The frontal bone is referred to the facial region of the skull. The main components of the bones of the cranial skull. What bones belong to the facial skull

, performs protective and supporting functions. It protects the brain, organs of sight, hearing, and smell from mechanical damage, serves as a support for the soft parts of the head and the place of attachment of facial muscles.

What are the divisions in the skull?

In the skull there are two sections: the brain and facial. The brain is located in the brain. Unpaired frontal and occipital bones and paired parietal and temporal bones form the upper part of the brain region - the vault of the skull.

What bones belong to the facial skull

Calwaria - skulls, skull roof or skull without attached facial bones. Coronal suture. The seam between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone in the skull. The cranial bones are the eight bones of the skull that form the headache that surrounds the brain. These are greenhouses, temporal, frontal, occipital, wedge-shaped and ethmoid bones.

Cranial nerve. People have 12 cranial nerves. They are connected with the brain wall and basically “control” the head, and also help regulate the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Ethmoid bone - bone located behind the nose. External auditory canal - the passage or canal in the skull for the tissues involved in hearing.

The bones that form the cranial vault belong to flat bones and perform primarily a protective function.

The base of the cerebral cranial region is formed by the sphenoid bone and the pyramidal processes of the temporal bones. In the pyramidal processes are receptors of the hearing and vestibular apparatus.

What bones belong to the facial skull

The facial section includes the upper and lower jaws, the zygomatic and nasal bones, and the ethmoid bone. In the ethmoid bone, which determines the shape of the nasal cavities, is the olfactory organ.

The bones of the face are 14 bones of the skull, which form the face and jaw. The paired facial bones are liquorimals, noses, zygomatics, maxillae, palatine and lower turbinates. Unpaired facial bones are the vomer, lower jaw and hyoid. Fossa - pit, depression or concavity, on the bone or formed from several bones.

How does a human skull differ from a chimpanzee skull?

Lambda - the point where sagittal and lambdoid sutures of the skull meet. Lambdoid suture. The seam between the two parietal bones and occipital bone   in the skull. Neurocranium - headache the skull. A process is a general term describing any projections expressed or prominence on a bone.

All the bones of the cerebral and facial parts of the skull, with the exception of the lower jaw, are interconnected motionless. They cannot move relative to each other, while the lower jaw can move up and down, left-right and back and forth. Due to this property, a person is able to articulately talk and chew food.

Sagittal suture. The seam between the two parietal bones at the top of the skull. The sinuses are filled with the cavity of the skull cavity. The etmoid sinus is in the ethmoid bone, maxillary sinus   in the upper jaw, frontal sinus   in the frontal bones and the sphenoid sinus in the sphenoid bone.

The skull is all the bones of the head. Spheroid bone. The bone of irregular shape is located in front of the occipital bone at the base of the skull. The spinal cord is an elongated part of the central nervous systemwhich lies in the vertebral canal of the spine, from which spinal nerves arise.

The chemical composition of the bones of the skull

All bones are composed of organic and inorganic substances: the first are responsible for the elasticity of the bone and its ability to change its shape (to be flexible), the second - for its strength and hardness. It is the combination of a hard but brittle inorganic substance and an elastic organic that makes the bone strong and resilient at the same time.

Squam seam. The seam between the temporal bone and the parietal bone in the skull. The sawtooth edge of the cranial bone, which serves as a joint between the bones of the skull. The vertebrae are flat bones that make up the spine or spine. The skull covers and protects the brain, provides the basis for attaching the muscles of the head and neck, and provides the structural element for the formation of the first sections respiratory tract   and digestive organs. The bones of the skull are very heavy, and protecting the brain is undoubtedly their most important function.

Disorders and conditions that affect the skull can be divided into two broad categories - craniofacial anomalies and injuries associated with injuries. The most serious injury is a fracture of the skull, which means a break or tear in any bone of the skull. Cranofacial abnormality is a general term that includes malformations diagnosed at birth and developmental abnormalities that result from abnormal growth of the skull and face after birth.

