Functional diagnostics of value. Professional medicine for functional diagnostics

FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTICS(Lat. Functio vikonannya, vchinennya; diagnostics) - distribution of diagnostics, recordings on vikoristanny, instrumental and laboratory methods for detecting ailments for an active assessment of the functional stan- dard of developing tissue, organ zmin, scho vidbuvayutsya pіd in flowing lіkuvannya.

The concept of "functional diagnostics" is semantically seen among such understand, such as clinical, topical, morphological, pathological diagnostics (div. Diagnostics). F. d. Additional meaning of diagnostics. At the same hour, functional porusheni, obumovlenih Patol. process (the order of the description of the morphological changes that are responsible for them), depending on the part of clinical diagnostics.

Rozvitok F. d. It is linked from the firm of physiological directly in medicine. A collection of methods of physical (physical) treatment of ailments and diagnostics signs of ailments caused by a path of clinical and anatomical installations. Physiological research and functional methods of late development began to develop rapidly only from the other half of the 19th century. robots robots K. Bernard, Poiseuille (G. Poiseuille, 1799-1869), E. Dubois-Reymond, G. Helmholtz, I. M. Sechenova, І. P. Pavlova and in.

For the development of F. d. Porushen, the dichotomy is great, there are few wines in 1846 for the spirometer (div. Spirography), and in the other one - a pneumotachometer (div. Pneumotachograph), an oxyhemometer (div. Oximeter). Important changes in the functioning of the blood circulation system were the founding robots in terms of percussion and wickedness of the heart (div. vinahid sphygmography (div. Sphigmographia) і rozrobka so sound. non-direct methods of making a shock (systolic) heart-blowing, based on the principles of Frank (div. Mechanocardiography, Sphigmography), on the laws of Newton's mechanics (div. the stem of the invasive methods of reducing the blood pressure (div.) and especially non-invasive - widely inserted into the wedge, the practice of the auscultatory method of reducing the arterial pressure (div. development of methods of plethysmography (div.), zokrem M. V. Yanovskiy and A. I. Ignatovskiy (1907), B. Є. in the lead and in., and impedance plethysmography (div. Reography). It is not important for the development of F. d. Zakhvoryuvan the heart is small by V. Einthoven (1895 -1912) by the method of electrocardiography (div.).

N. E. Lukomskiy and іn., And also the recording of sound phenomena of the heart (div. Phonocardiography). Stagnation of Kussmaul (A. Kussmaul, 1868) of a good cork probe, instead of Gross (M. Gross, 1893) - a small intestinal probe, thoroughly understood by M.A. so sound trial snidanks of Boas and Evald, Leporsky (1921) and ін. (div. Snidanok probniy, Probe of the shlunka), as well as zhovchovidylennya (div. Duodenal probe). Vivchennyu functions went. - kish. The path was also taken up by the distribution of methods in electrogastrography (div.), endoradiozondirovania (div.). Vagomy injections at the development of F. d. Zahvoryuvan nirok vn_s S. S. Zimnitsky, which proponuv the functional test, widely stagnates in crust, hour (Div. Zimnitskiy test). Methods of F. d. Are being successfully developed. In neurology, electroencephalography (div.), Electromyography (div.) Іn., In endocrinology (advanced function of thyroid gland), overgrowth of those who have fallen asleep.

Up to F. d. In a wide sense, it is possible to carry out diagnostics of diagnostics, to actively inform about the standard of functions of various organs and systems, including a number of methods of laboratory diagnostics (div.), Radioisotopic diagnostics, diagnostics div.) І ін.; With the help of F. d. vikorystovutsya and endoscopy (div.).

At the university's intelligence, "functional diagnostics" has become stashed for the meaning of this part of functional diagnostics, to paradise hl. arr. by instrumental methods in special pediatric cases of medical and prophylactic. set up - cabinets, or about functional diagnostics, organized according to the established structure and the states established a given profile. In the great consultative polyclinics and in the nurses of the extravagant profile, such as planned diagnostics of the pre-diagnostics of the functions of blood circulation systems, as a rule, of the nervous system (as a rule, of the nervous system)

To assess the function of external dichotomy for additional spirometry, spirography, pneumotachometry, to assess the structure of the life-span of a leg (div.) And the first function of bronchial prowess, test results (miraculous) In advisory facilities and in pharmacies with the presence of special pulmonary findings spirography with gas analyzers (div. Spirography), which allows the structure of the backbone of the legends, equal ventilation (after an hour of dilution of the indicator gas in the legends); until the blood is sour, diffusional health of the lungs, the gas storage of blood and alveolar obesity (divine gas analysis, oxyhemometer), in some cases, the stagnation of bronchospirography, pneumotachograph A portable device with a computer analysis has been broken up in one hour to the flow and volume of the day, which gives a valuable diagnostic information.

For F. d. heart-vascular system Equipping rooms for functional diagnostics yak minimum includes attachments for conducting electrocardiography, phonocardiography and sphygmography. Elektrokardіografіya (div.) Yak samostіyne doslіdzhennya priznachena mainly for funktsіonalnoї otsіnki rhythm i provіdnostі sericite (div.) Dіagnostiki gіperfunktsії i gіpertrofії Yogo vіddіlіv, dіagnostiki koronarnoї nedostatnostі (div.) I for the viyavlennya torn down elektrichnoї aktivnostі mіokarda, SSMSC dopomagayut rozpіznavati rіznі Yogo strikes (infarction, dystrophy, sclerosis, etc.), including the accumulation of an imbalance of electrolytes (div. Hyperkaliyemia, Hypokalemia). Phonocardiography (div.) It is self-important for the development of the nature of changes of heart (div.) And noise of the heart (div. Shumi of hearts), which is especially important for diagnostics of vad hearts (div. Vices of the heart are born, Vices of hearts). Possibility of synchronous reconstruction of electrocardiograms (EKG), phonocardiograms (FKG) and sphygmograms, allowing the phasic analysis of the systole of the heart (div. -re give additional diagnostic information. For the further function of the judges of the kidneys, it is necessary to perform rheo-vasography (div. Reography), the heads of the head - rheoencephalography (div.), Ridsche (through the labor-intensive method) - plethysmography (div.).

The development and implementation of new diagnostics adapt to continuously expanding the possibilities of functional diagnostics. W 70s rr. Rheocardiography (div.) and methods of ultrasound diagnostics (div.), zokrema echocardiography (div.) are widely used in the everyday practice of offices and in the development of functional diagnostics. There are many channels (polygraphic) annexes, so that it is possible to pick up the warehouse in a synchronous way, to reestablish the curves in the fallowness for the purposes of diagnostics, the reliability of the connections in the connection with the numbers. So, the synchronous recording of the PCG at the same time with the apexcardiogram and Echocardiograms allows not only to vyaviti, for example, prolapse of the stool of the mitral valve, but to fix the closure of the systolic noise from the cym of the damaged function of the valve.

