Acupuncture points on the legs and arms. How massage acupuncture points on the body will help to cope with the disease. How to help yourself in such situations

Many centuries ago, ancient healers noticed one interesting fact: people who walk a lot without shoes, that is, barefoot on different natural surfaces, feel much better and have better health than those who constantly wear shoes. The fact is that on the feet of a person there is a lot (about 70 thousand) nerve endingsforming reflex zones. Each of these projection zones or acupuncture points has clear boundaries and is associated with a specific organ or physiological system; therefore, its proper and regular stimulation is able to adjust the work of this organ. How exactly are these points located and how should they be acted upon?

In order for the effect to be as expected, the needle should be placed at the opposite point of Ling Gu. That is, if the pain goes along the right leg, you must work on your left arm. In 75% of cases, a person is relieved within a few minutes. This moment is also used in other back pains, as well as headaches and legs, Bell menstrual and paralysis. This is such a strong moment that it does not even need to be cleaned when a woman is pregnant, as she can cause.

The pain can be relieved with a squeeze in the hand.

Acupuncturists treat this issue with needles, but we can also do this by exerting some pressure in place. Although there is not enough research to prove that this is the case, the truth is that traditional Asian medicine has been among the "preferred" for hundreds of years. It is not known exactly how the Ling Gu point works. A recent needle acupuncture study indicates that it increases blood flow, which is why it has the ability to relieve pain. Other studies show that it works by stimulating the production of endorphins, hormones known as natural painkillers.

The location of all active points on the feet has its own logic, they all unite in blocks regarding the localization of organs in the body. These points are located as follows:

  • on the toes and adjacent areas - projections of organs located in the head are located. The centers responsible for the work of the frontal part of the head, the thumb for the work of the brain, the next two fingers (index and middle) for the work of the eyes, the ring finger and the little finger for the ears are concentrated at the very tips of the fingers. Below the fingers is the area of ​​the thyroid gland;
  • the front of the foot - in this area are located the centers that regulate the work of the organs of the upper torso, namely the heart, bronchi and lungs;
  • the central zone of the foot is the zone of responsibility for the abdominal region, and more precisely for all the organs of digestion;
  • hypochondral zone - points that control the work of the urogenital system, legs and pelvic area are concentrated here;
  • heel zone - is responsible for the work of the genitals.

As can be seen from the location of acupuncture points, with proper exposure to them, you can stimulate or adjust the work of all organs of the human body and maintain your health in good condition.

For example, points that should be treated in a patient with anxiety disorders are different from those used to treat people with menstrual pain. Place your index finger on the other side of your finger and press hard. The idea is that you can do this treatment or technique yourself when you are at home, in the office or traveling to work on the bus. It is not recommended to use needles without proper knowledge or without supervision of a specialist. By clicking on the Ling Gu point, you can get improvements when you have a backache or sciatica, as well as a stomach for this period.


There are several methods of influencing the soles of the feet, and all these methods can be divided into two large groups: professional and amateur. In modern medical institutions use methods of activating points on the feet of both groups. These methods are called so:

Try to do this for half an hour and do not wait until you can no longer suffer from pain in the spine. For Chinese, there are about 300 treatable with acupuncture, including, sinusitis, rhinitis, colds, pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, tinnitus, chest pain, palpitations, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, menstrual disorders, menstrual pain, back pain during pregnancy, anxiety, depression, insomnia, malaise caused by chemotherapy, pain associated with cancer, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, postoperative pain, complex regional pain syndrome, dermatitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, migraine, facial paralysis, stroke complications, back pain, sciatica, arthrosis, arthritis and many others.

  • acupressure - effect on a group of points with the help of a general massage;
  • acupuncture - effects on active points  using special needles;
  • guasha massage - a special effect on a group of points that are located in the same meridian, the movements should be scraping;
  • moxotherapy - warming points on the feet with the smoke of a cigar, which is made from medicinal plants.

