In the morning, sore throat. Why in the morning sore throat, his treatment. Insufficient air moisture

If the morning begins with a sore throat, the first thought will be infectious diseases of the mucous membrane. But this assumption is not always true. Why does the throat hurt in the morning?

  • First sign of acute infectious diseases  mucous membrane;
  • Violation of the integrity of the soft tissues of the throat with internal burns or after injury;
  • The presence in the air of chemical irritants that get on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat during breathing (for example, the smell of fresh paint in a closed room);
  • Dry, polluted, too cold or hot air in the room;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Damage to the vocal cords;
  • Bad habits.

It is not always possible to determine the cause independently, especially if the disease has become the cause. If every morning a sore throat for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Pain, dry throat  may occur in the morning, even when you do not hurt. Fortunately, it is dry and sore throatis usually associated with irritation and tends to improve as the day comes. Home remedies for reducing dryness can help improve your symptoms. However, in some cases, sore throat can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection or a less common disease, so if your symptoms worsen or persist, or if you have a fever or rash, see your doctor.

Snoring and sleeping with open mouth  usually cause a dry, sore throat by morning. Inhalation of dry air at night can wipe the mouth and throat, causing soreness. Usually sleeping sleep occurs due to congestion or something obstructing the nose. Dehydration can cause less mucus, so one of best ways  resist dry, sore throat - stay well hydrated. Drink according to your thirst during the day, then drink some water before bed. If you wake up at night, drink water again and drink more water in the morning.

  Diseases of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat

Pharyngitis and laryngitis have long become common diseases of residents of large cities. High activity, fast pace of life does not allow time to start treatment and bring it to the end. Therefore, the disease often becomes chronic, and in this form it can be present with almost no symptoms. But still pharyngeal inflammation makes itself felt by such signs as in the morning, slightly fever  night and voice change.

Heavy loads on the vocal cords

Breathing in dry air can also wipe your mouth and throat. You can withstand the effects of dry air by running a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep. The tiny drops of water that a humidifier adds can help mucous membranes to remain moist, even if you breathe through your mouth because of a stuffy nose. Use only sterile or distilled water in a humidifier and clean the humidifier regularly to avoid mold and bacteria. You can also relieve symptoms by taking a steam bath or shower.

Symptoms may manifest inconsistently. Pain and redness in the throat are only in the morning, and during the day they may be absent.

But during the day there are such symptoms:

  • Puffiness of the body;
  • Weakness and weakness in the muscles;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Runny nose

If the throat continues to hurt during the day, other symptoms are present, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner or otolaryngologist.

If you wake up with a dry, sore throat, just having something hot or cold to drink can be soothing. Try a cup of tea with honey or a cup of water. Sucking drops of drops or caramel can help your dry throat, because it can stimulate more saliva production. If your throat is more sore than a dry one, sucking on a piece or ice cubes can temporarily stun your throat, reducing pain.

Postnasal wicking syndrome

If your sore and dry throat is associated with a bacterial infection, rinsing with hot, warm water can make mucous membranes less hospitable to bacteria. L. salt in a pint of warm water, and rinse with it, as you often desire. Avoid using more salt than recommended, as this will dry the throat even more, aggravating irritation.

  Soft tissue injury

It is very easy to injure the tender mucous membrane of the throat, especially if it is accompanied by dry air. Overdried mucous membranes are easy to scratch even with a crust.

Also refers to injuries chemical burn - for example, prolonged inhalation of the smell of paint or other chemicals. This may be one of side effects"professions such as painters or hairdressers. If lately there have been cases of prolonged staying in a poorly ventilated room with vapors of chemicals, sprays from drying out the mucous membranes and maintaining preventive measures (gauze dressings, regular airing of the room) will help.) days the pain must pass.

Another option is to use an antiseptic mouthwash. Environmental irritants, such as smoke, pollen or pet dander, can irritate the throat and potentially cause dryness and soreness, so it is important not to smoke and seek treatment for allergies. Sometimes a dry, sore throat is a symptom of another health problem, such as a viral or bacterial infection  or sleep apnea - a condition characterized by pauses when breathing during sleep. Snoring and mouth breathing are signs of sleep apnea - and waking up with a dry, sore throat is common with this disease.

  Allergic irritants

In spring and autumn, pollen can be an irritant. Also, dust, allergens, simply small particles falling on the surface of the pharynx can act as a stimulus. In the case of an allergic reaction to pollen or other allergens, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe medications that alleviate the symptoms.

Violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Other less common conditions can cause dryness and sore throat, so consult your doctor if your sore throat worsens, persists or you have heat  or rash. Being motivated day after day to get up early is difficult enough, so it does not help when you need to fight what seems like an all-powerful cold.

If you experience it regularly, it can be very frustrating, and you may well understand what caused it and how you can solve the problem. Here we look at how to get rid of a sore throat and what may be the cause of this in the first place. There are many potential causes, so read below and see if this can affect you.

Dust in the room can be managed by increasing the amount of wet cleaning and cleaning of furniture and bedding (blankets and pillows). It is in furniture and bedding that dust can accumulate for a long time. During sleep, a person breathes it for several hours, as a result of which there is pain in the throat after waking up.

If you snore at night or just sleep with your mouth open, this can cause your throat to dry out and the horse on all sides. If you are not sure whether you are keeping snoring or not, you may want to ask your partner or perhaps burn yourself during sleep if you usually sleep alone.

Diseases of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat

If you find that you really snore chronically, there are three common reasons: smoking, obesity, and genetics. Try to lose weight and quit smoking, if applicable. If not, you may want to see a doctor that your skull or nose makes you snore, and whether you can benefit from surgery or snoring. While you are trying to lose weight, forcing yourself to sleep on your side can be in a good way  reduce snoring at the same time.

  Dry air

Cause of pain and a sore throat can also become too dry.

Long inhalation of dry air dries out the mucous membrane. At the same time, the mucus secreted in the throat thickens or even dries to a crust. Therefore, there is discomfort, pain can bother even during swallowing.

Temporary snoring in the meantime may be caused by a blocked nose. At night, we can be very dehydrated, as we go for a long time without water. If this is your problem, then make sure that you get plenty of water right before bedtime and try to sleep with a glass on your desk so that you can drink the first thing that happened in the morning and the last at night. You may also find that your room is too dry, in which case you can use a humidifier. This is especially likely if you live in a very dry and dry place.

Dehydration can also be a symptom of other problems. This may be, for example, a symptom of diabetes, so you can go for a blood test if it persists. In the meantime, you can also look into your medicine, as some of them may cause dehydration.

Cold air can overcool the nasopharynx, causing inflammation of the soft tissues, while hot air can overdry. During the heating season, it is imperative to install humidifiers and periodically arrange to ventilate the room so that the air is updated.

If the humidity in the room is very low, basically the throat hurts in the morning, and then passes. You can ease the situation by increasing the ventilation of the bedroom and installing special air humidifiers. In the mornings, it is also possible to conduct gargling with soda solution — the procedure not only softens the dry surface of the pharynx, but also destroys the microorganisms that get there through the air.

Chronic bacterial or fungal infections

If you feel that in the morning you will catch a cold in the morning, and then it goes away, then it may be hay fever. Just because you did not know that you are suffering from hay fever does not mean that this is not what causes it - you can develop hay fever at any age, and the symptoms and triggers are different for each person. Try sleeping with a closed window and air conditioning, and think about taking antihistamines before you fall asleep to see if it matters.

  Disruption of the digestive system

The cause of sore throat, which very few people come to mind, is gastrointestinal diseases. And the pain in the pharynx may occur during sleep.

During the meal, the product passes through the esophagus into the stomach, where it is digested. In the process, the stomach secretes juice for food processing. There is a sphincter between the esophagus and the pharynx, which prevents the ingestion of gastric juice or food back into the throat. But if he has a pathology, when overeating or taking a horizontal position immediately after eating, the gastric juice can splash out onto the mucous membrane of the throat, which causes an unpleasant burning sensation. This phenomenon is called "gastroesophageal reflux".

Video - Diseases causing sore throat

Sometimes we may experience acid reflux while we sleep, and this can leave us with a burning sensation and an unpleasant taste when we wake up. The best solution is to not eat large meals, according to at least, for a couple of hours before bedtime and preferably not eating anything.

Polluted or too dry air

Of course, it can be just that you develop cold, in which case the combination of cold itself and sleep with your mouth open can make your throat hard. Make sure you get plenty of rest to recover and consider supplementing your diet with some vitamin C for a while.

  Bad habits

Smoking is the most common cause  morning painful throat syndrome, most common among smokers with experience. During smoking, resinous, toxic substances are released. Together with the smoke, they penetrate the cavity of the pharynx and bronchi, settle on the mucous membrane. Beginners smokers do not smoke so many cigarettes and may not notice the sediment of harmful tar. Over the years, the mucous membrane is impregnated with the substance, it becomes more sensitive to external factors, bacteria. Therefore, in the mornings, not only a sore throat, but also a dry, painful cough can disturb.

