this way, at the initial stage, it is possible for people to dig up the medicinal home in an internal way, which is practically in constant deficiency in the human body. The lack of certain components in the body of people who suffer from the chronic stage of alcoholism is due to the sechoginous effects of ethanol, which has a debilitating effect on the body. After this, patients undergo therapy based on a variety of drugs, which relieves most of the negative symptoms, as well as renews a lot of metabolic processes.

Cytoflavin restores cerebral activity in patients who fall into the category of those with a damaged working metabolic mechanism without any chaotic failures. The internal method of preserving the medicinal drug leads to the fastest possible absorption, as well as the most effective effect. Medical therapy based on this drug must be carried out after the patient has consulted with his doctor.

At this time, a large number of people are looking to take advantage of Cytoflavin in order to relieve staleness. Such a medicinal treatment is considered to be very effective and ensures the fastest possible removal of waste elements from the body. Do not take this drug on your own. Before taking any medication, you should consult a doctor who will examine you and prescribe the recommended therapy.

Additional power to the drug

As alcoholism begins to develop in a chronic form, the drug is prescribed to bring the patient out of withdrawal. You can also treat your skin during remission in order to promote the level of speech exchange in the cerebral cortex.

A hangover, or withdrawal symptoms, is a condition that can only manifest itself in people who have suffered from congestion, which occurs in a chronic form. This is possible in this situation if there is residual formation of alcohol deposits. Alcohol is often the main participant in the metabolic process in the body. Once the metabolism has been suppressed, the body may again experience a need for alcohol.

It is a well-known fact that when a small dose of alcohol is consumed, natural AT is renewed, headaches occur, there is tremors in the hands, as well as without treatment of other not very pleasant symptoms. However, the human body cannot endure chronic intoxication for a long time. If the flow of AS is proceeding quite strongly, then the binge can be attributed to an independent rank (for example, you can drink wine at great quantities, or drink rosemary). However, in case of advanced AS, the patient is obligated to seek help from the doctor.

In such cases, the patient goes to the hospital ward and is injected with a medicinal solution into a vein, since alcohol acts as a sechoginous agent and causes severe dehydration in the body. In addition, it is possible to administer a variety of medications that prevent the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Also in medicines, doctors often use medicines that indicate a new development of speech exchange. For these reasons, speech exchange is most negatively manifested in the area of ​​​​neurons, and there are specific types that are positively expressed in cellular structures. Cytoflavin is also associated with these drugs. We have powerful and powerful actions that will positively flow into the creative energy in the middle of the cell, as well as into the absorbed protein in the inner part of the cell. Before the hour of clinical therapy, the medicinal drug is injected into the vein.

The combination of Cytoflavin with alcohol is not so thirsty, of course, it will not result, but the celebration will end.

The table was created based on data obtained from the websites of pharmaceutical companies for a specific medical purpose. To avoid possible health risks, stay away from alcohol for the entire treatment period. Heritage When mixed with alcohol, cytoflavin can cause disturbances in heart rhythm - bradycardia or tachycardia, manifesting acute cardiac failure, or orthostatic hypotension. About Dozi In the divisions of the table, an average indicator of drunkenness (middle stage of sleep) is adopted, proportional to body weight of 60 kg. Before alcohol added to the drug, the following is added: beer, wine, champagne, drink and other drinks. Just 1 dose of alcohol can be absorbed into the body. For 1 dose of drink for various drinks, it is customary to take into account:

In case of damaged intelligence

1. Stop drinking alcohol. 2. Drink more water in the 4th year. 3. In the instructions before treatment, read the paragraph - contraindications, and follow them. 4. If persons have taken a course of treatment, alcohol is contraindicated before treatment for 3 days to 1 month. 5. It does not matter what form cytoflavin is taken with alcohol, as a tablet or as an ointment. 6. As it turns out in the first place, the risk of harm to health is minimal. 7. Return to the doctor for additional help and consultation.

