Points on the hands for treatment. Biologically active points are simple and effective methods of action. Biologically active points to improve memory

3000 years BC in ancient China, the peasant completely accidentally hit his foot with a hoe and got rid of the headaches that constantly tormented him. Having learned about this miracle, the imperial doctors developed an atlas of biologically active points, the effect on which healed people.

To date, about 700 biologically active points are known on the human body, however, no more than 150 are actively used. Outwardly, they are indistinguishable from the surrounding skin, but they can be found by some anatomical signs - hillocks, folds and depressions. With a strong pressure on them there is a feeling of aches and even pain.

So you jumped on the cleanup. You have detoxed so much that you no longer have detoxification recipes that you have never tried. You have all the known detoxifying herbs stored in your pantry. You are the Detoxing Queen. You took baths and avoided all possible actions in order not to harm your body.

Or maybe you are just starting a detox journey. It may be impossible to clear the juice for ten days. Maybe you just start weaning yourself off a diet with sodium and sugar, and you want to start your cleansing. Reflexology is the application of pressure on your arms and legs to stimulate your internal organs, joints and blood circulation. In fact, it is a combination of massage and acupressure.

The diameter of biologically active points varies depending on the human condition: from 1 mm during sleep to 1 cm after waking up. In the region of the point, the temperature rises, oxygen absorption increases, and the electrical resistance of the skin decreases. Under the microscope, you can see a large accumulation of nerve endings.

Methods of influence on biologically active points

1 - acupuncture (acupuncture)
2 – acupressure  (acupressure)
  3 - thermal (cauterization, warming, exposure to cold)
  4 - canned massage (creates a vacuum over the point)
  5 - electropuncture (exposure to electric current micro ampere range)
  6 - laser
  7 - ultraviolet
  8 - infrared
  9 - microwave
  10 - the impact of a magnetic and electromagnetic field

Reflex therapists claim that, like acupuncture and acupressure, reflexology helps to stimulate your vitality in circulating, debilitating diseases or ill health in the body. But is that enough, how about pressure points? The liver is one of your most important organs. Although it is possible to handle a lung or a kidney, the liver cannot be circumvented. The liver cleanses your blood, eliminating harmful substances in your body, like alcohol and other toxins. It regulates the release of nutrients, such as sugars and fats, to provide your body with a sustainable amount of energy.

Acupuncture is quite complicated and only a specialist can do it. When self-exposure is better to use acupressure. The remaining methods are more complicated and require special equipment. The use of acupressure does not require special medical education and everyone can help themselves.

The essence of acupressure is to press on a biologically active point with a finger (or several fingers). The impact is carried out by a pad of the 2nd, 3rd, less often - the 1st finger, placed vertically. Putting the pad of your finger on the point, begin to make circular movements with your finger (the skin moves with your finger) with a gradually increasing pressure force. Movement should be done in rhythm about 2 turns per second. It is better to alternate circular movements with rhythmic pressure of 5 seconds each, vibration or tapping with a fingertip.

It works with the immune system, it creates blood clotting factors that your body needs to stop bleeding. It also regulates hormones and cholesterol in the body. Reflexology points help the liver to do its job. There are two pressure points for the liver, one in the right hand and one on the left foot.

Find the point in your right hand, go to the split between your middle and rings. Watch your palm in the void located below the swelling of the upper palm. This is a place, and it goes right back to your little finger. The point on your left foot is at the bottom, which is located under the ball of your foot, under your fingers and third fingers.

When conducting an acupressure at a biologically active point, feelings of aches, heat, or the passage of electric current often appear. All these feelings indicate that the point is found correctly and the effect is carried out correctly. After the manifestation of such sensations, the pressure should be relaxed and, after 30 seconds, stop the effect. It should be noted that the absence of the described sensations does not at all indicate the ineffectiveness of acupressure.

The kidneys perform a similar task in the liver, since both organs clean the blood. Although the liver eliminates toxins, the kidneys secrete excess minerals or unwanted by-products that your body produces. When you consume too much vitamin C, your kidneys filter out what you don't need, when your muscles produce creatinine, they cleanse it of your blood. They also encourage hormone production, which helps the intestines absorb nutrients. Reflexology points help the kidneys do their work.

