A good remedy for the common cold for children. Medications for the common cold: which are the most effective and safe?

Here is the hottest topic in the season of colds, sneezes and chicks. I will try to carry out a critical review of those drugs that are used on the recommendation of doctors or acquire independently (which happens more often, and absolutely wrong in treatment). Let me remind you that, in my opinion, the truth is trivial, but no less relevant, all drugs (even if it seems to you that they are absolutely harmless and can be used by everyone) are prescribed only by a doctor, and not by a pharmacy or a neighbor.

So, about drugs and a cold. Or as you like to write more in the forum "snot".

Usually, the main drugs for rhinitis are vasoconstrictor drops (preferably for young children) and sprays (for children from 6 years old and adults). Getting on the nasal mucosa, they cause a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. At the same time in the nasal cavity is eliminated swelling, which blocks the flow of air. The rate of mucus formation, which becomes thicker, also decreases. As a result, it becomes much easier to breathe. Most often, to facilitate breathing in the common cold, means are used that containxylometazoline. Such drugs include GALAZOLIN, known to all mothers and doctors for a long time. It is produced in DROPS and in the form of GEL for ADULTS and CHILDREN. Now xylometazoline began to produce and in the form of sprays for the nose. In pharmacies you can find sprays "DENNOS", "XIMELIN", "RINONORM". A distinctive feature of sprays is the exact dosage of the drug, its more economical use and reduction in the frequency of adverse reactions. The duration of action of all drugs containing xylometazoline is about 4 hours.

Oxymetazoline part of the "Nazivin" (including its children's version), sprays from the cold "FERVEX" and "NAZOL". Now, a more popular drug, oxymetazoline, the nasal spray FAZIN, has appeared in Russian pharmacies. "NAZIVIN" is produced in various concentrations, there are DROPS AND SPRAY FOR ADULTS, there are DROPS specifically for use in children. "Nazivin" is also strictly metered and evenly distributed over the nasal mucosa, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions. The “NAZOLA ADVANS” includes special substances that reduce the feeling of dryness in the nose. The action of all these sprays is quite long, up to 10-12 hours. Drugs containing oxymetazoline, contraindicated in pregnancy, diabetes, renal dysfunction, children under 1 year.

Naphazoline   part of the "SANORINA" and "NAFTIZINA." These drugs are about 4-6 hours. Drugs containing naphazoline - the cheapest vasoconstrictor drugs. "SANORIN" is produced in the form of DROPS, NAZALNY SPRAY and EMULSION. The composition of the emulsion "SANORINA" includes eucalyptus essential oil, boric acid and liquid paraffin. These components enhance the therapeutic effect of the drops and reduce the side effects.

Modern vasoconstrictor drops include TIZIN (DROPS FOR THE NOSE and SPRAY) and FARIAL. "TIZIN" can be used for children from two years, and "FARIAL" - from 7 years. Often it is "TIZIN" is a \\ "savior \\", when other drops do not act. "TIZIN" is sufficiently long, about 8 hours.


All instructions for use do not recommend the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays for more than 3-7 days in a row. What threatens their misuse? With the occasional use of these funds, no side effects are observed.The insidiousness of miraculous drops manifests itself with regular long-term use. In this case, the vessels gradually become dependent on the medication: there is a “dose” - they narrow, no - they relax and edema reappears. And if the drops are applied too often, the vessels get tired and generally stop responding to any stimulation. Maybe even a paradoxical effect - swelling from the drops increases. In order not to bring your nose to almost narcotic dependence on drops and sprays, a runny nose needs to be properly treated from the very beginning. In addition to habituation, vasoconstrictor drops can cause other troubles. With chronic rhinitis and the constant use of these drugs can interfere with the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. It becomes thinner, and the vessels become fragile and can be easily damaged by injuries and high blood pressure. This leads to frequent bleeding from the nose. With an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, heartbeat, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, headache, sleep disorders, nausea, and even depression may occur. All vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are contraindicated in atrophic rhinitis, glaucoma. With care, they should be used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension, and increased thyroid function. At the time of treatment with vasoconstrictor substances, it is recommended to consult a doctor whenbreastfeeding. The use of vasoconstrictor drops in children should benecessarily agreed   with a pediatrician.

Terms of use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Do not use drops and sprays regularly. Introduce them only when the nose is really not breathing and it is difficult to endure this condition.At the first difficulty in breathing do not rush to use the medicine. Try to "breathe" the nose with the help of physical exercises or breathing exercises for the nose. Since during the day the nose does not breathe sporadically, it is better to use those drugs that last 3-4 hours. At night, you can apply drops and sprays that last 8-12 hours. But in general, try to keep contact with the medicine as short and short as possible. It is usually most difficult to breathe through the nose at the onset of the disease. As soon as you get better, try to forget about vasoconstrictor medications. Switch to inhalation and instillation of lightly salted water.