Of course, but the accusation of air conditioning for sore throats is like a condom charge for pregnancies; the relationship between the device and the result is indeed present, but to attribute a direct causal connection is logically erroneous.

Overvoltage of the vocal cords

It boils down to the following: if you misuse any device, undesirable consequences may occur. The fact that these undesirable consequences occur in no way detracts from the fact that both of these inventions are excellent, and most people who use them wisely win.

Note! A correct diagnosis can only be made by an ENT doctor. And according to the results, it will be possible to discuss treatment and prevention options.

If you have a sore throat in the morning, and then it passes, and this is repeated for several days in a row, you should contact the clinic. The doctor will examine the mucous membrane, hear complaints, prescribe diagnostics if necessary, and make a diagnosis based on the results.

Smoking as the cause of the disease

Some causes of air conditioning can cause sore throat. Poor installation, leading to insufficient air circulation, causing the system to stagnate in certain areas and potentially infect the infection. Solution: careful design and planning before installation, as well as the installation of a system designed to handle the air flow and the amount of the building in which it is installed. Maintenance is warm, resulting in dirty air filters and potential system-wide problems, such as mold. Solution: compensate for the accidental opening of windows or just start the system with an open air vent. Stop the system to excessive dryness, which will lead to dessertion and irritation of the membranes of the throat, as dry air passes between the environment and the lungs. Solution: start the system a little, start the humidifier or just allow air exchange by opening the windows for a while. Staying well hydrated also helps prevent this. Each reason given above is an example of human error resulting in the use of an air conditioning system outside its developed parameters.

In the morning. The reasons for this phenomenon, there are more. But before you figure it out, you need to track how often a pain in the throat occurs in the morning.

Some people ask their doctor why they have a sore throat in the morning? In practice, identify the causes of infectious nature in the form of:

  • viral infections;
  • tonsillitis in acute or chronic form.

Also, a sore throat in the morning may be due to the impact of non-infectious factors, which include:

The fault lies in how it is used, and not in the air conditioner itself. This is an important distinction. This answer does not replace professional medical advice. This answer is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have an emergency health care, consult a doctor immediately or 112. Always seek the advice of a doctor before starting or changing a treatment.

It was a long, busy day, and the scratching, raw throat you developed does not help. A good night's sleep will help, right? Maybe, but chances are your sore throat will lead to destructive snoring. Snoring can interfere with this goal. Fortunately, when your throat gets better, your snoring may disappear too. But if the sore throat is delayed, it may not be the fault of the disease.

  • dry air;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • very cold or hot air;
  • impaired digestive function;
  • damage of various types.

Often an unpleasant feeling occurs due to allergic reactions to various stimuli, prolonged smoking, poor environmental conditions in the city.
  A child’s sore throat may be due to prolonged stressful situations, overwork or constant crying and crying.

Sometimes snoring causes sore throat. Whether it is a low rumble or a noise like a freight train, snoring is caused by an airway flap during sleep. When you fall asleep, the muscles in your throat and mouth relax, narrowing airways. Your tongue vibrates against your throat - this is an easy access, as your muscles are relaxed. The video, presented by Rene Moller, gives a good idea of ​​how snoring happens.

Some people, because of their body, their weight or other factors, snore on a regular basis. For others, however, snoring is something that only happens when they are under the weather. When you have a sore throat, there is a good chance that you will snore more often than usual. An irritated throat provides only the right set of circumstances for those annoying nocturnal sounds that affect your sleep.

Each cause must be considered separately, as other unpleasant symptoms are often observed..

The manifestation of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a fairly common disease and occurs in every third patient. It is easy to distinguish this ailment from other diseases, since it has practically no external symptoms.

The main signs of pharyngitis include:

  • redness of the throat area;
  • slight swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • sore throat;
  • a feeling of dryness in the mouth and thirst.

With pharyngitis, temperature indicators rarely rise above 37.5 degrees. And most often it has a chronic form.

The occurrence of laryngitis

  If a patient has a sore throat at night, then it can be argued that the patient has laryngitis.

Most often, this type of disease is observed in people whose professional activity is associated with ligaments. Often laryngitis occurs in children under three years of age due to the insufficient formation of the ligamentous apparatus. Then this condition is called a large one. Laryngitis in children poses a great danger, since the laryngeal lining dramatically swells and blocks narrow paths. As a result, the child suffers from a lack of air.