The kidneys in the right hand can be found in the fleshy part of your palm below the index finger, just above the thumb bone. A little pressure will help you find a place. Reflexology points can be found in both legs, in the center of your arch. These are simple search points.

When exposed to massage on the biologically active point in it occurs by improving blood circulation and metabolic processes. And since each of them has a connection with a certain internal organ, the corresponding changes occur in them: blood circulation improves, decreases pain sensations, the time of illness is reduced, violations of the functional activity of organs are eliminated Acupressure also eliminates the organic effects of neurosis (anxiety, anxiety) and stressful states.

Nedra are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water. But a lot can get into your intestines. Reflexology encourages your colon to function better by reducing colon growth and encouraging regular bowel movements. Intestinal points are located in the right hand at the heel of your palm, right through the bottom, rubbing here will stimulate the small intestine, helping to absorb nutrients and giving this detoxification haze more likely to get into your blood.

Kidneys, both legs help to stimulate your big and small intestinal tractThis spot is located at the back of your arch, near your heel, and covers the entire width of the sole of your foot. Give a very hard rub for this moment, or stand on something solid and lift your leg to the side to get benefits.

The effect of acupressure is quite pronounced:
  1 - improves blood circulation.
  2 - improves metabolism.
  3 - neuralgic pains are removed.
  4 - the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  5 - increases the body's resistance to infections and viruses.
  6 - stops the development of inflammatory processes.
  7 - improves the condition of muscle tissue and skin.

There are certain methods that most responsible martial artists tend to keep secret until a student can only understand and use them responsibly. This leads to dangerous situations where people try to imitate methods of dealing with pressure, which may have seen someone else speaking at seminars, etc. And without knowing the medical consequences, can cause great damage to his or her training partner. I hope that the majority of young martial artists and some old people will use this information wisely, and also tell about it responsibly, really stressing that it is very dangerous and will kill.

In addition to its tonic effect, massage of biologically active points contributes to effective treatment  many diseases, including chronic ones:
  diseases of the nervous system: manifestations of osteochondrosis of various localization, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, central and peripheral paralysis, headaches, neuroses, sleep disorders, neurogenic pruritus  etc.
  diseases digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, dyskinesias (both diarrhea and constipation), chronic cholecystitis, JCB and others;
   respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
   urogenital diseases: urethritis, cystitis, urinary incontinence, renal colic, prostatitis, sexual dysfunctions of a functional nature, etc.
   gynecological: adnexitis, menstrual disorders, painful periods, infertility, mastitis, lactation disorders, vomiting of pregnant women, etc.
   ENT diseases: rhinitis, including vasomotor, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
   allergic diseases: urticaria, various dermatoses;
   childhood diseases: frequent colds (decreased immunity), bronchial asthma, chronic, pneumonia, insomnia, gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, allergic rhinitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, urticaria, enuresis, poor appetite and so on.

It is better that we have people who kill others during periods of extreme need, rather than returning home and getting into mom on a sleepy sinus not so much and killing her, because someone at the seminar said that it is not dangerous. First, it is dangerous to knock someone out, no matter how it is done. We lose a few million brain cells every time we get knocked out.

We, most of us, know that bounce anywhere near the head or chin, face, etc. will lead to knocking out. This is due to the fact that these areas are vital for human survival, and when tapped, the brain simply causes the rest of the body to faint, saving all energy and blood for the affected area. This is the first and most basic technique of dealing with pressure. That is why boxers are knocked out, etc.

As the long-term practice shows, acupressure does not give harmful effects and complications.

We will consider ways to affect the face, ears, palms of hands, feet, Feng Fu points, He-Gu and Zu-San-Li in order to restore and promote health, healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Acupressure face massage is popular, and all because the effects on biological points help to cope with:
  - headaches;
  - chronic fatigue;
  - nervous tick mimic;
- catarrhal diseases;
  - insomnia.