Moisturizers for the treatment of rhinitis.

This group of drugs is not drugs in the literal sense of the word, its auxiliary function is to improve the properties of mucus and facilitate its discharge. Moisturizers are well used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of any form of rhinitis, especially chronic atrophic rhinitis. These funds are made from sea water or from mineral water sources. The salts and trace elements contained in them (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Cu) increase the motor activity of the cilia and normalize the function of the glands of the nasal mucosa. The daily dose of these drugs may vary, because in their composition there are no substances that can cause side effects. If breathing is prevented by mucus in the nasal passages, do not try to get rid of it with drops and sprays. In such a situation, it is much more useful to wash the nose with slightly salted water or nasal spray “AQUA MARIS”, “SALIN”, “MARIMER”, “AQUALOR”.

Two in one.

Sometimes to enhance the effectiveness of vasoconstrictor drugs add an antihistamine component. It reduces allergies and swelling. Especially well, these tools help with allergic rhinitis, but can be used for colds. These combined means include the Swiss "VIBROCIL" (we, pediatricians love it very much) and the Czech "SANORIN-ANALERGIN". VIBROCIL is produced in the form of DROPS, SPRAY and GEL. "SANORIN-ANALERGIN" - only in the form of DROPS. More than a week in a row to use these drugs is not recommended. Sometimes with an overdose of "SANORINA-ANALERGINA" drowsiness and lethargy develop, therefore it is better to bury it at night.A new combination tool is the Italian spray RINOFLUIMUCIL. It has a mild vasoconstrictor effect and is able to thin the thick discharge of the nose. Therefore, "RINOFLUIMUTSIL" is better to use from the third or fourth day of a cold. There are also pills for rhinitis containing antihistamine and vasoconstrictor components. This is an Indian "KOLDAKT" and the American "ORINOL". They make breathing easier, but can also cause drowsiness.

If microbes come.

Combination preparations containing herbal ingredients are also produced. The composition of the nasal spray "DOCTOR THAISS NAZLIN" includes a vasoconstrictor Xylometazoline and eucalyptus oil with antimicrobial action. A mixture of essential oils of medicinal plants is "Pinosol". The main advantage of PINOSOL is that it is not addictive and has the ability to neutralize many bacteria and viruses. Moreover, PINOSOL does not cause deterioration of the nasal mucosa, but, on the contrary, contributes to its recovery. “PINOSOLA” ​​has several forms of release: DROPS INTO THE NOSE, CREAM, OINTMENT and even CAPSULES FOR BATHS (I have never seen the truth in pharmacies). Modern ointment for the nose "BAKTROBAN" contains a substance that destroys staphylococci. Therefore, it is effective for prolonged rhinitis with purulent discharge. When buying "BAKTROBANA" pay attention to the packaging. It should indicate that it is a nasal ointment. The fact is that there is a dermatological ointment with the same name; in no case can it be put in the nose. Antibiotics are part of the new combination drug POLYDEXA with PHENILEFRINOM. In addition to antimicrobial components, it contains substances with anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effects. POLYDEKS WITH PHENILEFRINOM is available as a spray. Contraindications to its use are viral rhinitis, kidney disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Do not use this tool in children up to two and a half years.

Hormones from allergies.

For severe allergic rhinitis, in addition to vasoconstrictor agents, hormonal sprays are used for the nose. The most common of them are BECONASE, NAZONEKS, NASABECK, FLIXONASE. The fastest of these sprays is "NAZONEKS", it is equipped with a manual measuring dispenser. The effect occurs 12 hours after the first dose. The drug acts only locally and therefore does not affect the entire body. Sprays containing hormones are contraindicated in viral and bacterial cold. In children from 3 years old, you can use "NAZONEKS" and "FLIKSONASE", from 6 years old - "NASABEK" and "BECONASE". Prescribe hormonal spraysshould only doctor . With their long-term use may decrease the immunity of the nasal mucosa, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria and fungi.

Herbal preparations, preparations of complex action.

These are preparations that contain essential oils, in particular peppermint oil (menthol). In the nasal cavity, it has a deodorizing (refreshing) and light antiseptic effect. The introduction of menthol does not reduce the swelling of the nasal conchae and the expansion of the nasal passages, but its effect causes a feeling of improvement in nasal breathing. This occurs as a result of menthol exposure to cold cells (receptors) of the nasal mucosa. A good effect, according to our readers, is provided by the drug "SINUPRET". The combined drug has expectorant (secretolytic and mucolytic) and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, contributes to the outflow of exudate from the paranasal sinuses. Increases resistance of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to endogenous and exogenous pathogenic factors. It has antiviral effect. allowed in children from 2 children, comes in the form of drops and dragee.

Homeopathy - treats or not?