Above all, drinking alcohol can harm your health! The collection and verification of information is carried out by professionals in the field, within their own competence. It is impossible to make sure that the data shown in the table is absolutely accurate, because... Possible individual characteristics of the body were covered. The information that is located on the page does not require patients to use it to make an independent decision about the use of medications with medicines and is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a doctor. .

Many people who come to the pharmacy often buy the same food: isn’t it harmful for the body to take Cytoflavin and alcohol overnight? It’s true that such recognition can be blamed on the lack of balance and knowledge of other categories of citizens. Let's try to understand the situation that has arisen.

Cytoflavin is included in the category of medicinal properties, as it is used in the treatment of sick people. The workers of his combined warehouse successfully treat a lot of serious illnesses. How does this doctor's practice involve alcohol? About this article.

The treatment of the specified medicinal drug is stored in its unique warehouse.

Cytoflavin includes the following components:

  • riboflavin;
  • nicotinamide;
  • riboxin;
  • Burshtinic acid.

Due to its neuroprotective properties, Cytoflavin stimulates the protection of nerve cells (neurons) from the effects of toxic reactions on them. And here the risk of intoxication of the body by free radicals and other substances is reduced. A deficiency of sour molecules is also bad for neurons, so they can die from such an influx. Cytoflavin helps protect nerve cells from chronic deficiency of oxygen molecules, reducing the risk of raptic necrosis and ischemic strokes.

Active components that contain Cytoflavin stimulate the passage of metabolic processes in the brain, which is reflected in the supply of glucose energy to the cells.

Alcohol negatively affects the tissues of the brain, which leads to their progressive degradation and extinction. This is true for chronic alcoholics, who suffer from memory loss and loss of other moral values.

The combination of cytoflavin with alcohol intake significantly reduces the effectiveness of medications. The interaction of these two substances in the body leads to the neutralization of the toxic influx of ethanol, rather than aggravation of problems evident in the body. Therefore, you can’t drink alcohol and cytoflavin at the same time.

If a person suffers from chronic alcoholism, then Cytoflavin is often used for treatment.

Let me help you with this:

  • improve the metabolism of speech in the brain;
  • relieve hangover symptoms;
  • I'll turn the man back to normal and drink alcohol.

Cytoflavin relieves the alcoholic's drunkenness from alcohol addiction, which causes a hangover. Such staleness negatively affects health and the behavior of patients towards alcoholism.

In view of this confinement, one suffers as one who is ill, and one who is desperately sick.

Individuals who are chronically alcoholic and who drink a little alcohol experience the following changes in their body:

  • hands stop shaking;
  • AT is updated;
  • no headache.

Such “indulgence” with alcohol cannot help but infuse the body with a negative feeling. Of course, it is not recommended to “stay” at such a position for a long time. Obligatory treatment of such patients may follow the accepted medical regimens.

So, at the embryonic stage, such patients are given intravenous drips of a substance that has acute deficiency in the body. The lack of nutrition in the body of chronic alcoholics leads to the sechogenic effect of ethanol, which dehydrates the entire body. Then, such patients are given a supplementary injection, which relieves a lot of unpleasant symptoms and renews a lot of metabolic processes.

Cytoflavin helps to restore the activity of the brain in patients in this category, which is impaired by malfunctions in their metabolic mechanisms. The internal administration of this medicinal product ensures its effective influx. Treatment with this drug must be discontinued after the doctor’s recommendation.

Today, the use of Cytoflavin in alcoholic beverages has significantly expanded. This has been found to be one of the most effective and effective in eliminating the problems of alcoholism. It is not recommended to treat this medicine on your own, without the advice of a doctor, who knows the effectiveness of the patient’s organs.

Consumption of cytoflavin and alcohol can cause serious damage to the appearance of memory loss, degradation, disorders of the intestinal tract, problems with the nervous system and heart.

In this case, the drug effectively stagnates during the treatment of chronic alcohol addiction.