Biologically active points of the palms of the hands

The second method is based on the fact that the chin is pushed back to cause pressure on the spine, which leads to an instantaneous blocking of information from the central nervous system to the brain, and therefore the body can not do anything, so we have another knockout.

The third way is to hit certain muscle groups, causing the muscles around the lungs to contract sharply, thus removing air from the lungs. This is called the limited airy poppy poppy. See photo number 1 for the first attack and defense. It is a “special point” in acupuncture and does not have any particular meridian.


Practically all the organs of our body are also projected onto the ears. On them biologically active points are located as closely as possible, their number reaches 110. The impact on the points is carried out by therapeutic and prophylactic massage, with which you can improve the emotional and physical condition of a person. Gently massage and mash the entire auricle first. Massage with heated hands, all fingers. It is better to start the massage with the earlobes, then smoothly go higher and higher and finish with the upper edges of the ears. Alternate rotation, rubbing, pressing, tapping and stroking. The main recommendations for the massage:
  1. For a better effect on the biologically active points on the ears, you can massage the points with not very sharp objects (about 1 mm in diameter), for example, with a sharp, not sharp match or a toothpick (lightly rub off the end).
  2. You can also massage points by pressing and rotating simultaneously with your fingers. With your finger you capture not one small point, but several at once, therefore such rotational movements should be several dozen times.
  3. Massage your ears for at least a minute.
  4. Press on the active point for 5 seconds. Repeat the pressure should be another 7 times.
  5. We press the palms of the hands to the ears and begin to rotate first in one direction and then in the other. It is necessary to massage so that the ears "burn."
  6. If you want to be more vigorous and energetic - do the massage in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. This massage is good to do in the morning, as well as when you feel sluggish.
  7. To calm the contrary nervous system  and, for example, get ready for bed, do a massage counterclockwise.
  8. Five minutes of massage of the upper edge of the ear from the side where the tooth hurts, and the pain was gone.
  9. You will help your liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, if you massage the central deep part auricles.
  10. With eye fatigue, press down on the center point of the earlobe.

This in itself will lead to knocking out and serious internal damage. This in Tai Chi is called "stroking a horse's mane." The fourth way is much more complicated method  dealing with pressure and requires some medical explanation. This is where we make the brain think that something happened when it really was not. Acupuncture points are for healing or for killing, so use them with great care. Baro means barometer and receptor, which means something that receives information.

The benefits of hand massage

These little bits of us register either high or low blood pressure in the body. We have them around the aorta, but the main one that we are engaged in is in the neck and is called the carotid sinus. This is a small dilatation at the beginning of the internal carotid artery just above the bifurcation of the common carotid artery with the formation of the internal and external carotid arteries. The common artery is a large one, from which there are two other branches, one goes to the brain, the eye, the forehead and the nose.


On the palms of the hands, as on the feet, there are a significant number of biologically active points and zones, which are projections internal organs, as well as the beginning or end of some acupuncture meridians. There are several ways to influence these points and zones.
  1. Acupressure
  2. Carefully rub the palms of your hands together.
  3. Figurative breathing: Take a comfortable posture, sitting on a chair best. The body should be pleasantly relaxed, breathing free, even. Put your hands on your knees, palms up. Transfer attention to the palms of your hands. Imagine breathing through them. Breathe through the palms three to four minutes.
  4. This breathing exercise is called FORGED FUR. Sit on the mat with your legs crossed: in men, the right leg is in front, in women it is the left. Begin to breathe as follows: a sharp exhalation and a free breath in about one second. Make 20 such exhalations - breaths without stopping. After the twentieth exhalation, take the maximum deep breath and hold your breath as long as possible. While holding the breath, rotate the palm of your right hand over the palm of your left counterclockwise. Exhale Repeat the exercise, but this time rotate the palm of your left hand above the palm of your right clockwise.

The outer branch supplies the mouth, face, nose, throat, and part of the larynx, part of the back of the head, and some of the substance of the fool. The sensory fibers of the carotid baroreceptors pass through the carotid nerve of the cardiac inhibition center of the medullary substance. If the blood pressure inside the aorta or carotid sinus suddenly increases, it stimulates the baroreceptors of the aorta or the carotid artery. The result of this stimulation is a reflex slowing of the heart, which reduces blood pressure. So we maintain normal blood pressure.