Widely used in the treatment of acute rhinitis caused by SARS, received homeopathic medicines in the form of sprays, drops, etc. Preparations of this group have a complex effect on the body - antiviral, immunostimulating, anti-edema. In the case of an acute disease, they should be applied according to the scheme: within 1-2 hours every 15 minutes, in the age dosage.

Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves well for acute and chronic rhinitis - nasal spray “Euphorium Composite” and nasal drops “EDAS-131”.This is an effective and safe means, many are saved when they have a head cold with their help. But to talk in advance about how effective they will be, is impossible. After all, homeopathic remedies should be selected individually. Therefore, in some people, the use of these drugs may not meet expectations.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of rhinitis.

Antiviral drugs are more suitable for the prevention and treatment of the earliest stages of ARVI and one of their manifestations - a runny nose. Being drugs derived from donated blood leukocytes or created by genetic engineering, they eliminate the cause of the disease - they directly suppress the development of viruses. To prevent the introduction of the drug should begin with an immediate threat of infection and continue as long as the danger of infection persists. For the treatment of ARVI, the drug is used when the first signs of the disease appear: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, general malaise. Antiviral agents are available in the form of solutions for instillation into the nose “Grippferon”, capsules “ARBIDOL” “Tamiflu”, rectal suppositories “VIFERON”, “KIPFERON” and tablets “REMANTADIN”.

Silver based drops.

Drops based on silver solution have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and can be used for prolonged rhinitis, especially for the initial forms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.

“COLLARGOL” and “PROTARGOL” are used in rhinology in the form of 2% nasal drops. These drugs, which are based on colloidal silver, have astringent and weak anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and can be used, in particular, with prolonged rhinitis, especially in the initial forms of hypertrophy of the nasal concha and pharyngeal tonsil.

Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of rhinitis

For the treatment of rhinitis caused by a bacterial infection or in the event of complications (sinusitis or sinusitis, for example) antibacterial drugs are used, which are produced in the form of a dosed aerosol "FRAMICETIN", "FUSAFUNZHIN", "BIOPAROX". Due to the very small size of aerosol particles, the drug is able to penetrate into the deepest parts of the nasal cavity and into the paranasal sinuses. This group of drugs has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and affects the cause of the disease - bacteria. The therapeutic effect is manifested only at the injection site and does not apply to the whole body, so that the spray can be used by nursing mothers. Also, drugs can be produced in the form of nasal drops and ointments for the nose "MUPIROTSIN".

Bacterial vaccines for the prevention and treatment of rhinitis.

This is the name of a group of preparations containing the antigens of the most common bacteria - the causative agents of acute infections, including the cold of "IRS 19". When these vaccines enter the body, protective substances (antibodies) are produced. Available in the form of a metered aerosol. Preparations of this group should be used as a prophylactic before the onset of the disease, in this case, the timely formation of antibodies can prevent or shorten the duration of the disease. The prescription of bacterial vaccines is indicated for frequent rhinitis, as well as for long runny nose.

Chronic rhinitis requires mandatory participation in the treatment of rhinitis of the ENT doctor.

Tactics of treatment of chronic rhinitis depends on the causes. It includes drug, physiotherapy and restorative methods. If the whole complex of therapeutic procedures does not help, resort to surgical treatment.

In recent years, treatment of the common cold with laser irradiation has become widespread. The laser allows you to remove mucosal edema, reduce the secretion of mucus from the nose, improve nasal breathing.

If chronic rhinitis is caused by allergies, the help of an allergist is needed. He will conduct various diagnostic tests to identify the allergen, and, depending on this, select the appropriate treatment strategy.

When a runny nose for a long time (within 3-4 weeks) does not pass - this is a serious reason for going to a doctor. Also, if two weeks after the start of treatment of a cold, it is still difficult to breathe, there is general discomfort, sometimes headache, tearing and pain in the eyes, purulent discharge from the nose appear, this is a sign of the development of complications and a reason to re-consult an ENT specialist.

Thus, the arsenal of medicines for the treatment of rhinitis (acute and chronic rhinitis) is the most diverse. It is impossible to name the best means, the main thing is not to use them all at once in the hope that at least some of them will help you. It may be dangerous. Best of all, if you do not self-medicate, and at the first signs of illness, visit a doctor.

Many people have a high back of the nose or lowered forked wide tip of the nose, which leads to the desire to change the appearance of your nose and thanks to this your appearance as a whole. In this case, many people can provide expert help, the clinic of plastic surgery, having performed rhinoplasty of the nose at a high level. Rhinoplasty shows how a person can look harmoniously after the corresponding operation.

You can catch a cold and catch a cold at any time of the year.

Cold rhinitis can seriously "poison" the life of an active person, and can also contribute to the development of such dangerous complications as antritis, which is much more difficult to treat than a common cold.

In order to stop the symptoms of the disease and fully recover, it is usually not enough to use any one drug.

The most effective treatment of rhinitis includes the use of modern medicines for rhinitis and nasal congestion with traditional methods of therapy.