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The dangers of Cytoflavin and alcohol

Active speech stimulates metabolic processes in the brain. This occurs through the saturation of cellular structures with energetic glucose. Cytoflavin is indicated for impaired blood circulation in the cold and sour fasting, which is no longer safe for humans.

If the tablets are washed down with alcohol, which has a negative effect on the nerve cells, then the situation will get worse.

Once it loses its effectiveness, the remaining ethanol completely neutralizes the effect of the components of the medication. In addition, the likelihood of side effects, ranging from nausea and vomiting to epileptic attacks and stroke, is increasing. It’s also not a good idea to drink alcohol during the course.

short description

Cytoflavin is used in cases of brain pathologies associated with impaired blood flow. The drug is composed of burshtinic acid, vitamins, through which it has metabolic, antioxidant and antihypoxic effects. More tablets increase the adaptation power of the body to stress during ischemia, acid starvation.

After receiving the tissue structures are less likely to be infested with living tissues, the functioning of the central nervous system, blood vessels of the heart and brain are improved.

All this corresponds to the normalization of a normal sense of self after discomfort, stroke, and mechanical head injuries.

Cytoflavin is produced in the form of tablets and dispensed for injection.

The first type is especially recommended for the treatment of future illnesses:

  • astheno-neurotic syndrome - bloatiness, decreased intelligence, fluid fatigue;
  • worsening after a stroke or acute loss of cerebral blood flow;
  • cerebrovascular pathologies associated with diseases of the cerebral vessels.

Rare drugs for internal administration are used in cases of ischemic stroke, various disorders of blood circulation in the United States, endotoxicosis, acid starvation after surgical intervention, and I will also do the same for coloring after anesthesia.

Zastosuvannya stale

Cytoflavin is often used to treat chronic alcoholism. The drug improves the appearance of the patient’s body, metabolizes the brain, and reduces the signs of intoxication. With the help of these tablets, you can develop an addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The therapy helps relieve pain in the hands, relieve arterial pressure, and migraine. At the early stage, the treatment is directly aimed at normalizing the water balance, since ethyl alcohol has an aqueous effect. After this, medications should be used to relieve symptoms and improve speech metabolism.

Cytoflavin has a beneficial effect on the activity of the brain in patients suffering from alcoholism. However, therapeutic procedures must be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Vikoristannya during abstinence

A hangover is a form of acute intoxication of the body due to breakdown products of alcohol. The process occurs in people with chronic storage, if ethanol takes an active part in metabolic processes. If you escape this kind of metabolism, you will feel the urge to get drunk.

Often, hangover syndrome is relieved with small doses of ethanol, which relieves arterial pressure, tremors, headaches and other manifestations of intoxication. However, you cannot allow your body to suffer from chronic illness for a long time.

In case of severe syndrome, a large amount of radish (liquid mineral water) or rosemary is helpful, since in important cases medical assistance is required.

Inpatients are treated with droppers with special medicinal drugs to improve the electrolyte balance. To normalize metabolic processes in cellular structures, cytoflavin is prescribed.

Difficulty due to confusion

We immediately lose the entire therapeutic effect of tablets if they are taken with alcohol.

The following inheritances are still developing:

  1. Rozumov's degradation.
  2. Loss of memory.
  3. Damage to the functioning of organs, etching in the appearance of fatigue with vomiting, pain syndrome in the upper part of the cervix.
  4. Negative changes in the central nervous system – headache, increased restlessness, restlessness, panic attacks, depression.
  5. Problems with myocardial activity – tachycardia, pain in the chest, increased arterial pressure.
  6. Black or pale skin.
  7. Hypoglycemia, gout.
  8. Hormonal deficiency, pathologies of the genital system.
  9. Hypnosis, hyperemia, itching, swelling, anaphylactic shock.

In severe cases of illness, a stroke can occur, which often leads to death.

When you can accept speech

Repeated use of Cytoflavin with ethanol is extremely dangerous for people, who will need to wait until early after drinking alcohol, first taking the tablets.

For men this term is important, since women will be at least 32 years old. This will allow the surface to be cleared of the otic aldehyde and will prevent the development of unsafe complications.