With age, the mineral substance in the bones becomes larger, and therefore their fragility and susceptibility to fractures increase. Children's bones rarely break, but they are more easily deformed under uneven loading on them.

How many bones in the skull

The adult human skull consists of 23 bones, not including the auditory

   1) Which bones are the bones that form the roof of the skull 2) Name the only moving bone of the skull and indicate how it connects with it

3) How does a human skull differ from a chimpanzee skull?

The usual places are the temporary bone, the orbital surface of the frontal bone and occipital bone. Jaw fractures: they include mandibular fractures and maxillary fractures. Fractional fractures: they can range from a fracture of a single facial bone, such as a zygomatic fracture, to a more severe injury, such as a facial punch, which includes multiple fractures and an extensive violation of the bone architecture of the head. The severity of this disorder can range from mild to severe. Although the various structures of the face may be affected, the most common areas are the ear, mouth and lower jaw. Goldenhar syndrome: this syndrome is a variant of semi-facial microsomia. The symptoms of this disorder coincide with the symptoms of hemifacial microsomia with the addition of epibulbar dermoids, which are benign tumorslocated only inside the orbital orbit. Treicher-Collins Syndrome: Also known as mandibulofacial synostosis. The syndrome affects the size and shape of the ears, cheekbones, upper and lower jaws. Basal skull fractures: these are most often lengthened skull fractures. . The skull is the skeleton of the head.

4) List the bones belonging to the brain and facial parts of the skull

5) Why are cervical vertebrae less massive than lumbar

6) What is the structure of the vertebra and what role do cartilage intervertebral discs play

7) What bones are related to rib cage? Why are ribs sternum connected semi-movably

   Plizz answer questions, even if you know.

1) The movable joints joints consist of ......
2) Free lower limbs   consist of.........
3) The rib cage includes .......................
4) The facial part of the skull includes ..........
5) When internal structure   bones secrete ..........
6) The reflex is ...... and the receptor is ..............................
7) I know about nervous tissue .................................
8) Define fabric is ..............................
9) I know about cell division ................................
10) About the structure and functions of the kernel, I know the following .......
11) List human organ systems .....................
12) Negroid race is different in that .........................
13) About the ancient people of Neanderthals I know ...............
14) Atavism is .............................................. ................

Excluding bones, it consists of 22 bones. All the bones of the skull, joined together by sutures, are motionless and create a skull, except for. On the other hand, the two terms skull and skull are used by the synonym. Rotate the device for better visual interaction.

Please move your mouse over the figure to get brief information about the parts of the body. The skull is divided into 2 parts. The skull is a powerful and rigid container for the brain, and the facial skeleton is a rather thin and light base for the face. The skeleton of the face is located below the front of the skull in humans.

Help plizz)))))))))

   1. Vomer refers to: a) cranial vault; b) the pelvis; c) the facial part of the skull; d) the brain's skull? 2. Set of chromosomes in zygote


a) haploid; b) triploid; c) diploid; g) tetraploid?

3. The roots depart from the stem part of the bulb:

Many anatomists use alternative terms, the neurocranium for the cranial skeleton and the viscerocrane for the facial skeleton. Functions of the skull. The term skull is sometimes used to mean without a skull. Unpaired bones - frontal, occipital, splenoid and ethmoid.

The skeleton of the face consists of 14 bones, of which 6 are joined and 2 unpaired. The bones of the skull are connected with fixed joints, called sutures. The binding tissue connecting the bones is called the ligamentum ligament. The exception to this rule is that it is associated with the synovial skull, which are freely movable joints.

a) main: b) lateral; c) accessory; g) minor?

4. In the synthesis of protein take part: a) chromosomes; b) mitochondria; c) lysosomes; d) ribosomes?

5. Leaf venation, in which the main vein is well expressed, from which the lateral sides extend to both sides:

a) arc; b) feathery; c) palmar; d) parallel?