But in order to choose the best cure for a cold, you need to know about existing drugs, the principle of their effects and side effects that they can cause.

Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, as a rule, begins at a time when the approach of the disease is barely perceptible and the state of health has not yet deteriorated. In such a period of time it is necessary to take the following antiviral drugs:

  • Tablets "Arbidol"
  • Tablets "rimantadine" (erroneous name "rimantadine")
  • Tamiflu Capsules
  • Drops "Grippferon"

Such drugs can also be used for prophylaxis, during a period of dangerous viral conditions, as well as after contact with sick people.

They showed their effectiveness in the struggle for recovery at the beginning of the development of colds.

After the start of their administration, the disease, which has not yet gained momentum, retreats within a few hours.


Carefully read the instructions on the use of drugs!

The best medicine for the common cold is often considered the means of traditional medicine. This is not surprising, since these drugs rarely have serious contraindications and side effects. They are often indicated for small children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Often use beet juice with a cold, it quickly helps to stop the symptoms of the disease, and also has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes. The treatment of rhinitis with tea tree oil, which is a very strong antiseptic, is very popular.

When choosing a drug to focus on the most popular drugs for rhinitis, of course, should not be.

However, the popularity of the tool largely depends on the feedback it receives.

It is unlikely that you will use a drug that does not bring you the desired relief and can not cope with the treatment of the disease, and even more so you will not advise anyone and the necessary popularity points this tool will never acquire.

So, here we have selected the best medicines for rhinitis, which have earned popularity due to their effectiveness:

  • The vasoconstrictor drug "Sanorin". It is popular for its relatively low cost and amazing efficiency. Separately, it should be noted "Sanorin" emulsion with eucalyptus oil. This cure for rhinitis in the shortest possible time eliminates even the most severe swelling of the mucous membrane. However, this drug can be addictive and it is better to use it for no longer than a week (without interruptions).
  • "Pinosol". This medicine for rhinitis on the basis of oils does not have a long vasoconstrictor effect, but it soothes irritated nasal mucosa. Also, this drug neutralizes many bacteria and viruses. The quick effect of the use of "Pinosol" can not be expected, but it successfully fights the cause of the disease, producing treatment from the inside. You can also note its low cost.
  • Drug "Sinuforte". It is used in cases where the runny nose has been delayed and runs the risk of becoming chronic. The composition of this medicine for rhinitis is an extract of cyclamen tuber juice, which significantly reduces swelling of the mucous membrane and was used by healers from ancient Greece.
  • Homeopathic medicine "Sinupret". This medicine for rhinitis has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect and has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. It should be noted that homeopathic preparations need individual test use, since a remedy that suits one person may cause complications of the disease in another.
  • Means on the basis of salt solutions "Aqua Maris", "Morenazal". These drugs can be used both for the prevention of rhinitis, and to combat its symptoms. They effectively clean the nasal cavity from the accumulation of mucus, greatly facilitate breathing. Also, these tools are good to relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect.

Nasal congestion, sneezing, persistent mucus, crusts and dryness significantly affect the condition of the person.

Therefore, many, faced once again with this problem, run to the pharmacy to buy medicine for a cold. Is it correct? Is it always possible to self-medicate, or maybe it is better to go to the doctor?

What kind of cure for cold?

A runny nose, a runny nose, because there are many types of rhinitis, accompanied by approximately the same symptoms, but caused by different factors.

Therefore, the simplest over-the-counter drops help one patients, while others only harm and lead to a significant deterioration of the condition.

Thus, the fight against rhinitis should be taken seriously, both adults and children.   You must be able to recognize its varieties, which will allow you to correctly determine the range of required drugs.

Viral. This type of rhinitis is the most common, as it can be caused by numerous rhinoviruses. It is accompanied by the release of clear snot, slight congestion and relatively satisfactory general condition.

Bacterial. Such rhinitis can occur on its own, but more often it becomes a consequence of the absence of a viral treatment. It is characterized by discharge, sometimes with an increase in body temperature, the formation of crusts, etc.

Allergic. Most often, this type of rhinitis is diagnosed in spring and summer when plants begin to bloom, but it can be present all the time if the body is overly sensitive to components of household chemicals, chlorinated water, dust mites and other substances with which a person comes in contact daily.

Allergy symptoms   very similar to the symptoms of a viral rhinitis, and they may be accompanied by manifestations of conjunctivitis, that is, eye redness, tearing, etc.

Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis).   These serious ENT diseases are also accompanied by the release of a yellow-green secret, but in addition, patients often suffer from headaches, high fever, pain in the area of ​​the affected maxillary sinuses, etc.

It is possible to try to cope with discomfort independently in the presence of a viral, allergic and bacterial cold. But in the latter case it is necessary to approach the issue with great care so that the disease does not turn into sinusitis.