When you can vipivati

The best way to complete the course is to turn off the alcohol. The intake of ethanol improves the effectiveness of therapy and prevents the negative influx of toxic substances.

14 (men) and 20 (women) years before drinking alcohol, you are allowed to drink no more than 50 g of acidic alcohol. After completing the course, a two-day pause is required, otherwise the result of the treatment will be insignificant.

Cytoflavin and beer

The drug stimulates metabolic processes in the caribou. With the correct clinical recommendations, the treatment effect can be achieved. Effective in the treatment of pathologies due to impaired bleeding of the brain.

The intake of beer and other alcoholic beverages was suppressed during the course of therapy.

Beware of the following complications:

  • special degradation;
  • decreased memory;
  • headaches;
  • tediousness;
  • puking;
  • changing the color of the leather cover;
  • depression;
  • panic attacks;
  • tachycardia;
  • The dealer has a big heart;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gostra nirkova insufficiency.

Organs susceptible to toxin

Heavy drinking of pharmacological drugs and alcohol produces a toxic effect on the internal organs and the body’s midsection. Alcohol, having a chemical reaction with drugs, leads to withdrawal, disrupts physiological processes, strengthens and weakens the medicinal power of drugs.

The liver suffers more than other organs. Vaughn is hit by a blow. There are many possible side effects - hepatotoxicity, tissue destruction, and destruction of the physiology of the organ. In the liver, alcohol breaks down to ethanol, a substance that is 20-30 times more toxic than ethanol, which causes the death of hepatocytes.

Unsafe groups of drugs for organs in combination with alcohol:

  • sanitary;
  • hormonal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • aids in glucose control in diabetes mellitus;
  • antituberculosis;
  • cytostatics (chemotherapy drugs);
  • tranquilizers (anti-epileptic, psychotropic).

In another place among the internal organs, which recognizes the lipid infusion of alcohol in the mouth - the heart and the judiciary system. The effects of drug therapy may affect blood vessels and promote arterial pressure. The immediate consumption of alcohol and chemical drugs can lead to myocardial failure, which increases the risk of developing angina pectoris and heart attack.

The combination of ethanol and pharmaceutical drugs destroys the acidity of the blood and changes the throat. It is not safe to blame for internal bleeding and strokes.

The state of the nervous system in the minds infused with alcohol and liquids

No less negative influx is related to the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the beneficial functionality of all internal organs. Under the influence of acute speech, a Lancjugian reaction occurs, which is manifested by a disorder of the functioning of the GCT (scholus, subglottis, small intestine), nitric, endocrine glands.

Rules for drinking liquor and alcohol

Taking alcoholic beverages during the treatment period minimizes the clinical effect of therapy and reduces the risk of aggravation of the disease.

If you don’t want to forget, follow the rules of behavior to help reduce the manifestation of negative effects:

  1. Do not drink alcoholic beverages (gorka, cognac, whiskey), choose dry wine (100-150 ml), beer (no more than 300 ml). Don't drink alcohol when you're hungry.
  2. The interval between drinking liquor and alcohol should be at least 2 years.
  3. To reduce the toxic effect, take medications that protect the liver (hepatoprotectors), the subduct (pancreatin), and the sac (antacids Renni, Almagel).

If people take antiviral measures such as colds, anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol in moderate amounts does not pose a threat to the body.

Drinking alcohol against the background of treatment is strictly contraindicated in case of liver cirrhosis, severe infectious diseases during a course of chemotherapy.

Liki, alcohol and chronic illness

It is obvious that chronically ill people suffer from sudden consumption of alcohol and drugs, which is potentially harmful to the functioning of vital organs. Some patients systematically take prescribed drugs, and adding alcohol can cause negative effects.

In people with chronic heart diseases (angina pectoris, heart disease), arrhythmias of varying degrees of severity develop. Heart attacks develop with the development of a pain syndrome that is not alleviated by Nitroglycerin, and the risk of developing myocardial infarction increases.