On the basis of the period of the formation of F. d., Since the beginning of the development of the functional vision, and a glimpse of the dynamics of the situation of the ailing in the minds of calm, in the present hour, the main time of the life of F. functions, but in the minds of the regulation of the function. Falsely, according to the purpose and type of delay, orthostatic tests (div.), Kharchov, cold test, hyperventilation test, Valsalvi test (div. Varicose veins enlargement), Muller (div. In cardiology and pulmonology, the most common functional tests are physical tests and pharmacological tests. Test for dosed physical navantages є specific for advanced functions of circulatory systems and behavior and for diagnostics of coronary insufficiency. For a great amount of connection to the installation of special attachments - a bicycle speedometer, "bizhuchiy dorizhku" (thread-mil) and ін.; їkh vikorstannya allows you to re-adjust it for an hour to change the parameters of blood circulation and behavior and precisely to start that level of change, when you start to see the delayed parameters in the physiology. norms (tolerance up to delivery).

Pharmacol. try to fix it with the help of identifying pathology and clarifying the pathogenetic diagnosis, for example, adrenal test (div.), as well as for assessing functional reserves, for example, a new test (div.), before the completion of the show. stanzas anilinovu test (div.), as well as for the emergence of a perevag of someone else, add them to the same type for a day (div. Pharmacotherapy).

The meaning of F. d. In the out-of-the-box structures of diagnostic diagnostics, they grow without interruption. Especially important is the zasosuvannya methods of F. d. For early diagnostics to a number of hron. ailment, with morfol. Signs, often second in terms of being used to functional distributions, appear nicely. Functional methods allow the patient to carry out dynamical caution in the course of treatment and rehabilitation, additionally helping to assess the effectiveness of the patient. drinking visits, Freely viyaviti unwelcoming destruction, koriguvati therapy.

To improve the effectiveness of F. d., It is necessary to show the availability of the available methods of treating the sick, correctly assessing the value of the information, to activate the wedge, signs of failure, to clarify the phase of the sickness. It is important to unify the functional methods of advancement, on the basis of options and technology. Samples, so as to seek the fairness of the results in the regularity of the small groups.

Updating and functional diagnostics cabinets are equipped with specially prepared doctors and medical personnel, equipped with the necessary equipment and provided with the necessary equipment inconvenient help on the type of young people who have been able to get more tests. In the institutes, the qualifications for the special cycle according to the F. , for self-dependent appearance and assessment of new signs of illness, for additional electrocardiography, phonocardiography and other methods of F. d.

Prophylactic directly in radio medicine in the presence of the capabilities of the state system and in protecting the health of the land in socialism significantly expands the scope of methods for F. until I become healthy fakhivtsiv. conduct a dispensary looking at them in the course of robots and arguments and the examination of the expert. When navantazhuvalnyh tests appear ti Patol. reactions and processes, which are indicative of the amalgamation of reserves in compensation and adaptation, of the instability and inconsistency of suspicious reactions, of the premorbid state (aversion) and the obviousness of the admitted form. Tse vіdkriva ways for honey. ogruntuvannya recommendations for organizing pratsi and rectification, conducting visits to the first and second prevention of disease (div. Prevention, Prevention).

Automatic analysis of the results behind the help of computers expanding the power of F. d. Promising є the stem of universal diagnostic devices, possessed by mini-EOM and microprocessors, allowing simultaneous viroblatitude of 4-6 types of preliminaries.

Bibliogr.: Bogolyubov V.M. Dembo A.G. Lack of function of zovnishny dikhannya, L., 1957; win the same, Actual problems modern sports medicine, M., 1980; E. Zharov and Arshakuni R. O. Stagnation of radioactive isotopes for the production of hemodynamics, Cardiology, vol. 7, No. 5, p. 23, 1967; Zaretskiy V.V., Bobkov V.V. and Olbinskaya L.I. Klinichna echocardiography, Atlas, M., 1979; History of Medicine, ed. B. D. Petrov, t, 1, M., 1954; Fundamentals of Pulmonology, ed. A. N. coconut, M., 1976; Paleev H. R. and Kaevitser I. M. Atlas of hemodynamic dosages in the class of internal ailments, M., 1975; Certification in cardiology, ed. E. I. Chazova, vol. 2, p. 9, 139, M., 1982; Dovidnik of functional diagnostics, ed. І. A. Kassirsky, M., 1970.

- a whole likar, which is a special analysis for diagnostics young people for the help of special methods of conditioning, which help you to increase your visibility and strength ( patronage) internal organs and systems before the appearance of any key manifestations ( symptoms). The main staff of functional diagnostics is the complex provision of the patient, in order to diagnose, confirm or facilitate the appearance of transmitted pathology.

In order to become a doctor of functional diagnostics, it is necessary to remove it. medical education graduated from the Faculty of Medicine ( lykuvalna on the right) Abo faculty of pediatrics. Then it is necessary to pass the residency for the functional diagnostics by stretching two rockets. The end of the day can be practiced in polyclinics, pharmacies, functional diagnostics rooms, private medical centers.

Functional diagnostics - the whole of medicine, which is additional help for vivity ( appraise) Stan and the robot of internal organs and systems for the additional special medical possession ( diagnostic equipment and attach).

The main goals of functional diagnostics are:

  • the value of functional reserves ( opportunities) Organism;
  • early diagnosis ( in good time) Rіznih zhvoryuvan;
  • detection of damage in robots of one or more decorative organs and systems;
  • the sign of the degree of gravity of any illness;
  • the value of the effectiveness of the treatment carried out.

On the current day, functional diagnostics is one of the most rapidly developing regions modern medicine... The development of the spriy is more active in the implementation of new retail outlets and computer technologies. On a skin day, the methods of improvement will be improved, the equipment will become more accurate, so that more accurate and reliable results will be discarded.

What to do functional diagnostics?

Functional diagnostics to deal with events ( diagnostics) І vivchennyy to the camp of different internal organs and systems for the additional special attachments and equipment. His competence is to include the development of the dichotomous, heart-vascular, nervous, herbal, secular, reproductive and endocrine systems. Daniy fakhіvets doesn’t just diagnose, but interpret ( encrypted) Otrimanih Danih. In order to reject the results of the Danes, the fahivots evaluated the functional possibilities of pre-juvenile organs and yes visnovoks. So, it’s like a lot of funcional diagnostics can’t be added to a special analysis ( cardiology, neurology, therapy and) It allows you to spend more time and time and to give the most accurate results, so you have more chances for success and time to enjoy.