The main symptoms of laryngitis are usually attributed to:

  • temperature increase to 37-39 degrees;
  • severe sore throat;
  • unpleasant feeling when swallowing;
  • barking cough occurrence;
  • lack of voice.

In the absence of an appropriate treatment, the person manifests symptoms in the form

  • severe swelling of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • airway obstruction;
  • shortness of breath;
  • difficulty breathing or wheezing.

Unlike pharyngitis, the throat hurts only at night.

To the patient? There are several important recommendations to follow.

  1. Speak as little as possible.
  2. Drink plenty of warm fluid. During the illness you can use herbal infusions, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and water. It is necessary to completely abandon coffee and tea, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  3. Gargle and carry out inhalation.
  4. Humidify the air in the room and air the room more often.

Tonsillitis in acute and chronic form

Why does a sore throat? Often in children aged from one to seven years, there is angina. This is a form of tonsillitis that is acute. Ailment arises due to hypothermia or penetration of a bacterial infection.

The disease is characterized by:

  • increasing temperature indicators to 39-40 degrees;
  • strong painful feeling in the tonsils;
  • swelling of the tonsils and swollen lymph nodes;
  • redness of the throat area;
  • the appearance of purulent plaque and unpleasant odor.

With regular relapses more than five times a year, doctors make a diagnosis. chronic tonsillitis. But has less pronounced symptoms. The temperature rise can reach 37-37.5 degrees, painful feeling in the throat is not so strong.

Dry air

If the morning has a sore throat, then the cause may be dry air in the room. Why is there such a phenomenon? The thing is, during sleep, a person inhales air through oral cavityBecause of this, the mucous membrane of the throat is very dry. This process leads to irritability, inflammation and swelling of the airways.

Small wounds appear on the mucous membrane, which lead to even more irritation and a painful feeling. A few hours after a night's sleep, the condition improves and the pain disappears.

Dryness of the air is so high that even breathing through the nasal passages is difficult. Then a person in a dream can even snore.
  To fix the problem, just follow a few recommendations.

  1. Purchase a special device for humidifying the air or hanging wet towels on batteries.
  2. To air the room more often.
  3. Purchase and arrange flowers throughout the room.
  4. Before bed and after it to process the mucous membrane of the nose and throat salt solutions. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or make yourself.

Impaired digestive function

Why does throat hurt in the morning? If there is such a problem, it does not mean that there are problems with the respiratory system. In some situations, pain in the throat may indicate problems with digestive function.

The thing is that at night the gastric juice penetrates the upper sections of the throat. This process leads to the development of various ENT diseases. The most sure sign is the manifestation of frequent heartburn.

Checking the involvement of the gastric system is quite easy. For this you need to take a high pillow. If in the morning the throat does not hurt, then the whole problem is connected with the digestive system.

Various damage

If every morning a sore throat hurts, but it has passed by the evening, then there may have been some damage to the mucosa. A painful feeling can remain until the cause is eliminated. It may be the adoption of too hot drinks, treatment of tonsillitis with antiseptics, cauterization with iodine, getting fish bone in the throat.

Damage can occur both imperceptibly and occur from the inhalation of vapors of toxic substances. In such situations, the patient needs to talk less and give the throat a little more peace.

Allergic manifestations

If your throat hurts in the morning, then it passes, then the reason may be allergic reaction  on the environment. In this case, the symptoms can be completely diverse in the form:

  • increased tearing;
  • nasal congestion and development of rhinitis;
  • dry cough;
  • sore and painful throat feeling;
  • the appearance of rashes on the skin.

In childhood, an allergic reaction is accompanied by an increase in temperature indicators to 37.5 degrees.
In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to eliminate the stimulus. If the patient alone is hard to do, then you need to visit a specialist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe a healing process.

If your throat hurts at night or in morning hours, then special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune function. To do this, follow a few recommendations in the form:

  1. taking vitamin complexes, which include ascorbic acid;
  2. receiving a drink from boiling milk with butter, soda and ginger;
  3. drinking warm tea with lemon wedges;
  4. gargling with tea fungus. You can use soda, saline or herbal infusion. Procedures should be carried out every two hours;
  5. making chamomile linden tea;
  6. carrying out inhalations by means of steam or the nebulizer. This method allows you to moisten the mucous membranes of the larynx and throat. For steam inhalation fit herbs essential oils  or soda with iodine. For the nebulizer, you can use saline with drugs;
  7. eating large quantities of walnuts, cranberries, green apples. From these ingredients you can prepare a medical mixture. To do this in different quantities you need to mix nuts, berries and fruits. Grind everything with a blender and fill with honey. Drink every morning after sleep.