In case of chronic diseases of the liver (viral hepatitis, hepatosis), alcohol in the background of treatment can become a trigger for the development of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (cancer).

Drinking alcohol during cirrhosis leads to the following effects:

  • bleeding from the empty stomach;
  • collapsed liver, infection, peritonitis;
  • pechenkova coma;
  • lethal end.

Since people are heavily dependent on sedatives, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, alcohol is contraindicated for them. This can lead to severe depression and the appearance of obsessive states (halucinations, phobias). Suicidal tendencies develop. Such a patient will require constant care and assistance from a psychiatrist.

The most unsafe acquisitions and inheritances

The use of alcohol and chemical-based drugs can cause serious damage to the body, and in some cases – fatal consequences.

List of drugs and their side effects when drinking alcohol:

Name of the group, doctor's person Negative results of mutual interaction
Neuroleptics (tranquilizers, anti-domestic drugs, narcotics) Intoxication is severe, even to the point of cerebral coma
CNS stimulants (Theophedrine, Ephedrine, Caffeine) Increased displacement of arterial pressure, hypertensive crisis
Antihypertensives (Captofrin, Enalapril, Enap-N), diuretics (Indapamide, Furosemide) Raptov's fall vice, collapse
Analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs Increase of toxic substances in the blood, harmful effects on the body
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) Gostrii gastritis, proriv virazki shlunka ta 12-PK
Paracetamol Toxic liver damage
Hypoglycemic (Glibenclamide, Glipizide, Metformin, Phenformin), insulin A sharp decrease in the level of sugar in the blood, hypoglycemic coma

Turn around to the number

Cytoflavin in detoxification of patients chronically exposed to alcohol

Authors: A.I. Minko, I.V. Linsky, V.M. Kuzminov, E.S. Samoilova, V.V. Goloshchapov, K.A. Artemchuk. Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov


According to the World Health Organization, more than 90% of the world's inhabitants drink alcohol, and at least 40% drink alcohol, which is associated with a high risk of health problems. About 10% of men and 3–5% of women drink alcohol today. In addition to the characteristic changes in the brain, hyperintoxication with alcohol leads to significant damage to almost all systems of the body, which leads to multiple organ pathologies. It is not surprising that in most parts of the world, illnesses associated with alcohol consumption are ranked 3–4 among the causes of death. The problem of alcohol abuse is also relevant for Ukraine. Only at the drug treatment dispensary in our region as of January 1, 2007. There were 628,379 people, or 1344.1 patients per 100 thousand. population

Alcohol addiction syndrome is a psychopathological hypostasis that will become chronic intoxication. The urgent treatment of such patients begins with the elimination of the metabolic effects of the dry infusion of ethanol on the patient’s body. Connected with this is the drug Cytoflavin, the spectrum of which appears to be entirely consistent with the tasks of the early stage of treatment of patients with long-term alcohol addiction and detoxification tasks. Cytoflavin, produced by the scientific and technological pharmaceutical company "Polysan" (Russian Federation), is a wide variety of yellowish color, per milliliter of which contains 100 mg of burshtinic acid, 10 mg of nicotinamide, 20 mg riboxin (inosine), 2 mg rib, and other supplements Speech: N-methylglucamine (meglumine), sodium hydroxide and water for injection. A dispenser for internal administration is available.

Pharmacological effects of the drug are based on a complex infusion of substances that are included in the warehouse. The drug stimulates the release and generation of energy in cells, improves the process of acid utilization by tissues, and renews the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The drug activates intracellular protein synthesis, inhibits the utilization of glucose, fatty acids and the resynthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in neurons through the Roberts shunt. Cytoflavin improves coronary and cerebral blood flow, activates metabolic processes in the central nervous system, restores fluidity, reflex disorders, sensitivity disorders and intellectual-mnestic functions of the brain . It has provocative effects in patients suffering from anesthesia-induced symptoms.