The main conditions of the functional diagnostics doctor є:

  • preventive maintenance of patients, who should enter before the group;
  • carrying out of retail and complex maintenance;
  • Continuously detailed and advanced qualifications.

A large part of the disease is getting rid of functional diagnostics to follow the additional new computerized techniques. The computer processing of the Danih gives the power with high precision to viyaviti ( visas) The nature of getting sick and predicting a possible result.

How can I go to a functional diagnostician?

Functional diagnostics - the purpose of diagnosing children with illnesses. Daniy fakhivets doesn’t take care of politics, but only helps to assess the functional capacity of the body. With the introduction of a functional diagnosis in a patient, as a rule, є direction from a doctor to a university profile ( therapist, cardiologist, neurologist) Due to the significance of the diagnostics and the necessary conditions for its confirmation or accessibility. So how can you be more sensitive and can react to emotional mill the patient's likar is guilty of making contact with a sick person, how to change his anxiety ( experience). All the same, it is possible to clearly carry out the refinement and correct the valid results. Before the ear of any kind of rigidity, the functional diagnostician is obliged to clarify with the patient the special characteristics of the data, the manifestation of some kind of scarg and their long-standing. If the license is to be explained, it will be carried out, as it is for whom. Patient can ask be-like tsikavi for power supply ( the triviality of the hour). An important point is that the preparation is correct, so it is also necessary to clarify if the patient has received all the recommendations and all the vicinities are correct to deny a reliable result.

Functional dosage - a whole group of advanced diagnostic techniques, which additionally assist in assessing the functional activity of organs and systems to an organism. Dates of advancement are necessary for the early detection of developmental pathological processes, rapid monitoring and control of the effectiveness of therapeutic visits.

When functional diagnostics are turned up to a doctor, an analysis can be made. About those who are the same analyzes, you need to go to bed in the backyard camp of the patient and the stage of becoming ill ( gostra, chronic). If there is a need for a license, it is necessary to assign additional analyzes and to explain how to get ready to go.

Functional follow-ups, such as conducting additional analyzes, є:

  • veloergometry electrocardiograms ( EHC) І echocardiography ( EhoKG);
  • spirography- it is necessary to carry out an X-ray beforehand;
  • transesophageal echocardiography- it is necessary to perform anterior fibrogastroduodenoscopy ( FGDS) .

In addition to complementary analyzes, or a complete set of drugs, you can recommend the inclusion of physical and emotional officials, adjusting to the city, taking medical drinks ( kava, tea, alcohol). In some cases, it is necessary to buy the singing preparations for a few days to complete. Only with the correct preparation of the drug can be used to deny reliable results.

What are some of the faults and some of them often turn to functional diagnostics?

The skin of a person is to blame for the increased efficiency of being put to its own health. For a person it is necessary to regularly ( with the help of prevention) Take care of the license and undergo a complex provision. especially important preventive maintenance for those who are quiet, who have the strength to develop, whether they are ill. This will help you to immediately get ahead of the development of ailments, to help you improve your health and to change the development of young people. It is most often before patients that they wriggle in quiet droppings, if there are first signs of illness. The first patient will remove the direction to the doctor of functional diagnostics for confirmation of diagnostics.

best frequent reasons turning up to functional diagnostics є getting sick of the dichotomous, heart-vascular and nervous systems. Win not dealing with diseases, but depriving them of additional help to evoke the functions of the internal organs and systems. The main specialists of the doctor of functional diagnostics є issuing a copy of the report on the conducted advancement. Prior to this, the fakhivtsya are guided, as a rule, lіkarі vuzіk specialsіalіzatsіy ( therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, pulmonologist). Consultation of functional diagnostics can be used to clarify or simplify the transfer of diagnostics. Also, before you can help, you can go in before the operation, during the clinical examination ( if the patient is lyagu in the lykarnya) For sparing the dynamism of likuvannya.

Zakvoryuvannya, with yakimyutsya to functional diagnostics


What methods of functional diagnostics can be used?

Inception of the heart-vascular system

  • arrhythmias ( broken rhythm);
  • blockade ( deterioration of performance);
  • infectious endocarditis;
  • arterial hypertension ( reduction of arterial grip);
  • atherosclerosis of coronary sudins;
  • vices of the heart ( vrodzheni chi nabuty);
  • Legeneva hypertension;
  • electrocardiography ( EHC);
  • dobove holterivske EHC monitoring (HMEKG);
  • dobove monitoring arterial vise ( DMAT);
  • echocardiography ( EhoKG);
  • treadmil test;
  • veloergometry.

Inspiration of the legacy system

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • spirometry;
  • picflow meter;
  • іngalyatsіynі provocative probes;
  • pulse oximetry.

Injury of the nervous system

  • Sudinna dementia;
  • encephalitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • childish cerebral parallich ( Cerebral palsy);
  • traumatic brain injury ( TBI);
  • swelling of the brain;
  • parts of the loss of testimony;
  • internal cranial hypertension ( advised);
  • internal cranial hematoma abo an abscess;
  • polyneuropathies;
  • plexopathy;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • myopathy.
  • electroencephalography ( EEG);
  • echoencephalography ( EhoEG);
  • electroneuromyography ( ENMG);
  • rheoencephalography ( REG).

How do I carry out functional diagnostics?

Methods of functional diagnostics are used for the improvement of the growth of the organs and systems of the organism. The most common areas of storing such methods are cardiology, neurology and pulmonology. The current methods of advancement add to the assessment of the functional capacity of the organism, to confirm or to check the efficiency of the treatment. Sukupnist modern medical possession and professionalism of the doctor of functional diagnostics allows quick, efficient and high accuracy of patients.

Doslidzhennya, how to carry out functional diagnostics

Type of functional diagnostics

What are you getting sick of?

Yak to be held?



  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic ailment of the heart ( ІХС);
  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmias ( broken rhythm);
  • blockade ( deterioration of performance);
  • aneurysm of the heart;
  • thromboembolism legendary artery (BODY);
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis.

Electrocardiogram є forgive and even an informative method of diagnostics. With the help of the EKG, it is possible to assess the robot's heart. Before holding the EHC, it is necessary to be calm, unique physical options, including drinking kawi, mint tea and energetic drinks.