Therefore, any self-medication is justified only if there are improvements and full recovery after 2 weeks.

Otherwise, you should immediately contact the doctor, because only he is able to correctly diagnose.

So, when viral rhinitis is used:

  • nasal flushing agents;
  • vasoconstrictor drops and sprays;
  • immunomodulators.
   With a bacterial cold, the following combinations give good results:
  • antibiotics and antimicrobials;
  • vasoconstrictor agents;
  • washing solutions;
  • herbal preparations.
   From allergies are used:
  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • salt solutions for washing;
  • immunomodulators;
  • corticosteroids (Rinofluimucil, but for allergic rhinitis, they are rarely used, as shown only for the treatment of severe cases).
   When sinusitis doctors prescribe:
  • vasoconstrictor agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • rinsing the nose;
  • invasive methods.

Solutions and formulations for washing

All the doctors of the world unanimously declare that they are extremely useful, not only during the illness, but also as a daily toilet. Therefore, there are many different means for this purpose. All of them can be divided into 2 groups: salt solutions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Saline solutions can be:

  • to cook at home by yourself from pure boiled water and common table or sea salt;
  • replace with normal saline, which is nothing but a solution of sodium chloride (salt);
  • purchase ready-made sea-based products at the pharmacy: Aqua Maris, Physiomer, Quix, Salin, Marimer, and others.

Herbal decoctions can also be used to cleanse the nasal cavity from mucus. Depending on the choice of plant materials, they can additionally have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antibacterial effect. But in case of allergy, it is not necessary to use decoctions of herbs, since hypersensitivity to them may also develop, which will entail a worsening of the condition.

Various heating of the nose

Recommendations to warm up can be found very often. But this manipulation in certain cases can cause irreparable harm to health, as it provokes active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. And this may lead to the development of serious diseases that can be fatal.

Therefore, it is possible to warm the nose only with viral rhinitis, and provided that the body temperature is within normal limits . You can not independently decide on the procedure for:

  • purulent sinusitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis.

In such situations, amateur may turn into an occurrence:

  • otitis media;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • meningitis;
  • abscesses of the meninges, etc.

Also, warming is contraindicated in a number of vascular diseases. And with allergic rhinitis, they will be simply inconclusive.

You can warm your nose:

  • potatoes;
  • eggs;
  • salt;


Perhaps the best medicine, especially from a long cold, inhalation. Thanks to the manipulation, the mucous membranes are well moistened, the viscous secret is diluted and the removal of crusts, if any, is facilitated.


The procedure itself can be performed with ordinary water or decoction of herbs. Use any medication for inhalation without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable.

And within the framework of self-treatment it is better to give preference to it, since the nebulizer creates too fine a suspension, because of which drops of medicine do not linger on the mucous membranes of the nose and penetrate directly into the bronchi and lungs, where, in fact, their effect is not needed.

If a patient is diagnosed with a serious disease, the doctor may recommend that he inhale with these or other drugs.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Drugs in this group are the most popular. They contribute to the elimination of swelling and nasal congestion, while in no way affecting the causes of their occurrence. Since the preparations are made on the basis of various active substances, the effect after their administration lasts from 2 to 12 hours.

  But you can use vasoconstrictive drops or sprays on your own for no more than 7 days, since this is fraught with the development of so-called medical rhinitis, cure which is extremely difficult even under the guidance of professionals.

Moreover, in case of allergic rhinitis, the use of such medications should be exclusively episodic in nature, that is, a spray from a cold can be used only as a last resort, when there are no other means at hand and you need to urgently restore normal breathing.

Thus, drugs can help eliminate the swelling in the nose:

  • naphazoline and phenylephrine for 2–4 hours: Naphthyzinum, Sanorin, Nasol baby, etc.
  • xylometazoline and tramazolin for 6–10 hours: Otrivin, Farmazolin, Evkazolin, Foros, etc.
  • oxymetazoline for 10–12 hours: Nazivin, Nazol, etc.
  • combined: Adrianol, Vibrocil and others.


Drugs in this group are used for allergic rhinitis, these include:

  • Allergodil;
  • Tizin Allergy;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Cromohexal;
  • Histimette.

Vegetable based drops

In recent years, drugs of natural origin are gaining popularity. Among the first representatives of this group is Pinosol. The basis of this drug are oils of pine, mint and eucalyptus. Thanks to what he has:
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • reparative (accelerates healing) action.

Therefore, but with all its uniqueness, the drug fights poorly with the cold as such, since it affects solely the causes of its occurrence.

That is, it helps to cure the existing disease, but does not affect the intensity of the edema and the amount of nasal discharge. At the same time, the drug is completely useless in allergic rhinitis.

Also, do not forget about homeopathy. Special nasal drops are highly effective:

  • Delufen;
  • Euphorbium compositum nasentropfen C;
  • Rinitol Edas-131.