Also, the setting of leeches applied to the feet can be attributed to the acupuncture effect, but the most accessible method and the most popular method is acupressure, that is, massage, which everyone can master.

They include quick results, lack of side effects  compared with drugs, reducing the use of drugs for both acute and prolonged use cases, as well as for their safety. Acupuncture not only reduces muscle spasms and contractures, which leads to an increase in the range of motion. For example, many muscle aches like mechanical pains in the back show excellent results after reducing muscle contraction, with the patient taking their pain and contracture treated, which allow for stretching and exercises to prevent new crises from being painful.


Even if a person does not have a specialized education and does not have massage skills, but he really wants to maintain or improve his health, he will be able to master the elementary methods of influence on the sole points responsible for certain internal organs.

After inserting the needle into the correct point, there may be a slight sensation of electric shock and mild pain, which are normal, indicating the correct use of the point with the activation of local nerve endings. Most of the time, acupuncture is practically painless, given the small diameter of the needle and a round tip.

The reactions to acupuncture treatment or the physical sensations transmitted by patients are very different. There are those who describe the feeling of well-being, calmness, drowsiness, the feeling that something interferes internally and even "the will to cry." Others report itching in some regions of the body, relieving "convulsive convulsion, increased bowel mobility and urge to urinate." In more rare cases, there is a worsening of pain during the first day after application, as in cases of fibromyalgia. However, these worsening effects of pain are rare.

The most in a simple way  Impact on these points is an independent massage of certain zones of the sole with the help of hands. Do not confuse it with acupressure, because it is impossible for a non-professional to perform it, however, regular massaging of the necessary areas of the foot will still have the necessary stimulating effect on the internal organs. The main therapeutic principle of such a massage is to identify pain pointsthat thread "go" from the point of impact into the body. The presence of such a reaction is a signal of the disadvantage of an organ, and such points need to be massaged first.

Medical care in acupuncture is not only the use of acupuncture. In fact, therapy is just one of the stages of treatment. The first assessment is a clinical assessment with patient complaints and history. After a physical examination, the doctor may request additional tests, such as x-rays, ultrasonography or resonances, to assist in diagnostic confirmation and exclude other pathologies. Subsequently, we began acupuncture treatment.

If necessary, we assign other therapeutic resources, such as infiltrates, anesthetics or shock wave treatment. After the initial consultation, the acupuncturist selects the specific and individual points of each patient. The patient lies in a heated private room. After cleaning the skin, the needles are inserted at a depth of 0.5 to 3 cm, removing them after about 30 minutes. It is recommended that the patient does not move suddenly during the session in order to avoid discomfort.

However, do not forget about the neighboring areas, even if they do not give pain signals. It is best to alternate the massage effects of pain and pain points. The duration of such a procedure, which should be carried out before bedtime, should be at least five minutes. Wait for offensive therapeutic effect  should be soon after the disappearance of pain in the massaged area.

In addition to using needles, a doctor may also use other resources of Chinese medicine, for example, or to optimize results. In general, a favorable result is expected already in the first sessions. Currently, acupuncture needles are disposable, made of stainless steel and flexible, with oval ends, oblong rather than sharp and very thin diameter, characteristics that differ from the needles commonly used for injectables.

The diameter ranges from 0, 20 mm to 0, 30 mm and from 15 mm to 70 mm. Thus, they are up to 10 times thinner than injection needles. Good quality needles have cable coated and rolled with silver copper wire. This property is intended to facilitate the management of the needle by the physician, in addition to allowing a better use of the stimulus when applying electrostimulation.

Also, a very simple way to activate acupuncture points located on the feet is to influence the soles of the feet by a random method. This may be walking barefoot on small pebbles, sand or grass. The main difference of this method is the absence of a target to massage a specific point or center. The procedure has a tonic effect, improves well-being and improves mood.

No in chinese medicine  There are several other therapeutic resources to potentiate the effect of acupuncture or even those who are afraid of needles. Some other methods include. It is a therapeutic resource that uses glass or plastic cups to produce suction at certain points for therapeutic purposes.