The EKG is carried out in the supine position on the back. The patient is guilty of stretching out the belt and bare the gomilkovostopni slopes. In the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwrist and homogeneous foot slopes, mount special electrodes ( guides). On the screen in the area of ​​the heart, it is also possible to apply electrodes, which, in front of it, do not grease with alcohol, and then apply a special gel on the screen, which is possible to carry out the struma. The stench will catch the electrical impulses, which are in the heart. After this installation, the restoration of heart impulses should be repaired. The result can be seen in the graphic image on the paper page.

Dobove Holterivske EHC Monitoring


  • ischemic ailment of the heart ( ІХС);
  • arrhythmias.

HMEKG transfer up to 7 dB). For the whole on the front sternum of the patient, attach a disposable ( glue) Electrodi, which are connected to a portable attachment. As a rule, Danian fit is worn on the belt or on the belt over the shoulder. When the installation is completed, the patient sees a young man, who is guilty of writing down the hour and the day, which is ). Through the add-on of the likar znimak elektrodi, taking the portable device and plugging it to the computer, all information is transferred to the monitor. Lykar otrimanі danі and daє visnovok.

Dobove monitoring arterial vise


DMAT transferring an arterial vise by pulling it out. Also adjusted to the reєstruє indicators of the heart rhythm ( heart rate is very fast). For the whole on the patient's shoulder, put a cuff, which is connected to the portable arterial vise recorder. If the installation is completed, the patient sees a young man, the devil is guilty of writing down the hour and the day, which is sleep, physical nurturing, reception of їzhі, lіkіv, etc.). After 24 years, the cuff is known from the patient's shoulder and the key is attached to the computer, which is a kind of information about the collation of the arterial vice by pulling it out.



  • vices of the heart ( vrodzheni chi nabuty);
  • ischemic ailment of the heart;
  • BODY;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • infectious endocarditis;
  • Legeneva hypertension;
  • heart failure.

EchoKG is a tse method of ultrasound monitoring ( Ultrasound) Sertsya. A method is given for allowing the assessment of structural anatomical features heart ( empty valves, valves), Yogo robot ( speed), Blood. They develop transthoracic and through stravohidna EchoKG.

Transthoracic EchoKG is carried out in the lying position on the front of the boat. The patient is guilty of stretching to the waist and lying on the couch. Apply a special gel and attach the sensors to the area of ​​the breast. With the help of an ultrasonic nozzle, we will take the medicine out of information about the heart on the monitor and analysis.

Through stravohidna EchoKG performed on the heart ( on a hungry slunk) For a post-mortem abnormal anesthesia ( sun love) On the left boat. At the roti of the patient, the mouthpiece is fixed ( inserted between lips and teeth). Introduce the endoscope through the mouthpiece ( a tube with a sensor) I pass the yogo to the stravohodu. In such a rank, the likar looks at the heart from the sides and the types of closures about its structure and robots.

Treadmill test

  • angina ( steps of gravity);
  • arrhythmias;
  • hypertensive ailment;
  • coronary atherosclerosis.

The Danish method of finalizing the transfer of the EKG before an hour of physical installation on a special big road ( treadmil). The patient's arterial grip will also be restructured for an hour before the test is carried out. With the help of the given methodology, the licar viznacha between ( porig), When we reach that there are ailments ( zadishka, b_l at the breasts, vtoma), Assess the portability of physical options.

On the front chest wall of the patient, special electrodes are attached, such as before the device, which restruct the EKG in real hour mode. On the shoulder, pull the cuff to form an arterial vise. For the visitor to the treadmill-test, the patient will get to know the big way, the speed of what will be done will be improved. With a whole likar sposterіgaє for changes on the EKG, and the medical sister fіksu digits an arterial vise. The test is carried out before the onset of intense painful symptoms, when the singing frequency and pulse are reached, or if there are signs on the EKG, such as the sign of the car. Preparation before the treadmill test includes the appearance of the EKG, the preparation of heart preparations and the intake of the test for 1 - 1.5 years before the end of the day.


  • arrhythmias;
  • vices of the heart;
  • heart failure.

Veloergometry is a method of diagnostics of heart-vascular disease. The Danish method is carried out with the help of a special simulator ( bicycle gauge), Scho nagaduє bike. The essence of the polyaga method in the EKG restratsia at the patient is given an hour to see the physical installation on the bicycle speedometer ( patient pedal).

Before carrying out this method of lykar, you can recommend skasuvati deyaki lykarski zasobi ( nitroglycerin, bisoprolol).

For carrying out the cycle ergometry, the patient sits on the exercise bike. Likar nadyaga to the patient a special cuff, which is necessary to record the EKG. Pislya tsyogo start before the end of the day. The patient fixes the pedals, and on the monitor the car spares the EKG changes at the real hour. Step-by-step speed on exercise bikes increases. Criteria for fixing the installation will install the license ( reduction of the arterial grip, the appearance of intense pains, recovery, changes in the EKG and іnshi).



  • insult;
  • Sudinna dementia;
  • encephalitis;
  • bichny amyotrophic sclerosis;
  • rosy sclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's ailment;
  • Parkinson's ailment;
  • childish cerebral palsy;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • epilepsia;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • parts of the loss ( cause);
  • sleeplessness.

The Danish method of additional assistance to assess the activity of the brain for additional restoration of electrical impulses. For tsyogo vikoristovutsya special attachment - electroencephalograph.

2 - 3 days before the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to change to the reception drug products, I pour on the nerve or the drug system and the drug, aspirin and in.). Every day until the end of the day, it is necessary to adapt to tea, kawi, energy and alcoholic beverages, chocolate, so as the stench can increase the oddness of the muses and add to the result. Likewise, the patient is guilty before the obsozhennya, sob to unknow the reduction of the tsukru ( glucose) In the blood, you will be able to produce results.

EEG is carried out when the patient is lying or sitting. A special cap with electrodes is put on the head, which restructuring the pulses, which go to the brain. Record the results in a spok_ynuyu stanі. Then we can carry out additional tests, for example, to analyze them, as they conduct themselves with a brain. Otrimanі danі reєstroyuyutsya at the viglyadі crooked line on the paper strіchtsі.



  • internal cranial hypertension ( grip );
  • swelling of the brain;
  • intracranial hematoma or abscess;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • vegetative-sudinna dystonia;
  • Parkinson's ailment;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • parts of the loss ( cause).