The intracellular interaction of nicotinamide, riboxin and riboflavin mononucleotide stimulates the creation of important endogenous oxidative enzymes - flavin adenine nucleotide (FAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which play an important role in the clientele. With internal infusion at a rate of approximately 2 ml/xv (in the presence of undiluted cytoflavin), succinic acid and riboxin (inosine) are utilized almost immediately and are not detected in the blood plasma.

Riboxin (inosine) is metabolized in the liver by the release of glucuronic acid and further oxidation. A small number of them have marks. Nicotinamide is widely distributed throughout all tissues, penetrates the placenta and into breast milk, is metabolized in the liver by nicotinamide compounds - methylnicotinamide, and is excreted by nitric acid. The period of recovery from plasma becomes approximately 1.3 years, the stationary volume of the section is approximately 60 liters, and the gas clearance is approximately 0.6 l/h. Riboflavin is distributed unevenly: the greatest amount is in the myocardium, liver, and liver. The period of recovery from plasma becomes approximately 2 years, the stationary volume of the section is approximately 40 liters, and the gas clearance is approximately 0.3 l/min. Penetrates through the placenta and into mother's milk. Binds to plasma proteins – 60%. Excreted by nitric acid, often in the form of a metabolite; In high doses it is important to have an unchangeable appearance.

Cytoflavin is used for the treatment of acute damage to cerebral blood flow, discirculatory (vascular) encephalopathy of the 1st-2nd stages and subsequent damage to cerebral blood flow (chronic cerebral ischemia); toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy in acute and chronic disorders, endotoxicosis, as well as after suppression of sensitivity due to anesthesia. In adults, Cytoflavin is administered including internal drops in 100-200 ml diluted with 5-10% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride 1-2 times per dose with an interval between administrations of 8-12 years over a period of 1 0 days With a quick injection, it is possible that undesirable reactions may occur that are not expected from the drug: hyperemia of the skin of varying degrees of severity, due to heat, bitterness and dryness in the mouth, in the front throat. With regular intake of high doses, transient hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, and acute gout are possible. Very rarely, short-term pain and discomfort in the epigastric region and in the chest region, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, drowsiness, “pinching” in the nose, pallor of the skin of a different stage may occur. expression, itching of the skin.

Contraindications for the use of cytoflavin include individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the period of breastfeeding. In patients who are on mechanical ventilation, it is not recommended to administer the drug if the partial pressure in the arterial blood is less than 60 mm Hg. Meant to be careful

drug for nephrolithiasis, gout, hyperuricemia. In cases of overdose, symptomatic treatment is required, because There is no specific antidote. In critical cases, administration of the drug may be carried out after normalization of central hemodynamic indicators. If there is a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood (which must be treated if indicated), under the hour of treatment with the secha preparation, a light yellowish discoloration may develop.

Cytoflavin ingredients such as succinic acid, inosine and nicotinamide are completely incompatible with other medicinal products. And the riboflavin axis, which is also part of the drug, changes the activity of low antibiotics: doxycycline, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, erythromycin and lincomycin. In addition, there is no harm in using streptomycin. Chlorpromazine, imizine, amitriptyline, by blocking flavinokinase, activate the inclusion of riboflavin in flavin adenine mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide and increase its excretion from the cross section. Thyroid hormones accelerate the metabolism of riboflavin. The drug changes and precedes the side effects of chloramphenicol (damage to hematopoiesis, neuritis of the visual nerve). Cytoflavin is incompatible with drugs that stimulate hematopoiesis, antihypoxants, and anabolic steroids. Thus, the pharmacological authorities of cytoflavin allow it to be accepted that it may be red when prescribed to patients who are chronically alcoholic at the detoxification stage.