Now, here is friction: if we can somehow make this carotid sinus think that high blood pressure is present, then the brain will cause pressure, but due to the lack of high blood pressure, we instantly fell because there is not enough blood to enter the brain. We can trigger this with an average blow to the carotid artery. The larger the target can be, the less impact force is needed to knock it out. However, we must strike the carotid artery to get to this sinus, and therein lies the danger.

1 - Highmore and frontal sinuses, 2 - Eustachian tube, 3 - lungs, 4 - ears, 5 - shoulder, 6 - heart, 7 - liver, 8 - spleen, 9 - ascending large intestine, 10 - ovaries and testicles, 11 - appendix, 12 - small intestine , 13 - the sciatic nerve, 14 - eyes, 15 - the pituitary gland, 16 - the crown of the head, 17 - the solar plexus, 18 - the stomach, 19 - the thyroid and parathyroid glands, 20 - the descending colon, 21 - the ureter, 22 - the bladder, prostate, uterus, 23 - nape, 24 - thorax, 25 - loin, sacrum, tailbone.

The impact shock required for this is a blow inward, indentation into the carotid artery and sinus. In some ways, this method is better, since smaller fingers tend to fall on the bone of the rod under the carotid artery, not only through it, but both are dangerous. If you try to just hit by to the outside  neck knife, you, of course, cause damage but with a much more severe blow, and therefore it is actually more dangerous. It is here that the irresponsible actions of martial artists, demonstrating these methods of dealing with pressure, without showing how they will be done, will cause damage.

The result of constant work with biologically active zones - palms of hands is the restoration and strengthening of health.


On the feet are a huge number of biologically active points, which are responsible for the condition of the body as a whole. Here there are points that correspond to the internal organs, spine, eyes, ears, etc., general well-being and even mood, i.e. feet are biologically active zones. Therefore, the impact on them has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Consider these ways:
  1. Acupressure
  2. Take a wooden box about 400 by 400 mm in size. Fill it with pebbles, peas or beans so that the bottom is completely covered. After that, get up in the box barefoot and step from one foot to the other in about 10 minutes.
In the summer, walk barefoot on the ground, pebbles, mowed grass.
  3. Foot massage with hands or special massagers.
  4. Temperature effects: first hold your feet in warm - hot water, then in cold. Repeat several times.
  5. Figurative breathing: Take a comfortable posture, sitting on a chair best. The body should be pleasantly relaxed, breathing free, even. Shift your attention to your feet. Imagine breathing through them. Breathe three to four minutes through your feet.
  6. Honey applications on the feet of the feet have a beneficial effect on the vessels, skin and reflex points. Spread the honey on the feet, then put a plastic bag on each one. Put the socks on the bags. Now you can walk and sleep. In the morning or after three hours, remove the bags and socks, wash your feet. The skin of the legs will get rid of corns, it will become silky, the general well-being of the body will improve.

Here is another medical secret in the pressure field Fight

Someone will go and try them, and, not working, they will try harder and harder. Here, urine is collected for excretion, etc. This is what scientists say. And here is another rub, scientists either do not know or don’t want to know about the acupuncture points on the body. On the arms, shoulders and back, kidneys and gall bladder there are so many intestines, small and large, from head to toe, affecting any of these points, cause the body to think that the actual organ was affected, and therefore we can knock someone out hitting, for example, colon 10, a point on the upper forearm, as shown in photo no.

1 - cranium, 2 - pineal gland, 3 - pituitary gland, 4 - cerebral hemispheres, 5 - cerebellum, 6 - nape and throat area, 7 - thyroid and parathyroid glands, 8 - spine, thoracic, 9 - adrenal glands, 10 - stomach, 11 - kidneys, 12 - spine, lumbar, 13 - sacrum, tailbone, 14 - bladder, 15 - pelvic organs, 16 - hemorrhoids.