EchoEG є highly informative ultrasound for brain detection. The technique is given to be carried out in the patient's position, lying or sitting. The head of the patient is guilty of becoming unruly, that, if necessary, it can fiksuvati ( especially for children). A special gel is applied to the head, and sensors are installed. Using the vehicle, I move the sensors to all areas of the head. All information is displayed on the computer monitor or on the paper page at the graphical view. Lykar analysis otrimanі danі and species і visnovok.



  • radiculitis;
  • spondylosis;
  • poliomієlіt;
  • polyneuropathies;
  • plexopathy;
  • bichny amyotrophic sclerosis;
  • Parkinson's ailment;
  • myasthenia;
  • myopathy;
  • childish cerebral palsy;
  • rosy sclerosis;
  • spinal cord injury.

The Danish method of advancement allows the assessment of the activity of the muscles, nerves and nerve transmissions by means of the restoration of biopotentials on a special device ( electromyograph).

Pre-treatment is carried out in the patient's position, either sitting or lying. Once the region is overgrown with an antiseptic ( get sick) І show off with gel. If the given area is given the electrodes, brought to the device. The signal that goes from the electrodes is transmitted to the nerve, and the signal, at his own heart, is sent to the driver. To fix the restoration of biological potential in the country of calm. For an hour of the ENMG patient, you can ask to work out my health and reestablish biopotentials again. All results are re-run on paper strichtsi or on the magnetic nose. Before the hour until the end of the day and when the patient can see it more easily, it’s easy to pass the time for one year.

For a few days to complete, it is necessary to adapt to the intake of drugs, which are injected on the nerve or myase of the system and drugs, so as to develop the shelter ( aspirin and in.). Before the procedure, it is necessary to change to tea, kawi, energy and alcoholic beverages, chocolate, so as the stench can cause the odor of muses.



  • internal cranial hypertension;
  • vegetative-sudinna dystonia;
  • damage to cerebral blood circulation;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • intracranial hematoma;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • encephalopathy.

The Danish method of diagnostics for additional assistance in assessing blood circulation in the brain and processing information about the state of the brain. REG is carried out when the patient is lying down. Before an hour of the procedure, it is necessary to take care of the nerves ( close to 10 khilin). On the head, special electrodes are applied, which are fixed with gum lines. You can also use a special gel or paste for short fixing of electrodes. In the process of reaching the brain, electrical signals from the electrodes come. Dani about the brain of the brain is re-staged on the computer screen or on the paper page.

For diagnostics of those who are ill, it is possible to carry out functional tests. It can be taken with nitroglycerin ( rozshiryuє sudini), Victimization of physical navantazhennya, nahili or turn the head, catching the dichotomy and іnshі. When carrying out one or more decile samples, record the REG and evaluate the changes.

Preparation before the end of the allowance lykarsky zasob_v, Scho pour on the tone of the sudin, and also vidmova from the reception of the miraculous drinks ( kava, tea, alcohol).


  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • flu;
  • tuberculosis.

The Danish method of additional assistance in evaluating the function of legends ( zovnishnu dikhannya). For a complete set of digital attachments, it can be stored from the sensor to the flow of power and an electronic attachment. Nis paciєnta overcurve with a special zatiskach. A disposable tube ( mouthpiece), The procedure goes through the yaku. A collection of patients inhaled and vidikha in a quiet camp ( naturally, rіvno). Let's take a little car to estimate the maximum mobility of the reaction ( maximum vidih, vidikh, zagalny volume of legends, etc.). Otrimani danis are transformed, transformed into graphical images and seen in the view of numerical values.

In order to add a drug to the end of the day, you can recommend a drug intake with some drugs ( theofilin, ingalyats_yn_ drugs), You can match the results. It is also not recommended to drink and drink alcohol or drink alcohol. The spirometry is carried out on the heart, or after 2 years or after the date.

picflow meter

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive ailment legen.

Flow metering is a functional method of diagnostics, when you can see this is the name of the flow meter. The price of a fortune, because of what kind of wines you can walk along the wicked paths when a patient is alive ( forced) Vidihu. The Danish indicator characterizes the steps of the bronchial inflammation.

The flow measurement is carried out in the position of the patient, sitting or standing. A disposable mouthpiece can be attached to a special one. Patient to rob a little bit of quiet breaths and vidhivs. Then we can rob the maximum visibility and the maximum visibility. Otrimani dans to be fixed on the porch. Writing for the whole patient, the kilka of gilin is accepted and I repeat the same two times. The flow meter can be checked by a patient or a doctor. Doslіdzhennya spend, minimum, two times a day ( in the evenings).

Іngalyatsіynі provocative probes

Inhalation provocation tests are carried out with the help of confirmation of diagnosis. Great part of the children bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive incapacitation, the legends may have raised sensitivity to singing allergies. It does not manifest itself in the viglyadі shvidky development of spasm ( ringing) Bronchiv.

The essence of the methodology of polyagaє in vocalized speech ( metacholine, histamine) Abo allergens for the help of special razpilyuvachіv or attachments. Fix the ingestions from the smallest concentration difference. When there is a change, I will become the patient's concentration to continue with the zbilshuvati. For dermal inglyatsiyu to hear about the vidihu. Likar to remove the result from the cob indicators and to rob the visnovka.

pulse oximetry

  • dyshally lack of;
  • not apnea;
  • control of the patient's body.

non-invasive ( without clothing fabric) The method of diagnostics, which allows assessing the pulse rate and the steps of blood pressure using the additional special sensor of the pulse oximeter. Tsey sensor fіksuyut ( close) On the fingers, the lobes of the wuha or the nose. Vimiryuvannya loan from 5 to 20 seconds. The small screen of the pulse oximeter will show the saturation level ( sour blood) I pulse. With trivial ( stretching the night) Monitoring ( cautious) The pulse and the saturation of the sourness will become a portable device. On the wrist of the patient there is a special receiving unit with a microprocessor, and on one of the fingers - a sensor is attached. For the installation, it was adjusted to fit in and to repair the restoration of indicators. At the time of awakening in the middle of the night, the patient is guilty of fixing the hour in the morning. Otrimanі danі sberіgayut in the memory of the enclosure. Let's try to analyze the results and try to work out the visitor about the patient's camp.

Seemingly, interconnecting the life of people without intertwining with the changing function of any organ or system and organism. And the rіven is proportional to the level of distribution of the whole, guessed food, function. To this, the assessment and assessment of the level of destruction of a specific function will be reflected in diagnostics, which will be formulated in case of manifestation of a disease. Before the end of the meeting, I will become aware of the functions behind the additional hardware annexes and attachments, allowing the revision of the active data, which can be evaluated by the robot of the organs and systems, so that it can be used to prevent the display. In general, the whole essence of functional diagnostics, as a methodical basis for diagnosing illnesses.