Electroacupuncture: the use of weak electrical stimuli at acupuncture points with needles to strengthen therapeutic effect  needles. Anyone, at any age, can be treated with acupuncture, with the exception of patients with generalized skin infections. Even during pregnancy, acupuncture is not contraindicated if it is avoided at points that act as dilators of the cervix and contribute to the reduction of the uterus; however, this is still a controversial issue, except on the eve of labor, when acupuncture can help speed it up.

An excellent option for stimulating points on the feet is a thermal effect on the entire sole or a certain part of it. In the first case, these can be warming foot baths, which are designed not only to warm the body, but also to accelerate recovery through thermal stimulation of the concentration sites of energy centers. Foot baths can be replaced with compresses with mustard or pepper, set for 2-3 hours. In addition, thermal effects can be done to a point, for this you need a stone heated to a tolerable temperature. It should be applied to the acupuncture center and kept there until cool.

Acupuncture is an invasive method that requires medical knowledge  antiseptics, anatomy and human, fundamental physiology to prevent accidents and complications that may occur, for example, vaccinations of microorganisms in the human body or damage to any noble structure, such as the liver, kidney or lung, with unpredictable sequels. However, this type of risk is extremely low.

It varies according to the patient’s clinical condition, the nature and severity of the disease. In general, one to two weekly sessions are prescribed. According to clinical evolution, the frequency of sessions is defined as greater or less frequent, and the total number of procedures applied is estimated.


Of course, the procedure performed by the specialist will be the most effective, however, and you can, if you wish, perform the stimulation of all the necessary points on the feet. So that everything goes well, before the massage you need to relieve tension from your feet. You can do this as follows:

  • walking in socks on the floor for 3-5 minutes;
  • making a warm bath with fragrant salts;
  • adopting a comfortable posture, eliminating the strain of the feet for 10 minutes.

It is necessary to begin massage with fingers, each of which should be kneaded separately. After that, the upper part of the foot is massaged with the inner and the outside, then the impact moves to the ankle and heel area. The impact on the points should be made in a circular motion.

In most cases, five to ten sessions are indicated. Often, patients seek acupuncture as the last treatment option, because they are not aware of this type of therapy. Thus, when initiating therapy with this method, serious structural changes, behavioral and psychological disorders are already observed. In most cases, patients are elderly people. chronic diseases. For these reasons, some of them may require longer treatment. Therefore, the duration of treatment in some cases is long.

When self-stimulating acupuncture points located on the sole of the foot, you need to remember that too intense and frequent exposure to them can give quite the wrong result. In order to minimize the likelihood of any negative effects of massage, it should be given in courses for 7 days with a break of 1-2 weeks.

Acupuncture acts to reduce hunger and thus controls drinking, especially for sweets. This effect is conducive to the re-education of food, without the need to use drugs to reduce. This is one of the big advantages: it works without side effects or chemical dependence caused by appetite moderators. However, it should be remembered that the effect is moderate. There are no miraculous solutions, such as losing 10 kg per month!

Additional effects of acupuncture include improving sleep, reducing irritability and improving symptoms caused by obesity, such as pain in the spine, knees, and legs, which motivates exercise. Acupressure; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Acupuncture.

Each human organ has its own energy - Qi, the exchange of which occurs through the meridians. Energy moves along the meridians in accordance with the human biological clock.

A full cycle of energy takes 24 hours, and in one meridian it can be no more than 2 hours. Such a daily cycle determines the optimal period of influence on each meridian.

Reduce pain and discomfort Reduce anxiety, common symptoms when treating cancer. . Acupuncture is one of the many elements that make up traditional Chinese medicine. The purpose of acupuncture is to promote balance, harmony of the body, elimination of diseases.