6. The pericarp is formed from:

Anatomical position of the skull

All the bones of the skull are fixed, except for the fact that it allows you to move freely. The bones inside are also mobile, but usually they do not enter the skeleton of the head. This is the position of the skull, in which the orbital cavities are directed forward, and the lower edges of the orbits and the upper edges of the external acoustic channels are located in the same horizontal plane.

The horizontal line created by connecting the infraorbital edge and the center of the outer auditory canalis called Reid's baseline. The study of the skull as a whole is of greater importance for most medical professionals compared to the study of unnecessary aspects of individual bones.

a) perianth; b) the walls of the ovary; c) walls of the ovules; g) stamens?

7. In hypofunction of the thyroid gland in a young age develops:

a) cretinism; b) acromegaly; c) myxedema; d) basedov disease?

8. To anamniyam belong:

a) birds; b) amphibians; c) mammals; d) reptiles?

9. Inflorescence complex umbrella is typical for:

The skull can be examined from the outside or from the inside. The external features of the skull are studied from 5 different aspects, namely. When seen from above, the skull appears oval, wider at the back than at the front. Bones frontal, parietal and occipital.

  • Kperedi.
  • Wall bones from all sides of the middle line. backwards.
These bones are joined by the following three stitches.

It is shaped like a lambda, so its name.

  • Coronal suture, between the frontal and 2 parietal bones.
  • It crosses the cranial vault from side to side.
  • Sagittal suture, between 2 parietal bones.
  • It is located in the middle plan.
  • Lambdoid suture, between occipital and 2 parietal bones.
Metopic suture sometimes exists in the median plane in 3-8% of cases. It symbolizes the remnants of the suture between the two halves in the fetal skull, which develops in separate ossification foci.

a) parsley; b) dandelion; c) plantain; g) corn?
10. Moss-like plants include:

a) reindeer moss; b) mukor; c) sphagnum; d) kelp?

   A1. Mammals inhabit land, sea, freshwater bodies and breathe with ... 1) skin or lungs 2) lungs or gills 3) lungsA2. Animals,

milk-fed babies belong to the class: 1) Birds 2) Amphibians 3) Arachnids 4) Mammals А3. Thick and long hair are called: 1) Shallow 2) Undercoat 3) Both answers are correct 4) There is no correct answer А4. The hair, in which air is retained and for good heat retention, is called: 1) Shallow 2) Undercoat 3) Both answers are correct 4) There is no correct answer А5. Excretory organs located in the skin: 1) Sebaceous glands 2) Sweat glands 3) Both answers are correct 4) There is no correct answer А6. The cervical spine consists of: 1) 5 vertebrae 2) 6 vertebrae 3) 7 vertebrae 4) There is no correct answer А7. How many vertebrae in the caudal region of the spine1) 7 2) 8 3) 12 4) Depends on the length of the tailA8. In the facial region of the skull, the moving bone is: 1) Upper jaw 2) Lower jaw   3) Both answers are correct 4) There is no correct answer A9. Mammalian stomachs: 1) Single-chamber 2) Two-chamber 3) Three-chamber 4) all answers are correctA10. The chest cavity is separated from the abdominal 1) The diaphragm 2) The ribs 3) The correct answer is noA11. Bodies of mammals excretion are: 1) Kidneys 2) Light 3) Stomach 4) HeartA12. The placental cub develops in a special organ: 1) Uterus 2) Stomach 3) Cloaca 4) No correct answer

Outer articular bones, ossified from different centers, are often observed along the lambdoid suture. It is located on the sagittal suture near its middle and is located at a distance of several centimeters from the bregma. Parietal hole: this is a small hole in the parietal bone near the sagittal suture, 5-4 cm in front of the lambda. Obelion: This is the point on the sagittal suture between the two parietal openings. . When the skull is visible from behind, it appears bulging upwards and to the sides, but flattened below.

The bones observed in this species are the posterior portions of the parietal bones, the upper portion and the mastoid portions of the temporal bones.

  • Parienes superior to 1 on each side. below.
  • Mastoid part, intracavitary from all sides.
The stitches that connect these bones are as follows.