You can attack this point with a block or with an actual finger grip. However, strength is not just a touch, we were not so fragile! Of course, you need to use a certain pressure, and it goes without saying that a person must first die in order to fight and stand up before he or she can use these glasses. the defeat of these points to cause knocking out, will nevertheless lead to damage to internal organs through excessive stimulation.

We have just heard that if the gallbladder is in pain, it will lead to low blood pressure, and there is a point on the leg just to the side above the toes, called the gallbladder 42, this moment when the heel hit, occur. The fifth way to deal damage with points is to actually attack points that belong to important organs, such as the heart. We do not need to attack the heart so that it does not work. Once again there are points on the hands, which will cause great damage from the heart, and these points should be avoided at all costs, except for mild stimulation.

The result of constant exposure to biologically active zones - the feet of the feet is the healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Biologically active point FEN - FU

There is one place on the human body — a panacea, a place that is completely unique, with which no other one can match in importance. In Chinese zenzyutherapii (acupuncture), this point is called Feng Fu (Father of the wind). It is located on the midline of the head under the occipital protuberance, i.e. in the place where the head and neck meet. Feng Fu is the only point on the human body where the brain is accessible to direct, direct effects. There is nothing between the skin and the brain, the brain is not covered by bone.
  Chinese medicine, not without success, treated by pricking with a needle or burning Fen-fu. However, it really could not reveal the potential of this point. Domestic experts have developed a method of more effective exposure to the biologically active point of Feng Fu using ordinary ice (dry ice cannot be used). The human body reacts to cold faster and more vigorously than to heat. With the help of this method, it is possible to restore and strengthen a person’s health for a long time under the influence of physical and mental overloads. It is also very effective in healing a person from various diseases and at the same time is a powerful general tonic.
  The cold causes a strong outflow of blood at the point of hypothermia, but this phenomenon is temporary, the reverse process begins soon, a powerful blood flow to it. Influencing ice through the Feng-Fu point on the brain, a sharp increase in blood flow to it is achieved and, as a result, the production of rejuvenating hormones (melatonin, growth hormone, etc.) rises sharply. These hormones heal and rejuvenate the body and increase life expectancy by at least 25 - 30%.
SCHEME OF APPLICATION OF THE METHOD. The first week is to put one ice cube (2 x 2 x 2 cm) on the Feng Fu point, the second cube on the tailbone 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Both times on an empty stomach. This is a prerequisite. The duration of one procedure (lying on the stomach) for men is 20-25 minutes, for women 25-30 minutes. Fix ice on the point of Feng Fu can be an elastic bandage.
  The second week is the morning procedure, as in the first week. Evening - replace the ice on the tailbone with a mustard plaster 2 x 2 cm or a heating pad, Both times on an empty stomach.
  The third and fourth weeks - put the ice cube only on the Feng Fu point once a day.
  The effect of the monthly course is huge, health is restored and strengthened, the body is recovering and rejuvenating, healing from many diseases and making itself felt during the year. It can be carried out as many times as your body wants.
  Contraindications: epilepsy, mental illness, pregnancy (any term), presence of a pacemaker. During the entire course, you cannot drink alcohol and coffee, smoke one hour before the procedure starts and within two hours after it ends.

Exercise "Points"

Sit comfortably on a chair, place your hands on your knees, pressing your thumbs to your index finger. Record clearly the place where the fold of skin between the thumb and index finger ends. In this place is located the point "he-gu", massaging which tones up, improves well-being. Massage for several minutes with vibrating movements of the index finger. Exercise is performed on both hands. When performing a massage, the finger is screwed into a point, which causes a feeling of warmth and burning in it.

After that, put your hands on your knees again so that your palm fully embrace the patella. In this case, the index finger is located in the middle of the cup, while the other fingers are pressed to each other. Then the ring finger will feel a small depression under the protrusion of the circular bone. Find this point and massage it. In this case, you will experience a slight ache. This point (“zu-san-li”) is called the point of longevity or the point from one hundred diseases. Its stimulation allows you to raise the tone of the body, maintain vigor, maintain the necessary performance.