Acupuncture is the stimulation through the needles of certain points of the body located on the surface of the skin. This stimulation has the ability to change various physiological and biochemical conditions to achieve the desired effect. In acupressure, which we are going to practice here, we stimulate some of these acupuncture points by pressing them with our fingertips. There are several specific points that can be stimulated; today we will see two of these points. The main purpose of this activity is to reduce pain, reduce anxiety and reduce abdominal discomfort caused by cancer treatment.

The meridians regulate the flow of blood and vital energy, help to harmonize Yin and Yang, give strength to muscles and bones, help the joints to work. They transfer energy from internal organs  to human skin, so that you can see the manifestations of the disease from the outside.

There are three positive types of energies: protective, ancestral, and nourishing.

First let's find out the points. How to find: this point is located in the arch between the index finger and the thumb, when it closes the hand, it is the highest “mound”. First look at the photos, and then feel it, this is a very sensitive and painful spot. You must hit this point on average from 2 to 5 minutes to get relief. If the goal is to cure headache, the massage can last more than five minutes or until the pain begins to pass.

The relationship between the spine and emotions: the destructive effects of experiences

How to find: the point is located in the center of the forehead, in the center line of the nose, between the two eyebrows. First look at the pictures, and then feel it. Deep pressure is ideal. For this, it is best to use the tip or knot of the fingers. The duration of the massage varies from two to five minutes depending on the strength of your body, and you can repeat the process up to three times a day. It is important not to overdo it, because you can stimulate some energy channel or some organ, thereby damaging your nerves.

Protective energy  allows a person to successfully resist the negative effects of the environment. Circulating over the entire surface of the skin, it provides timely opening and closing of pores, sensitivity and other important functions. The disease develops when the protective energy weakens, and the pain occurs as a result of changes in surface energy.

Every person has a certain amount since birth. ancestral energy. It circulates in the meridians, regulating the entire energy system of the body. When protective energy is not able to cope with pathogenic, ancestral takes over its functions. The depletion of ancestral energy leads to aging and death.

Nutritional energy  It circulates in the main meridians and allows the organs and systems of the body to function normally. It is produced from inhaled air and processed food.

In addition to the three positive energies, there are also pathogens. For convenience, they are divided into six categories, each of which corresponds to a particular season: cold - winter; wind - spring; fire and humidity - fly; dryness is autumn. Penetrating into the body, these energies can cause a variety of disorders.


All types of energies circulate in the meridians.

In Chinese medicine, the meridians are a functional inseparable part of the organ, and therefore each meridian has the name of the corresponding organ. Now an international index has been added (the first letter of the French organ name): lung meridian - P, colon meridian - GI, stomach meridian - E, spleen and pancreas meridian - RP, heart meridian - C, meridian of the small intestine - IG, urinary meridian bladder - V, kidney meridian - R, pericardium meridian - MS, three heaters meridian - TR, gallbladder meridian - VB, liver meridian - F (see fig. 2-15).

In acupuncture there are four types of meridians: tendon-muscular, special, main, wonderful.

TO muscle tendon   include 12 meridians. They are closest to the surface and protect the body from external adverse effects.

Special meridians   provide penetration of protective energy to the internal organs. In addition, special meridians enhance the effectiveness of the main and allow them to influence those parts of the body to which they are not suitable. All special meridians are Yang meridians.

Main ones or main meridians (12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians) are described in all acupuncture manuals. Each of them corresponds to one of the organs of chang-fu and provides circulation of its nutritional energy.

Each of the 12 main paired meridians has a Chinese name consisting of three parts:

The name of the limb (hand - foot) on which the meridian begins or ends;

Belonging to the system Yinor Ianwith the characteristic of their severity ( tai -most pronounced min -strong jue -moderate, shao -small);

The name of the authority to which "belongs" is the meridian. For example: the name "manual tai yinlung meridian "means that it ends on the hand, carries a very strongly pronounced factor Yin(medial side of the arm) zhan-organ lung.

Signs of redundancy and lack of energy in the 12 main meridians

Unpaired main meridians of the front and back middle have Chinese names jen-may and du-may, corresponding to two of the wonderful meridians.