Today's medicine is more and more reminiscent of technology, and it is already uncomfortable to detect it this year without a diagnostic podrozdilu. Robot in the subdivisions of high quality medical personnel. Functional diagnostics can be used in its arsenal of apparatus methods of diagnostics, the smell of diagnostic and numerical. The most widespread stagnation will be described below.

Method for the analysis of electrical activity of the heart

The key tool for the development of functional diagnostics in cardiology is the electrocardiographer. Yogo test is necessary for the implementation of other diagnostic methods:

  • nobility of electrocardiograms (EKG), as in the case of transferring norms, as well as in times of manifestation of pathology;
  • Holter's monitoring (HM-EKG);
  • treadmil-testing.
The EHC allows the revision of up-to-date information about heart activity, diagnostics of heart failure, and control over the operational procedures

EKG method

Recording of cardio- gram is a record in the electronic viewer, or on the porch of the graph, showing the change in potential difference between the points of the overlapping of two electrodes for an hour of the procedure. One of the number of electrodes can be equal to zero as opposed to unipolar ones. The position of the electrodes is strictly specified and is called electrographic information. Induced growth in depletion for the purpose of pre-development. On the 12th day of the day, they are accepted and most often used in practice. Zsikh twelve 3 are introduced up to standard, 3 - up to the stronger unipolar and 6 - up to unipolar breast insertions. The EHC gives the opportunity to initiate and facilitate the change of the station:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • vices of the heart;
  • myocardial changes, rheumatic fever;
  • IB (ischemic ailment);
  • GB (hypertonic ailment);
  • arrhythmias and indigestion.

XM-EKG method

Monitoring the Holter method є recording the EKG by pulling it out in a continuous mode, allowing you to inject into the robot the hearts of ordinary officials - emotional, psychological and physical in nature - dynamic amplitude. The whole method by the singing world is foldable and non-manual for a patient who is only 24 years old with an electrodiode to be found on his chest, at the same time with an electrocardiograph, if he wants to be small.

Throughout the entire period, Lyudin has been keeping a magazine, de-fixing all this day in hours, more detailed, more beautiful. A little self-control is not guilty of converting qiu dobu into an exclusive exclusive set diy, navpaki, the patient is guilty of leading an extraordinary way of life

Such a method of functional diagnostics is the most effective in vipadkah, since the problem of "smeared" in the hour is important to diagnose. The application can serve as a test method for assessing the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic therapy.


Veloenergometry, won treadmil-testing, - the whole process of recording the EKG, with three special features. Accordingly, the electrocardiographic beforehand is carried out on the basis of new options. In a different way, it is dosed out and step-by-step to improve. Thirdly, the EKG is conducted in 12 modified versions of the Mason-Likar. You will be provided with a special exercise bike. The values ​​of the method of functional diagnostics are fixed at:

  • diagnostics of ischemic ailments of the heart (ІХС);
  • deyaky vadah sertsya;
  • inheritance of myocardial infarction;
  • broken rhythm.

Analysis of an arterial vise with a pulling doby: DMAT

The beginning of the manifestation of a mobile portable device was the possibility of additional monitoring recording of AT (arterial vise) and the rhythm of the patient's heart. The whole method gives the opportunity to evolve during the hour of the race in a vice, tying it from the device to the doctor, to assess the level of hypertension and the effectiveness of therapy, focused on the normalization of the arterial vice. Zastosuvannya method is effective for detecting threshold levels of AT in offensive drops:

  • Sudden pathology to the brain, which is supervised to increase the arterial grip;
  • p_advishennya arterial vise up to threshold levels;
  • for the first time a pidvischennya vice has been found.

The settings for a portable device for vim_ryuvannya arterial vise and heart rhythm there was a possibility of carrying out DMAT - zd_snennya freeze with a stretch of dob. On the premises of a given license, you can put a diagnosis, indicate a diagnosis or an operation

Stagnation of methods of functional diagnostics in neurological practice

EEG method

Functional diagnostics is the main diagnostic procedure for detecting epilepsy and epileptiform attacks and is called electroencephalography. The whole method can be used for diagnosing sterility, swollen processes, hemorrhages, aneurysms and other pathological pathologies of cerebral structures. Start to assess the level of maturity of measles in the brain in a child's life.

The technique is based on the fixation and description of the bioelectrical activity of neurons in the brain. Until the end of the day, there is a supply of stimuli (photo, audio, and also hyperventilation of the legends).

To carry out the test on the patient's head, put on a special silikon cap with electrodes. In some cases, during the EEG, a video recording is made in parallel for the fixation of epileptic and steric attacks.

ENMG method

Functional diagnostics, such as polyaga in the method of electroneuromyography (ENMG), є not assessed in a way, which allows the most significant indicators of the passage of the nerve impulse to conduct the fibers. With the help of ENMG, the diagnostics of such stanіv is carried out, such as myazova asthenia and dystonia, myoconia.

Symptoms, which lead to the sign of EHMG onset: weakness, spasticity, cramping, nervousness, changes in myazovaya mass of symptoms.

UZDG, duplex and triplex scan

Functional diagnostics, which is used for the maintenance of the magistral arteries, like the brain, as well as pictures, is called ultrasonic dopplerography. The whole technique for the imaging of high-quality and high-quality indicators in the bloodstream is based on the variable frequency of high-quality and high-quality ultrasound images. Functional diagnostics is indicated for the diagnosis of HPMC, with cephalgia and encephalopathy, with most of the views in pictures and I will call it dopplerography.

Duplex and triplex scanning allow assessing the size of large structures in the brain, walls of the vessel's bed and exuding tissue. Tsei method in vidminno additional aid in diagnostics cancer patients, Stenosis and іnshikh pathological stanіv the court of judgment. The equipment for the duplex and triplex allows you to look at the dish well, as it does in the transverse dimension, due to the fact that there is a pathology.

Doppler ultrasound є ultrasound monitoring one hour after dopplerography. In general, the diagnostician may not only visualize the tissue, but rather, the intensity of the blood flow

Functional diagnostics in pulmonology practice

Functional diagnostics gives the ability to assess the standards of the legacy fabric, to identify the conquest of the legends and hearts. The whole method of determining the value of the effect, which allows the assessment of the passing dikhalnyh nobles and a group of legends - spirometry (spirography). The functional state of the organisms is evaluated in calmness, given the options and the reception of bronchodilators. Spirography allows the diagnosis of asthmatic conditions, pneumonia and bronchial obstruction. Vaughn also helps to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

Another method of functional diagnostics is the flow measurement. The method of straightening on the way of seeing the food. Called a vicarious method to control the camp of patients who suffer from asthma.