No less effective medicines for oral administration Sinupret and Cinnabsin. Moreover, the first is available in the form of tablets, solution and syrup, which allows them to be treated even for children from 2 years.


Antibacterial drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor according to strict indications, for example, in case of sinus or severe bacterial cold. As a rule, it is enough to use products for topical administration:

  • Bioparox;
  • Polydex;
  • Isofra.

However, in severe cases, antibiotics may be taken by mouth as well as washing the paranasal sinuses (when performing a puncture).

As for antimicrobial agents, they can be used as part of self-treatment for bacterial infections. These include:

  • Protargol;
  • Albucidum (sulfacyl sodium).


Immunity is an important part of any therapy. But in the midst of illness, it is too late to work on restorative procedures. Therefore, pharmaceutical products - immunomodulators come to the rescue. For drugs of this group, prescribed for a cold, include:

  • Grippferon;
  • Nazoferon;
  • IRS-19;
  • Viferon;
  • Laferobion, etc.

Most of these drugs are based on interferon   - a substance produced by the body to reduce the sensitivity of cells to viruses. Medicines are available in the form of nasal drops or sprays, as well as suppositories. But the effectiveness of treatment on the choice of dosage form depends to a small extent.


Attention! You should start taking immunomodulators on the first day of the appearance of rhinitis. This greatly increases their effectiveness and accelerates the onset of recovery.

Strong and inexpensive cough medicine

In fact, the effectiveness of treatment depends not on the price of drugs, but on the correctness of their choice. If the cause of the snot is installed incorrectly, even the most expensive drugs will not give positive results, but they can have a negative effect on the body.

At the same time, well-chosen cheap funds can help a person quickly cope with the disease and recover from it. According to the opinions of people and the opinion of experts, the optimal price-quality ratio is different:

  • Sanorin (vasoconstrictor);
  • Vibrocil (vasoconstrictor, antihistamine);
  • Albucidum (antimicrobial);
  • Nazoferon (immunomodulator);
  • Allergodil (antihistamine);
  • Pinosol (antimicrobial).

Medications for the common cold for pregnant women

Expectant mothers can not ignore the runny nose, as this may adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, when a banal snot appears, pregnant women should consult a doctor and undergo strict treatment under treatment.

Usually, women in the position of prescribed:

  • rinsing the nose;
  • inhalation;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs (in pediatric dosage);
  • homeopathy.

Nevertheless, the list of vasoconstrictor drugs approved for use during pregnancy is significantly reduced. It:

  • Tizin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazivin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Xymelin and some others.

If chronic sinusitis occurs or worsens, antibiotic treatment is possible, but in each case the doctor selects a separate drug in the optimal dosage.

How to cure a cold without medication?

To get rid of the congestion, you can try and folk remedies, but to quickly achieve the result is unlikely to succeed. They are safe and affordable, but not suitable for the treatment of allergies and sinusitis. We give the most effective recipes.

In order to determine the best remedy for, it is not at all necessary to experience the whole range of pharmacy kiosks. The variety of drops, sprays and gels is so great that the eyes literally run up. In order to figure out which remedy for the common cold is better, you need to know the composition, features of the application and contraindications of each of them. We will help you not to get lost when choosing.

We determine the best remedy for a cold

Almost all drugs in this category have a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which they normalize blood circulation, relieve puffiness and prevent excessive mucus formation, which facilitates breathing. Depending on the strength of the action, such drops from a cold can be divided into three groups:

1. Short-acting drugs:

  • Naphthyzinum;
  • Phenylephrine;
  • Sanorin;
  • Tizin.

2. Medications of medium action:

  • Galazolin;
  • Tramazolin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Xylene;
  • Otrivin.

3. Long-acting drugs:

  • Nazol;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Nazivin.

Medications of the first type contain naphazoline and are effective for 4-5 hours. Sometimes manufacturers add essential oil of eucalyptus and other auxiliary components to the main active ingredient, which makes the drug more effective. These drops from the common cold are most addictive, since the patient has to use them at least 4 times a day. Over 3 days treatment is not recommended.

Drops of medium action will help you breathe freely through the nose for 6-10 hours, but xylometazoline in their composition is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. This medicine can be safely used for a period of 5-6 days.

Medicines with an effect that lasts for more than 10 hours cause a long-lasting spasm of the blood vessels, therefore they should be used with caution. They can not be used during pregnancy, diabetes and kidney disorders of varying severity. Children up to the year, these drops also do not fit. It cannot be said that long-lasting drugs are the best remedies for a cold, but the most potent ones are undoubtedly.

The best remedies for the common cold - combined?

Recently, combination remedies for the common cold, which combine vasoconstrictor components with an antihistamine effect, have become popular. This makes it easy to get rid of cold and allergy symptoms. One of the most effective drugs in this area is Vibrocil. Not bad also proved Alergomax.