In connection with the metabolic method, the work was aimed at assessing the effectiveness and safety of the drug Cytoflavin in the complex treatment of patients with alcoholism at the stage of reducing alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Design, contingent and research methods

The work is a small design of an open-label clinical follow-up in parallel groups without placebo control. The total duration of the investigation in both groups was equal to 10 days. During this period, there were 7 differences between the skin patient and his follow-up (visits), during which visit No. 1 was assigned to screening (previous follow-up based on the date of hospital izatsiya), and daily visits No. 2-6 (1-5th day of the holiday every day) and the final visit No. 7 covered the period of elimination of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and acute post-intoxication disorders. It is necessary to emphasize here that the term “visit” is characteristic of the vocabulary of clinical trials, in which the text is intellectual, because All the patients who took part in the investigation spent the entire period under observation in the hospital.

Before follow-up, 60 patients were included who met the ICH-10 criteria and were diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal syndrome (F 10.3). All patients were hospitalized as planned (after a screening visit the previous day) to the department of the Kharkiv Moscow Clinical Narcological Hospital No. 9 (clinical base of the Institute of Neurology ii, psychiatry and narcology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (INPN AMNU, Kharkiv)). During hospitalization, patients were randomly included in one of the two follow-up groups (30 patients - the main group and 30 patients - the control group). The average values ​​of age, body weight and other indicators of alcohol history in patients of the main and control groups at the time of initial investigation are presented in Table. 1.

These data indicate that the observed groups are aligned entirely with the main designated parameters and, therefore, suitable for a comparative analysis of the results of standard and follow-up types of treatment.

The scheme of detoxification therapy for patients with alcohol addiction is not very comprehensive (Table 2).

During the follow-up, a complex of clinical, psychometric and laboratory follow-up methods were used to assess the flow status of patients and, apparently, the effectiveness and tolerability of the treatment.

The clinical-psychopathological method will be the main one in the assessment of patients during follow-up. The interpretation of these data, which were separated from other methods, was carried out in the process of compilation with the results of clinical-psychopathological investigation, which was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification What is the illness of the tenth review (MKH-10).

Throughout the course of treatment, both groups were tested for the presence of alcohol vapors in the air they could see (alcohol test). To monitor alcohol withdrawal syndrome, careful control of vital signs (arterial pressure, heart rate, body temperature) and several times (at the beginning, as well as on the 3rd, 5th and 10th days) was carried out during treatment. Kuvannya) assessment of the severity of withdrawal symptoms for help screening test CIWA-Ar. The intensity and structure of the pathological craving for alcohol was assessed for the two girls on the 10th day of observation using N.V.’s glossary. Cherednichenko - V.B. Altshuller. The processing of the obtained data was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics (variance, correlation, regression analysis) on PEOM using the additional program SPSS 15.0 and Excel (with Microsoft Office 2003).

The results were discussed

Changes in hemodynamic indicators - systolic arterial pressure (AP), diastolic AP, heart rate (HR), as well as body temperature (t °C) are the most important objective manifestations of that intense homeostatic stress, which, in essence, always є transition to systematic alcoholization to hardness. This is why these exhibitors had a lot of respect (Fig. 1, 2).

It is important to note that all changes in physiological parameters are of the same type. In the beginning (from the 1st to the 3rd-5th visit) there is an increase in their growth, then (from the 3rd to the 7th visit) - a decrease. It is noteworthy that at the stage of alleviation of suede syndrome in patients who received standard therapy simultaneously with Cytoflavin therapy (main group), normalization of hemodynamic indicators occurred immediately higher (Fig. 1A, 1B and 2A), lower in patients, like Only standard therapy was administered (control group).

As a result, from the 3rd visit to the 7th (2-10th day from the start of the therapeutic program), hemodynamic indicators (systolic and diastolic BP, heart rate) were found in the main group reliably (p< 0,05) ниже, чем в контрольной группе (рис. 1А, 1Б и 2А). Что касается температуры тела, то по данному параметру достоверных различий между основной и контрольной группами на всем протяжении исследования не наблюдалось. Из приведенных данных следует, что Цито-флавин на этапе купирования синдрома отмены алкоголя существенно уменьшает силу гомеостатического стресса, связанного с переходом от систематической алкоголизации к трезвости, что проявляется ускоренной нормализацией показателей гемодинамики.