Wonderful meridians (there are 8–6 paired and 2 unpaired) associated with the urogenital, nervous, bone and circular systems, as well as with vascular functions.

There is a close connection with the main meridians of the main meridians, therefore, with the defeats of the first, it is also necessary to influence the points of the main meridians.

Ancestral energy circulates in wonderful meridians. In opposite directions, both protective and nourishing energies can flow through them.

The trajectory of a wonderful meridian consists of a number of points, as if temporarily borrowed from permanent meridians; at the same time unpaired wonderful meridians are formed entirely from the points of the sub-middle ( do may- VG) and Front-Middle ( jen-may- VC) permanent meridians (see fig. 14 and 15). They are not part of the general circle of energy circulation, are not connected with any organ, and, like the channels of the three heaters and the pericardium, unite the physiological functions of the whole organism.

For the formation of non-permanent meridians (miraculous) for each of them it is necessary to “turn on” the key point.

There are interior  and external meridian passages.  The internal course of the meridian determines the connections of the organs, therefore, when a pathology occurs, it determines the symptoms of the internal primary syndrome (Yin). External - symptomatology of the superficial main syndrome (Yang).

The indications for the use of one or another point are based on the fact that exposure to it leads to the removal of various symptoms of seemingly unrelated pathological processes that appeared along the meridian.

The system of meridians in Chinese is called "Jing-lo."

In addition to the external and internal passages of the meridians, there are also collateral lines, or secondary meridians,which are branches of the main meridians. There are 15 longitudinal (duplicate most of the meridian path, heading towards the internal organs and combining the inner passages of the meridians) and 12 transverse (linking Yang– and Yin – meridians in pairs) lines loCollaterals begin at a point called   lo-itemand end at a point - an accomplice of the paired meridian.

The longitudinal and transverse collaterals diverge from one point, the lo-point, in which its collaterals and the internal course are projected on the outer course of the meridian. Lo-points are located on the limbs, are part of the main points of primary elements (ancient points) and are located on each of the permanent pair of meridians.

Such lo-points normalize energy in the paired meridians and are widely used for therapeutic purposes.

The meridians running along the extremities are in contact with each other; points of contact in this case are called “group lo.” The effect on group loing is applied in the case when two or all three Yin or Yang foot or hand meridians are involved in the pathological process. The table shows which meridians relate to Yang, and which - to Yin.

The alphanumeric system for the designation of meridians (Yin meridians are in bold; Yang meridians are in italics).

Acupuncture points

Impact on acupuncture points leads to improvement in the condition of individual organs by balancing Qi energy. Points are located on the meridians, which were discussed above. There are 664 acupuncture points on the human body, of which 150 are considered major.

Classify acupuncture points in different ways.

One of the systematization is the distribution of points by groups in accordance with the meridians, that is, they determine which body which points belong to. Without this, all acupuncture techniques would be meaningless.

More points are divided into groups by localization, so that they are easier to find on the body. After all, some points related to any body are located at a considerable distance from it. Thanks to this classification easier to navigate.

Points are also divided by the type of their impact on the relevant body. There are tonic and sedative points, there are sympathetic points and helpers, pain and stabilizing points, etc.

In addition, for each of the bodies of chang-fu, there are six ancient points: Ting, Yong, Yiwu, Yunn, King, and Ho:

Ting - energy entry / exit point;

Yong - accelerates the course of energy, excites heat in Yang– and cold in Yin-meridians;

Yiwu - dissipates damaging energy, causes defensive;

Yunn - energy comes from the paired meridian;

King - causes the movement of protective energy to eliminate pathogenic;

Ho - the connection of the inner and outer parts of the meridian.

Locate points

Find a biologically active point (BAT) help various anatomical structures: cavities, muscles, tendons, bones, etc. But this location, like the anatomical structure of each person, despite the similarity of the general plan, individually.

Therefore, to describe and determine the localization of active points of influence use a proportional unit of measurement, called "cun".