Contraindications for acupressure

Despite the fact that acupressure is shown for almost everyone, there are a number of contraindications for massage of biologically active points. Contraindications are:
- oncological diseases;
  - active form of tuberculosis;
  - diseases of lymph and blood;
- diseases of the kidneys and heart;
- infectious diseases;
  - sharp inflammatory diseases;
  - mental overexcitement;
  - pregnancy;
  - children's age up to 2 years;
  - age over 75 years.

Acupressure also can not be performed while intoxicated, on an empty stomach and within an hour after eating, as well as in the area of ​​skin damage, warts, moles, pustules, dermatitis, etc.

It turns out that with the help of the healing power of your hands, it is quite possible to get rid of a headache without medication, for this you only need to master simple methods.

Reflexology  - this is an effect on biologically active points, which, as is well known, are nerve receptors responsible for the functioning of various organs and body systems. As a result, pressure can normalize, cholesterol levels decrease, immunity increases. Reflexology has a calming, anti-stress effect, occupies a significant place in the prevention of vascular diseases of the brain, is used in the treatment of many neurological and somatic diseases. Irritation of reflex zones causes some physiological changes in the body, restores the balance in the body, thereby playing a healthy role.

Cold. To alleviate the symptoms of a cold or hay fever, find the “sore point” that is on the palm between the bases of the middle and ring finger. With your thumb for two minutes, massage the point well with a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. This massage works especially well if you have a headache around your eyes and nose because of sinusitis. To clear a stuffy nose, for a few seconds, firmly squeeze the tips of all the fingers together, and then unclench. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.

Backache. With the right thumb, with a strong pressure, run along the entire thumb of the left hand, starting from the base and ending with the tip of the nail. This part of the hand corresponds to the spine. By massaging it, you help relieve tension and relax the muscles that support the spine. In turn, on both hands, massage this section several times, find the point of the solar plexus (see the general scheme) and gently massage it. This will help relieve tension from the back and the whole body.

Shoulder pain. Find the “shoulder point” on the palm of the base of the ring finger and little finger. Massage a point on the thumb for a minute on each hand. Shoulder pain is most often associated with poor posture, so first you need to figure out what causes your pain. If you suspect that the reason for the inconvenience of the workplace, try to firmly sit on a chair, so that the back support the lower back well. If, firmly sitting on a chair, you still do not reach the back, put a thick pillow under your back.

Stress. Often when we are nervous, we sort out something with our hands - this is a natural reaction. To get rid of stress, under the influence of which we are in a difficult moment, massage your palms, as shown in the photo. Massage also the point of the solar plexus, located in the middle of the palm (see the general diagram). Use your thumb tip to massage this point in a circular motion for two to three minutes.

Headache. To feel instant relief, make such a simple massage - feel the tip of your thumb and determine its most sensitive point, then with a sure movement of the other thumb, massage this place. Repeat the same with the other hand. If a headache  does not pass, then its cause is probably in back problems - in poor posture, tension in the back. If you often suffer from headaches, it is best to consult a doctor to determine the true cause of the problem.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Stimulate points affecting digestion by drawing a curved line along the contour of the palm from the base of the thumb to the little finger. Massage for 2 minutes, then repeat the same with the other hand. Another effective way to get rid of indigestion is to stimulate the corresponding points on the feet. To do this, place a tennis ball on the floor, step on it with the center of your foot and roll for 3 minutes in circles.

Antistress. A pair of simple movements with your fingers, and your life will sparkle with new colors! Like a hand shot!

Gently press the thumb of the left hand on the middle of the right palm and rotate it in a circle for a minute. Do the same with your right thumb on your left palm. This will ease the tension around your neck and shift your attention.

Burst of energy
  With the tips of the fingers of both hands vigorously tap each other.
  Then, with the tips of the thumb and index finger of your right hand, squeeze your left thumb and slide them from base to tip.
  Do the same with your right thumb.

Brain launch
Easily squeeze the thumb of the left hand with the index and middle fingers of the right (as pliers) and “screw in” them in this clip from the tip to the base.
  Do the same with the right big. This massage improves the rush of blood to the brain.
  Illustrations: Jason Pickersgill