The dynamics of the average results of the screening test for assessing the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome CIWA-Ar (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-Revised) with regard to alcohol withdrawal syndrome in patients of the main and control groups is presented in Table. 3. It’s good to know that if you have alcohol use syndrome, you should be covered by the CIWA-Ar screening test (tiredness and/or vomiting, tactile disorders, visual disorders, auditory disorders, tremors, paroxysmal pain, anxiety, headaches). /or severity, awakening, disorientation and dim awareness), reach the maximum level of severity at the time of visit No. 4 (3rd day of alcohol addiction), and then begin to change.

In the main group of patients, the reduction of certain symptoms of the urinary syndrome occurred faster than in the control group, which was significant (Table 3) (p< 0,05) меньших степенях выраженности тошноты или рвоты (визит № 4), тремора (визиты № 4-6), пароксизмального пота (визиты № 4-6), тяжести в голове или головной боли (визиты № 4-6) и, как следствие, тяжести синдрома отмены алкоголя в целом (визиты № 4-6). Поскольку, как уже было сказано, на этапе купирования синдрома отмены основная группа отличалась от контрольной только тем, что в ней помимо стандартной терапии применялся Цитофлавин, ускоренную редукцию упомянутых выше симптомов и синдрома отмены алкоголя в целом следует считать обусловленной действием именно этого препарата.

Pathological craving for alcohol (PCA) is a severe symptom of alcohol addiction syndrome due to psychoactive speech. PVA itself becomes the main cause of alcoholic excesses during treatment and relapses of alcoholism in the post-therapeutic period. The dynamics of the average expression of PVA, its components and their storage components in the patients of the main and control groups along the lines of treatment are presented in Table. 4.

It is good to note that after 10 days of control, the intensity of PVA significantly decreased, which can easily be explained by the reduction of severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Some of the zagal rices in the PVA reduction pattern showed significant differences between the equalization groups.

During the component-by-component analysis, it was established that in the main group the prevalence of all storage (disorders of appetite, dreams, mimetic reactions) of the vegetative component of PVA on the 10th day of treatment was sufficient Less than that of the control group.

The main group differed from the control group in that, in addition to standard therapy, Cytoflavin was added to it, all of which are more important than the results of this drug.

The pre-treatment hardness regime was assessed by patients at a skin visit for the results of an alcohol test, as well as through a retrospective anamnestic analysis of the period that had passed since the skin visit. The dynamics of a number of individuals, such as minor alcoholic excesses during treatment, followed by positive alcohol test results during the hour of visits, is presented in Fig. 3.

It can be concluded that the first alcoholic excesses began at the stage of diagnosis of sleep syndrome in hospital patients (visit No. 6, or the 5th day after the start of treatment). In this case, the frequency of alcoholic excesses in the control group was much higher, but mainly, which may be explained by the ability of Cytoflavin to suppress the vegetative component of PVA (as mentioned earlier). However, the observed differences between groups in the frequency of alcoholic excesses were not statistically significant, so this assumption will require further verification.


1. Cytoflavin accelerates the reversal of such manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome as arterial hypertension, tachycardia, boredom, vomiting, tremor, sweating, heaviness in the head and headache.

When it is reliable (p< 0,05) снижается интегральный показатель тяжести алкогольной абстиненции по шкале CIWA-Ar (к 5-му дню лечения — на 31,35 % по сравнению с той же комплексной фармакотерапией, но без Цито-флавина).

2. Cytoflavin reduces pathological cravings for alcohol at a rate of reliable (p< 0,01) снижения интенсивности его вегетативного компонента, оцененного при помощи глоссария Н.В. Чередниченко — В.Б. Альтшулера (к 5-му дню лечения — на 45,64 % по сравнению с той же комплексной фармакотерапией, но без Цито-флавина).

3. The introduction of Cytoflavin into complex pharmacotherapy was not accompanied by undesirable side effects, which allows the use of Cytoflavin not only in an effective, but also in a safe way during the complex detoxification of patients who are chronically dependent on alcohol.

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