Oxyhemometry (pulse oximeter) - vikoristovuyutsya for saturation (saturation hemoglobin arterial blood sour). Arterial shelter is guilty of revenge from 95% to 100%. Rivn instead of sourness in the blood is an indirect evidence of metabolic processes in tissues and organs, as well as in the functional state.

Functional diagnostics in medical practice

The descriptions of the methods of functional diagnostics are the most informative, simple and accurate for diagnostics of cardiological, neurological and legacy pathologies. Functional diagnostics, ultrasound methods, vikoristovy for diagnostics of disease of internal organs - black empty and small pelvis). Їх actively stasis in obstetric and gynecological practice in case of vaginosis. Dopplerometry is an informative method for diagnostics of the mother's vascular system and fetus. Duplex scanning allows you to pound the fruit and to establish the position of your internal organs, as well as to identify signs of genetic pathology in the maybaby baby.

The medical staff, who will provide service personnel for functional diagnostics, undergo special courses, first proceed to robotics. A large part of the apparatuses of functional diagnostics will be provided by the middle medical personnel, who are engaged in deciphering from the rims. However, a number of procedures in the presence of the lykarsky staff (bicycle energometry) are carried out by the physician (UZDG, triplex and duplex).

Heads of a well-to-do young direct of medical diagnostics showed the possibility of damage to the functional state of the patient's organs and systems, diagnostics of pathology (including the oncological process) at the earliest stage of development of the development This allows you to carry out effective therapy and help people live their lives.

So is it functional diagnostics? There is one division of medical science, which will include a number of diagnostic procedures, which allow for an active assessment of the functional capabilities of all organs and systems of the human body.

Methods of functional diagnostics

  1. Taking electrocardiograms.
  2. Echocardiography.
  3. Holter monitoring by electrocardiographers.
  4. Treadmill test (cardiographic readings, carried out before options).
  5. Colorado skanuvannya sudin: either duplex or triplex.
  6. Electroencephalogram.
  7. Pre-treatment of ventilation lungs and assessment

A mice of їх conducting є cabinet of functional diagnostics. And now let's talk about the development methods of the lecture.


The whole method has gained the greatest expansion and popularity, before that it is one of the main in this branch of medicine. The electrocardiograph restructuring and physical on paper or electronic nose indicators of heart electrical activity, for the diagnosis of functional diagnostics, it is possible to decipher the information about the development of various health problems. In this case, be it the deterioration of the performance and the rhythm. Fakhіvets can assess how, on the basis of myocardium, to cope with its functions, diagnose the earliest stage of development of the development of ischemic changes, including the pathology of the pathology The procedure for the knowledge of electrocardiographers is not safe for the health of the patient and is absolutely painless. Conduct functional diagnostics by the nurse. The current equipment, such as the EKG fiksun, which has been carried out until recently, has been accumulated in its memory a colossal amount of money, and also on the basis of this, to carry out control of the quality of those who have passed the courses of the test.

Electrocardiogram with navantazhennyam

Another name for the method is diagnostics. The peculiarity of the field is that the electrocardiography is not carried out in the lying position, but before the hour is taken away by the patient to be physically mounted on a special road for the big city.

For an additional thread test, you can read off the advances:

Hotlerovskoe monitoring EKG

The whole method is stuck in order to evaluate the robot with the heart of a man who is worn out by reaching out a whole lot. The moment it is carried out is an indication of the functional diagnostics. For additional help, you can fix whether you see arrhythmias (especially when it occurs hour to hour, but not so long) and to detect early stages of ischemic ailments of the heart. Such a functional diagnostics is based on the measurement of evidence before surgical intervention on the heart, coronary angiography, correction of drug therapy.

Dobove monitoring of arterial vise

The Danish method of vimіrіv arterіalny vise to carry out practical dermal visualization of functional diagnostics. Win vikoristovuyutsya in order to assess, how effective є carried out by the ailing medication correction of the arterial vise. With a sweep, reach out to the ailing device with a portable device, I will write down how the indicators of arterial grip change on the morbid way of life for the ailing. This method itself is often supplemented with the help of an A / D reference among people who are involved in a situation of hypertension, as a result of a reaction to stress, a reaction to a person’s mortgage. Moreover, in addition to monitoring additional help, such a predictively unpleasant symptom, such as hypertension, is necessary.


A methodology is given that is of great importance for the designation of the peculiarities of Budov and the function of the heart and the magistral courts. Carry out the same routine of functional diagnostics. Echocardiography yes you can:

  1. The appearance of yak vrodzhenih, so on and on in Budov's heart.
  2. Assess the valve and the robot.
  3. To start the development and function of the myocardium in patients who are suffering for ischemic ailment of the heart, hypertension and other diseases of the heart-vascular system.


This provision gives the ability to assess the size of the brain, based on the value of bioelectrical activity. Functional diagnostics of a certain organ is necessary in case of suspicion for the appearance of advanced neurological pathologies, such as:

  • encephalopathy;
  • parts of obscenity;
  • oncological illness;
  • epilepsy і etc.

Colorove scanned (duplex and triplex)

The whole method is the most interesting and informative in the plan bloodshed sick. It’s possible to get a grip like a judge, so navkolishny fabrics, in the same way, like in case of a simple ultrasound scan, in addition, you can see the blood flow for the additional quantitative mapping and spectral analysis, in the basis of which -

Color scan (duplex or triplex) includes the following methods of functional diagnostics, such as:

A functional diagnostic tool is a tricky one, which is instrumental in providing support for older children and children, and they have developed ailments, including latent problems.

The peculiarity of functional diagnostics is the ability to adequately assess the potential of organs and tissues, by the beginning of the stages of severe pathology and giving I'll go back to the testimonial systems, including the problem organ.

Likkar functional diagnostics to deal with the folded groups on the main ailments, which can lead to a lethal result in the event of a recent occurrence and correction. The main meta of such groups is the early diagnosis of ailments and general treatment. Diagnostics is practical in close contact with therapists, neurologists, pediatricians, surgeons, dermatologists, pulmonologists, gynecologists, sex therapists, and other specialists in the world of need.

At the time of karting likari marvel at the monitor, but no connections to the electrical

The professional of the doctor of functional diagnostics does not transmit self-help therapy to ill health, the protector can professionally provide for the patient, the correct diagnosis can be made.