In ancient times, they used a measurement called the “individual tsun.” This is the distance between the first and second interphalangeal folds of the III (middle) finger of the left hand in men and the right hand in women.

One cun is also equal to the transverse size of the nail phalanx of the thumb. Accordingly, the transverse size of the nail phalanges of the II and III fingers is 1.5 tsunam, II, III and IV fingers - 2 tsunam, all four fingers (II, III, IV and V) - 3 tsunam. These proportional segments — Tsuni — are used to find points in both vertical and horizontal directions (Fig. 1).

Fig. one.The definition of an individual moon

Currently acupuncture points  determine the so-called method proportional Tsun, or proportional segment.

The basis of this method is the principle of dividing the vertical size of certain areas of the body by the standard number of divisions for each area.

To accurately measure the length of body areas, the correct position of a person is of great importance. So, measure the vertical size of the front wall of the abdomen should be at the position of a person on his back. The back and palm sides of the shoulder and forearm should be measured by bending the arm at the elbow and wrist joints, etc.

Below is a table in which a standard number is indicated, into which a particular area of ​​the patient’s body must be divided, in order to obtain the size of an individual proportional clock.

WITH the standard number of divisions of body parts into proportional segments

Basic Acupuncture Rules

Boolean rule

Rule Buse-se is fundamental in the treatment of methods of oriental reflexology. It is translated "bu-se" as follows: boo- add the missing energy; se- take away excess energy. Or so: boo  - to fill, excite, tone up; se  - dispel, slow down, sedate.

Rule. If you act on acupuncture points according to the rule, then you can restore the balance of Yin-Yang to your body. When Yang-syndrome (excess accumulation of energy) should be applied se, with Yin syndrome (lack of energy) must be activated boo.

This rule is used in practice, assuming that on the meridian of each of the main organs there is only one exciting and one inhibitory point, and in order to add energy to any organ, it is necessary to act on the first in order to take it away - on the second.


The rule was based on the theory of the diurnal rhythm of energy exchange in the meridians. Yin meridians are available for treatment from 12 to 24 hours, and Yang - from 24 to 12 hours.

H aces of meridian activity

This rule is used for several pathologies. If the tonic effect on Yang-organs in the period from 24 to 12 hours, you can reduce the amount of energy in the Yin-organs.

"Mother Son"

The "mother-son" rule is used to determine the points of impact in a particular disease. It is based on the bonds of the U-syn cycle. The “mother-son” rule is used on the assumption that any primary element is the “son” of the previous one and the “mother” of the next one. The primary elements in this case are as follows: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth. Therefore, Metal is the "mother" of Water and the "son" of the Earth. Water is the "mother" of the Tree and the "son" of Metal, etc.

In relation to the organs of chang-fu, this chain will look, for example, as follows: the pericardium (Fire) is the "mother" of the spleen (Earth) and the "son" of the liver (Tree).

They use the "mother-son" rule in cases where it is impossible for any reason to influence the desired points of the meridian of the patient's body. To do this, determine the primary element of the meridian in which the violation occurred, then its "mother" and "son" are identified. Then - the type of problem: a surplus or lack of energy in the body. After that, the excitation point of the “son” or the inhibitory “mothers” is acted upon, and vice versa.

Methods of physical effects in acupuncture

There are two methods of influence on biologically active points: strong method (braking)   and weak (exciting) effects . Each of them has a weaker version - the impact of medium force.

With first method  irritation is strong, intense, long-lasting, with gradually increasing and deep impact on small numbers of points, or a small area. At the patient in the place of impact, there is a feeling of aches, spreading, heat, the passage of electric current with radiation to the periphery or to the center, and also to the sides. One effect is usually taken from 2–3 to 4–6 points. This method is called sedative, sedative, hypotensive, analgesic. Most often it is used in cases of hyperfunction of organs and systems, convulsions, spasms, pain.

Children and weakened patients produce irritation of moderate strength. The duration of exposure at each point is from 20 to 40 minutes.