The best folk remedies for rhinitis

In folk medicine it is recommended to use carrot or beet juice in case of rhinitis. Fresh juice should be mixed with natural vegetable oil in a ratio of one to one and instilled into the nose several times a day. Aloe juice helps to restore normal breathing with a nose. It must be instilled every 4 hours with 3-4 drops in each nostril. For children, this method may not be suitable, as the plant's juice is bitter.

Pharmaceutical products based on herbal medicines have a similar effect. ingredients and essential oils - Pinosol and Pinovit.

But, no doubt, the best folk remedy for the common cold is washing with salt water. To do this, in 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of soda and the same. Flush the nose every few hours. This method is very effective and absolutely safe. If the mucosa is dry, you can lubricate it with butter or petroleum jelly. This product also has a pharmaceutical analogue - sea-water spray Aquamaris and Humer. They are suitable even for babies. These drugs, many mothers recorded in the best means of a cold, and for good reason!

With the advent of rhinitis, the question also arises - which nasal drops are better for rhinitis? What need to drip? After all, a runny nose - this is such a nuisance, which always happens at the wrong time. On the one hand, it is difficult to call it a serious illness, but on the other hand, persistent discharge and swelling in the nose make it difficult to sleep, eat and work normally.

To eliminate this problem, pharmaceutical companies offer various means. But it is sometimes difficult for patients to understand the simple question: “Nasal drops for a cold: what better and it may be worth using folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion in such situations.” We will understand this issue in more detail.

Varieties of drops for rhinitis

For the treatment of rhinitis use different types of drops. Some simply relieve the symptoms of the disease, others help the mucous to recover and defeat the disease on their own, while others cause the direct death of bacteria and viruses that caused the pathology. Consider which treatment nasal drops are used in this disease:

Decongestants (vasoconstrictor). These means cause the vessels to narrow, due to which the effect of congestion disappears for a while and the nose begins to breathe.

disadvantages: they work for a limited time, they are not used for a long time because of the habituation effect, they do not cure the disease, but simply eliminate the symptom, each subsequent application has a lesser force on the mucous membrane.

Virtues: they work quickly and are suitable for short-term removal of edema in critical situations or before conducting therapeutic and diagnostic procedures in the nose.

Adverse reactions: allergies, dry nose, increased vascular bleeding, etc. Do not use in pregnant women and patients with severe hypertension and glaucoma.


Short acting (naphazoline).

They relieve swelling for 2-3 hours, act quickly, but dry up the nasal mucosa and often develop addiction after 3-4 days of use. This group includes Naphazoline, Sanorin   and etc.;

Medium (xylometazoline).

Coping with rhinitis symptoms for 4-5 hours. Rarely cause dryness of the mucous and work less aggressively than the first group.

Representatives: Otrivin   other;

Long (oxymetazoline).

These drops and sprays work up to 8-10 hours. They act gently and rarely produce side effects. These include: Nazivin, Nazol   other.

  Phenylephrine-based products such as Nazol Bebi, Polydex   with phenylephrine, etc. These drugs act gently and cope with the symptoms of a runny nose for 3-4 hours. Allowed for use in children

   Drops and sprays with antibiotic. If the patient has purulent nasal discharge, then choose drugs containing local antibacterial substances. What good drops you can choose in a pharmacy:

Bioparox. The composition of this spray is a local antibiotic fusafungin. The kit comes with two nozzles: one for the nose and the other for the throat, since the runny nose is often combined with pharyngitis and other diseases of the pharynx. It is prescribed in children after 2.5 years. Use every 5-6 hours, one inhalation in each nostril. The dosage may vary depending on the age of the patient.

   Moisturizers. Sometimes the cause of a cold is a violation of the indoor microclimate. Dry air interferes with the normal operation of the mucous membrane and it is easily attacked by various microbes. In such situations, you can use drops and sprays with a moisturizing effect, for example, Humer, Aqualore, Rinolux, Salin   other.

Some manufacturers offer complete systems for flushing and cleansing the nose for excretion ( Dolphin). All these activities are aimed at restoring the normal moisture of the nasal mucosa and cleaning it from mucus, germs and allergens.

Such drops and solutions can be prepared at home on your own or you can buy ordinary saline in a pharmacy to drip a whole pipette into your nose. The procedure is repeated regularly without the risk of developing allergies, addiction or side effects.

   Thinning drops. If a large amount of viscous, difficult to separate mucus has accumulated in the nose, then drugs such as Rinofluimucil   or Sinuforte.
   Local intranasal hormones. Very effective sprays to eliminate swelling in the nose of allergic and other origin. To notice the first signs of improvement, you need to use these tools for several days or weeks. Among the side effects are nosebleeds and dry mucous membranes, less frequent headaches with prolonged use. Representatives are: Avamys, Nasonex, Fliksonaze. Antihistamines. Sprays and drops based on antiallergic drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. They relieve well from the common cold and nasal congestion and act gently but effectively. They exhibit therapeutic properties in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. These drops are:

  • Vibrocil. It consists of a vasoconstrictor component (phenylephrine) and a local antihistamine (dimetidine). This tool is used in the treatment of acute, allergic, vasomotor and other types of rhinitis;
   Vegetable drops.