The drug of functional diagnostics is not a disease, but an assessment of the preservation of the function of offensive organs and systems:

  • Sudin and Heart;
  • nirok і cross-sectional systems as a whole;
  • zvnishny dikhannya;
  • herbal tract;
  • endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • central and autonomic nervous system;
  • shkiri and її appendages.

With the help of vin vikoristov in cardiology:

  • EKG, FKG, EXO KG and polycardiography;
  • vimir with attachments of arterial and venous vise;
  • viznachennya of the court tone.

In gastroenterology:

  • endoscopy: FGDS, colonoscopy, retroromanoscopy, gastroscopy;
  • sonography;
  • radioisotopes not available;
  • CT і specific testing;
  • Ultrasound organs black wastes.

In nephrology and urology:

  • X-ray urography, including contrast;
  • cystoscopy;
  • clearence test.

In endocrinology:

  • scintigraphy;
  • isotope scanned;
  • express-test.

In neurology:

  • Electroencephalo-, Electromio- abo stabilography;
  • nistagmo- and plethysmography.

Without modern instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, it is unwise to set up an accurate diagnosis, so the profession of functional diagnostics is highly demanded.

Even more often, before the likings, a number of

Mісця roboti

The clinic for functional diagnostics has been transferred to any rich professional clinic and polyclinic, clinic, perinatal center, as well as in sanatoriums, professional hospitals and boarding houses for the elderly.

History of the profession

Functional diagnostics is a method, which is a vicaristic method for the provision of special tools and for making use of all kinds of families from the middle of the eighteenth century. They also used a medical thermometer (1758 Rik) to measure the temperature, and later they opened a stethoscope (1819 Rik).

However, until the ear of the last century necessary for an impulse in the development of functional diagnostics did not come. Only from the view of X-ray exchanges in the very end of the 19th century (1895 rik), functional diagnostics was carried out with new instrumental techniques to look at the patient. X-promenade became the best in modern X-ray diagnostics.

Practically overnight, they became aware of and immobilized on the practice of a strumenevium galvanometer (V. Einthoven), which became the founder of the current cardiographic methods for the development of patients (EKG, EHO KG). In laboratory practice, they introduced the Pirke test and the reaction of agglutination (Vidal), the method of differentiated leukocyte rakhunok (Rider) was broken up. And then everything moved, the move of the snigov kul: Bernatsky rimmed ROE, Zimnitsky zasosuvav functional diagnostics nirok, Frank - having recorded the sound of sertsebitty.

The last thing in the life went away: sternal puncture, laparoscopy and endoscopic techniques, biopsy and organ puncture. The development of biology and specialties with it allowed the organism of people to be detailed in detail. Bulo vіdkrito a lot of new diseases. Seasonal functional diagnostics of one-to-one bio-technical, X-ray and various atoms. As a result, people have seen 1,500 ailments syndromes that have become successful in getting sick.

So looking at the first device for the EKG

Requirements for a functional diagnostics doctor

The main instructions for the functional diagnostics doctor are as follows:

  • Planned chi ekstrene peredoperats_yne obsozhennya.
  • Acceptance of patients for the directions of the doctors of the other specialties with the vibrating method of obsozhennya vidpovidno prior to the transfer of diagnosis.
  • Assessment of the degree of severity of revealed pathology, localization, form and development.
  • Assessment of the results of the therapy.
  • Participation in dispensary and prophylactic examinations.
  • Analysis of the situation in the warehouse of the political committee.
  • The fate of the visibility of the population.
  • Registration of the original documentation.

Vimogi to the doctor of functional diagnostics

The main way to check the functional diagnostics is as follows:

  • Vishcha medical education, official accreditation sheet for "Functional diagnostics".
  • Cleans up endoscopic procedures in outpatient minds.
  • Carrying out and decoding of the EHC.
  • Volodynnya PC.
  • Specialties of quality: choice, during the meeting with the patients.

From the high schools there can be knowledge of specific dosages: MRI, CT, gastroendoscopy, etc.

If you are able to possess, you are guilty of being guilty of functional diagnostics

As a statistician of functional diagnostics

To become a doctor of functional diagnostics, it is required:

  • Finish a university or a medical school for the specialty "Likuvalna on the right" or "Pediatrics".
  • Rewrite the accreditation sheet. For the whole need for sleep and it is successful to pass an interview with an expert committee.
  • Writing can be done on an outpatient basis with patients (for example, a therapist or a pediatrician).
  • To reject the university specialization, it is possible to enroll in residency (2 years of education) for the specialism "Functional diagnostics". For a supplementary fee, it is simpler, for that the competition is not great, and for the entry the mother needs only 50 attestation points. There are two ways to go to residency free of charge: for a competition at out-of-town departments or for the main directions of the head doctor of medical organization, in which fakhivets is already pratsyu.

Scored 50 attestation points for every crop. For the whole, it is possible to take courses for advancing qualifications (36 points), conducting science-practical conferences (a number of points to stay in, or just call up 10 points), publishing, writing books on books, capturing If you have enough bal_v, then you can get it. If you haven’t typed the bali, then you will have to take medical practice, or you will see the problem in “non-standard” ways.

The knowledge, the main character and the quality of the robot of the doctor, as a rule, are evaluated by the quality categories, which can be rejected, having captured the previous robot. It’s an hour to get a comic assessment of the doctor’s tips in the field of diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, as well as the relevance of his knowledge.

Yaki є quality categories:

  • friend - after 3 years of experience;
  • Persha - more than 7 years of experience;
  • vishcha - for 10 years of experience.

The qualification category allows you to borrow a lot of people in medical facilities, gives you the right to a salary increase, and gives you a status in the professional community and a high level of support from the side of the patients. Even more povagy can be coveted by appearing at conferences, symposiums and other scientific statistics and robots.

Likar is right not to qualify, but rather to speed up his career and professional development.

Salary of a functional diagnostician

The income distribution is great: licenses of functional diagnostics earn from 11,700 to 96,000 rubles per month. Naybіlsh requested functional diagnostics in Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk regions. We knew my salary in the Yaroslavl region - 11,700 rubles per month, and the maximum - in Moscow: 96,000 rubles per month. When you open a vacancy, it’s most often practice to agree on a salary for spivbesidi bags.

The average salary of a functional diagnostician is 63,000 rubles per month.

De pass now

Krim all the way to the market є a number of short-line navchannya are trivial, as a rule, from the beginning to the rock.

Medical University of Innovation and Development I ask you to take a distance retraining course or advance qualifications directly "" with a diploma or a certificate of a sovereign education. Start from 16 to 2700 years old, in the presence of programs and your level of preparation.