With the method of weak (exciting) effects irritation fast, short, weak. It is usually applied successively in a series of points and is accompanied by a short-term sensation of numbness, burning, pain. The method gives a stimulating, toning, stimulating, disinhibiting effect. It is used to reduce the function of the nervous and other systems, the violation of sensitivity, movement, collapse, fainting, to provide first aid. During one session, from 5 to 10 or more points are used, the duration of exposure at each point is from 30 seconds to 1–2 minutes.

Some people are afraid of needles and believe that acupuncture is a very painful exercise. However, unlike traditional oriental medicine, which uses thick needles, acupuncture needles are smooth, durable and much thinner. They are made of metal with a length of 1.5–12 cm and a thickness of 0.3–0.45 mm. Some people may feel only minor sensations at the point where the needle falls: aches, pain, feeling the passage of current. These sensations disappear immediately, but they serve as a criterion for the accuracy of needle insertion.

Sterile needles are used only once, and then thrown away.

Usually, people feel complete relaxation throughout the procedure, and some even fall asleep. Acupuncture stimulates the body's natural, healthy processes, helping you feel better. Many practitioners in traditional Chinese medicine believe that acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy that nourishes the tissues, improves blood circulation and improves various functions  organism.

The effect of this method of treatment is due to moderate irritation of the sensitive nerve cells of the skin, muscles and blood vessels.

Acupuncture can be used as a preventive measure or as a treatment for existing diseases.

But there are contraindications  to apply this method. These are diseases requiring urgent surgical intervention, such as appendicitis, bleeding from internal organs, abnormal labor, malignant tumors, etc.

Three degrees of needle depth

1. Superficial staining  expels penetrating outside breaking Yang-energy (heat, wind).

2. Pricking Medium Depth  removes the disturbing Yin-energy coming from outside (cold, humidity).

3. Deep pricking. The needle is advanced to the muscles (the patient has a typical pulling sensation). This method of pricking "mobilizes the energy of the stomach." At the same time, the patient has a feeling of “concentration of energy” (the main function of the “energy of the stomach” mobilized by needles is to replenish the missing “initial” energy of the patient or weaken its fullness).

Needle insertion methods

one. " Half shot". In this case, the needle is inserted very easily into the skin and is immediately removed in order not to damage the muscles. The movement of two fingers is similar to the movement when pulling out hair. This injection removes the disturbing energy from the skin (according to the theory of five primary elements, the lungs are closely related to the skin, so this injection is effective for treating the lungs).

2. " Leopard skin". They put (superficially) many needles at once on the right, left, top and bottom and place them on the body like dark spots on the skin of a leopard; this achieves microblooping for eliminating blood stagnation (according to the theory of five primary elements, the heart is associated with blood, therefore this technique is acceptable for the treatment of heart disease). This technique corresponds to superficial acupuncture.

3. Prick "opening" or "gate".  It is produced at the points of the extremities in the ligament area for diseases of the joints caused by moisture. Blood should not appear after the injection (because, according to the theory of five primary elements, ligaments are connected with the liver, this injection is also used to treat the liver).

4. Prick "confluence" (mouth, end).  All needles must reach a certain depth. The delivered needle is slightly removed, after which two more needles are placed to the right of it, the tips of which almost touch the first needle. This injection is used to treat diseases of the muscles caused by moisture. Prick "confluence" is used in the treatment of diseases of the spleen.

five. " Shu-prick"(The word" shu "is used here in the sense of" transport "). His technique is similar to a transport injection: the needle moves almost to the bone, but does not touch it. The injection is used for bone disease, as well as in the treatment of kidney disease.

Chinese acupuncture technique

In the ancient Chinese manuals 9 acupuncture methods are indicated.

1. Puncturing.Use only 5 points of the U-shu of disturbed meridians, then prick the corresponding sympathetic points of the bladder meridian, which are connected with internal organs.