The composition includes extracts and essential oils of plants. They do their job less efficiently than their synthetic counterparts. But herbal remedies act gently and are approved for use in children and pregnant women. One of these drugs is Pinosol. It contains little mint, pine, thymol and other natural ingredients. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Antiviral. If the runny nose is caused by viruses and for the prevention of viral infections in the acute season, use this tool. This is a group of drugs based on interferon. It fights viruses and strengthens local immunity. The representative of this tool is Nazoferon. It is based on a certain type of recombinant human interferon. It can inhibit the development of viruses and enhance non-specific defense of the body. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment at the first signs of a cold and ARVI.

The choice of remedies for rhinitis largely depends on the reason that provoked it. So, the best antibacterial drops will not bring the desired effect if rhinitis is caused by an allergy. Therefore, before choosing a therapy, one should know what caused the edema:

if bacteria became the cause of the cold   and the nose is heavily stuffed, then a combination is chosen, for example, Polydex   with phenylephrine, which includes two antibiotics: Neomycin   and Polymyxinhormone Dexamethasone and the vasoconstrictor component is phenylephrine. It is recommended for children after 3 years with acute and chronic rhinitis. This drug will not only remove the swelling, but will also affect the cause of the common cold - bacteria;

when allergy became the cause of the common coldthen you need to choose hormonal or antihistamine sprays. With seasonal allergies prefer the second option, for example, Allergodil. Azelastine-based drops (local histamine receptor blocker). Reduces swelling, relieves sneezing symptoms and dries the mucous membrane when there is a pronounced discharge from the nose. It works within 15 minutes after use and for 9-11 hours.

Thus, the choice of drops largely depends on what causes rhinitis and what effect the patient wants to get. If fast and short-term - choose a vasoconstrictor spray, and if medicinal - then they prefer antibacterial or hormonal agents.

When choosing a medication, an adult needs to understand what caused the cold. In addition, although drops rarely give systemic effects, contraindications to their use should still be studied. So, decongestants are prohibited for use in people with glaucoma and elevated blood pressure.

And with a tendency to allergies, it is better not to choose multi-component drugs, since the risk of provoking an adverse reaction increases.

What drops treat a runny nose if it is caused by an allergy:

  • local nasal corticosteroids. Appointed the same way: 2 injections in each nostril once a day in the morning. The effect must be waited 4-5 days after the first use. For allergies, use a month or more;
  • antihistamine sprays   choose to quickly eliminate the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

When a runny nose in an adult is accompanied by hard-to-remove mucus, you can use thinning agents:

  • Rinofluimucil. The structure includes acetylcysteine ​​and tuaminogeneptan. This remedy has a thinning and anti-edema effect. Applied to both adults and children;
  • Sinuforte. Natural remedy based on cyclamen root extract. In contact with the nasal mucosa, an increased formation and elimination of the pathological discharge occurs. It acts aggressively, causing redness of the face and tears from the eyes. Do not use in children under 12 years and pregnant women.

Drops from a cold: what are the best reviews

The opinions of patients about different types of drops are very different. What is suitable for one does not help another at all. When choosing, it is worth considering the age, nature of the discharge, the cause of the disease and other nuances.

Yaroslav, 35 years:

I have seasonal allergic rhinitis. Every year, before the flowering of poplars, I buy in a pharmacy Nasonex   and start sprinkling them all season. Thanks to this tool, I can survive this time normally without sneezing, watery eyes and water from the nose.

Svetlana, 23 years:

During the period of pregnancy, I had a bad nose, but I was afraid to be treated with something. When it became quite unbearable went to Laura, and he wrote me Pinosol   and rinsing the nose with salt water. Thanks to these means, I got rid of edema and congestion. And after birth, breathing was restored, of course.

Catherine, 26 years:

I had a strong purulent rhinitis, which is about to threaten to go into sinusitis. On the advice of a pharmacist bought Sinuforte. The sensations after use, of course, are terrible: the face became red, the pain in the eyes. But according to the instructions it is written that this is necessary, so I continued to be treated. After 3 days everything went away and there was no antritis and the nose was completely restored.

What drops from a cold better?

There is no such thing as the best drops from a cold. There are drugs that are suitable for a particular patient in a particular situation. When choosing, you need to focus on the cause of the disease and the result you want to get.

For some patients, hormonal sprays are ideal, others will be delighted with thinning medicines, and still others will choose folk remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion and will get the desired effect. Before choosing a medicine, visit the doctor and tell him about your symptoms, only in this case, the chosen treatment will bring the desired effect.