2.  Method "long way".  If the disease (pain) is found in the upper part of the body, points on the legs are pricked (the distance between the diseased organ and the point of impact is relatively large, hence the name “long way”).

3. The method of "prime meridian."  Choose points on the broken meridian, respectively, the localization of the disease, which is located between the broken meridian and its collateral channel lo.

4. Method of pricing lo-points.  Remove stagnant blood.

5. Fan method (split).  Prick points located between muscles and joints; the injection site is between the joint and the muscle (points-slits, or analgesic points).

6. Big cross method, or big shot method.  They are mainly used for traumatic pain and superficial inflammation, that is, for Yang syndrome: sedate an accomplice point and tone up the lo-point of the paired meridian on the side opposite to the injury.

7. The method of "hair puncture".The skin is punctured only superficially (not deeper than the hair roots), without penetrating the needle into the muscle (superficial acupuncture).

8. The method of "winning injection."  Needles are injected into the meridian points on the side of the body opposite to the location of the pain.

9. Prick "heated needles."  After inserting the needle, a piece of cigarette or a cone is put on its handle and lit so that heat penetrates deep into it.

Classic methods of acupuncture treatment

In the ancient Chinese treatises 12 ways of acupuncture therapy are indicated.

1. Bilateral treatment.  At the same time prick the points of the back and front of the body. It is important that the needles stand at the same time in front and in front. For example, with pain in the stomach, it is possible to simultaneously puncture points chjup-nan and wei-shu.

2. Multiple injection. Applied in cases where the skin is found painful points that change localization. If another painful point is found at a single point, a needle is taken out and immediately pricked into it. If other painful points are detected, the technique is repeated until all the detected ones are punctured. In this case, the first point is pressed with a finger and released only when the second needle is set. It is used for common and non-localized joint pain; each attack should be treated in this way.

3. Pricking around ligaments.  Applied in patients with strained ligaments, with a tendency to seizures, as well as rheumatic diseases of the joints. The injection is made in the immediate vicinity of the joints and ligaments at all painful points. The put needles are necessary for long to rotate - it removes a pain and spasms.

4. Prick three needles.  First one needle is inserted and two more from two sides. This method is used for diseases caused by cold and humidity.

5. Prick five needles. One needle is placed in the middle, and four - a rectangle around ("plum blossom"). In this way, it is punctured only in the case when there are more than four painful points. This method is used when catarrhal diseases. Needles are inserted superficially.

6. Sheep shot.  The skin fold is drawn away and a needle is placed inside it in order to avoid muscle damage. This method is used for diseases resulting from cold and humidity. Needles are inserted only superficially.

7. Transport injection  Used to dissipate external damaging energy. The needle is quickly inserted quite deeply and immediately removed. The method is used in cases where the damaging start is heat. This method reduces the imbalance heat and “expels” it from the body.

8. A short shot.  Apply with inflammation in the bones and joints, resulting from moisture, when the patient can not move the limbs. Initially, the needles are inserted only superficially, rotating, and then propelled a little further, until the tip of the needle is close to the bone, but does not touch it. Then the needle is easily pushed up and down so that the muscles move with the needle.

9. Superficial injectiondo it easily and superficially without reaching the muscles. The method is mainly used for convulsions due to cold.

10. Pricking Yin.  The needles are placed simultaneously on the right and left halves of the body; used for pain inside, caused by cold. Since the energy of the cold especially often damages the kidney meridian, with such diseases it is more often that the R3 Tai-si point is pricked at the same time on both legs.

11. Small injection, or injection near.  The point closest to the center of pain is determined and affected by the sedative method. If this is not enough, then put the second needle to a point on the same meridian, but below the center of pain (along the meridian). Sometimes it is necessary to place the third needle at a point in the center of the pain. This method is used for chronic, common pain syndrome (moisture).

12. Helping injection.  Needles are inserted very quickly and immediately removed. The method is used for superficial inflammation. Such an injection in the area of ​​inflammation is produced repeatedly, causing skin microcirculation.