If something is stuck in the throat. What to do if the tablet is stuck in the throat? Emergency rescue measures. If the victim is unconscious

Taking medication in the form of tablets, you need to be careful. Sometimes it happens that a person is in a hurry to swallow it, drinks it down with a small amount of water, or swallows it altogether without drinking it. In this case, it may not pass into the esophagus and stomach, but as if hanging between the pharynx esophagus. This situation is very unpleasant. What if the pill is stuck in the throat? How to push it? These questions are very important, and the answer to them should be known in advance in order to be able to help yourself or loved ones in an emergency.

Knowing the maneuvers to help them can save your life. Of course, you often heard the recommendation given to minors: do not let them play with objects that are smaller than their mouths. Many times the objects that they pass through ultimately leave the body in sediment, but in other cases it is not, and the consequences become fatal.

The greatest number of deaths for this reason occurs in children under the age of twelve months. But beyond that, protection and readiness to confront this type of business is important. When someone comes to the house, the parents should prepare him for the survival of the child and not wait until the baby adapts to the conditions of this.

What to do?

If you feel that the pill did not pass into the esophagus, there is no need to panic, although this is unpleasant, but it is not life threatening. Try a few recommendations. Drink a glass warm water  or tea. The abundance of liquid will help soften the pill and it will pass on. If this does not help, make several movements of the neck, while swallowing saliva. Again, the attempt to nothing lead? Then take a slice of bread, chew and swallow again. Usually with food foreign body  easily progresses from the pharynx to the esophagus.

To avoid accidents, pediatrician Ernesto Durán advises "that there should be buttons with clothes prepared with threads that are not easy to release so that they do not have it in their mouths." Coins are the most common objects faced by young children. There are also batteries and toys. If the mother sees that the child has an object in her mouth, she should not scream because he is frightened and swallows it. "With all the patience, but quickly, he should be asked to spit it out," recommends Claudia Granados.

You can determine that the child has swallowed something because it is purple and cannot speak, its voice does not come out, and it coughs very loudly or suffocates reflecting the body’s obstruction in the airways. If the child cannot breathe, take it quickly and urgently.

Feeling of lump in throat

Sometimes, even after a successful attempt to swallow the pill in the throat, there is a feeling that it has remained in the same place. It is like the feeling that there is a lump in the throat, which is more clearly felt when swallowing. This happens if, in the process of swallowing, you slightly damaged the larynx mucosa. The presence of scratches can give such symptoms.

Diseases associated with respiratory and nervous disorders

If breathing is cut, there are two maneuvers depending on the age recommended by pediatrician Claudia Granados. Lay it face down on its feet, one hand tucked under the belly. Give five hard blows in the back, in the middle of the upper part, with the base of the other hand.

Complete airway blockage

Flip the child to see if an object is left. If not, repeat the maneuver two or three times and call an ambulance. Do not try to drive, because of the flour it can cause great complications. Never insert a finger to remove an object. There is an even greater risk of pushing or vomiting the throat.

Similar sensations of a coma in a throat are experienced by people who have just undergone endoscopic examination. internal organs. They also occur due to microtraumas in the throat. What to do then? Rinse the throat with a decoction of chamomile or regular warm soda solution several times. You can also use Strepsils with anesthetics. When the wound heals, unpleasant feeling  will disappear.

Why does a lump in the throat occur?

Stay calm and explain the procedure to the child. Grab it from behind and place one hand on top of its navel and cover it with your other hand, holding your thumb to keep it safer. The force is printed inwards and upwards from the chest. Three attempts are made, and if the object does not come out, they should quickly go to the emergency room.

The child may faint because he is not breathing. If this happens, resuscitation should be performed. The Santa Fe Foundation in Bogota conducts quarterly first aid courses that teach how to prevent and act in the event of blows to the head, wounds, bites and bites, poisoning, burns, blockage, fainting, fever, diarrhea and respiratory infection.

What to do if the tablet got into airways ?

It’s completely different to act if the pill is taken in the trachea. This is a very dangerous condition, as it can threaten fatal  from asphyxiation (choking). It is quite difficult to help yourself in this situation. The only thing you can do is try to push the foreign body out with a cough. At the same time, it is important to remember that with each breath (and it is very difficult to make it) the tablet will move deeper into the airways. There is only one chance at your disposal, if there is no one around - lean forward face down and exhale with all your strength.

These first aid courses are also taught at the Red Cross. The cost is 112 thousand pesos and lasts 30 hours. I have a congenital hernia of the esophagus. WITH technical point  Of view, the diaphragmatic muscle is the one that separates the cavity chest  from the abdomen and, in addition to having a fundamental function in the action of respiration, is a barrier between these two compartments, and logically it should have openings through those that allow the continuity of large vessels and the digestive tract, schematically.

Basically two: the most frequent and severe in childhood is one that has a back and side situation or hernia Bochdalek, which can be detected in the early stages of intrauterine development by ultrasound, and that because of the presence of abdominal organs in the pulmonary territory, it prevents them proper development. It is more common on the left side. This lack of lung development or hypoplasia prevents a child with this defect from breathing properly and being a serious face.

If the tablet is stuck in the throat of a loved one, you can try to help him. If someone else is there, immediately ask for an ambulance. Now proceed to assist. To do this, tilt the victim as much as possible and with a rhythm of force tap him on the back with your open palm. Strikes should be directed to the area between the shoulder blades. Remember, if a person can cough, then this is a good sign and there is a chance to help him.

Other congenital diaphragmatic hernia is much less common in children. This is Morgagni's hernia, and she is in a previous situation; right behind the sternum, in what we call Larry's space, and through this hole one can gnaw the large intestine, the stomach, etc. when the patient is scanned with this problem, we can hear the sounds of the intestines in the lungs and, by doing an x-ray, we can see, for example, the intestines or the stomach at the site of the lungs. The patient appeals to us with this feeling of difficulty in passing food or breathing problems caused by the occupation of the pulmonary space.

Emergency rescue measure by american policemen

There is another way to help a choking person to remove a foreign body from the trachea. They are used by American police. It is necessary to hug the victim from behind and cross his arms into the lock at the base of his chest. With the power to squeeze it. This technique allows you to push out the remnants of air from the chest of a choking person. During compression of the chest, there is also a blow from the side of the victim on your chest.

Emergency rescue measure by american policemen

There is another group of hernias from the recess in the esophagus, which may be present in the early stages of ectopic life or develop over many years, and this is associated with congenital or traumatic anatomical anomalies; well skeletal, such as deformities in the sternum or in the chest or anomalous insertion of the diaphragm into the spine, which leads to the expansion of the edges or pillars of the recess, and a purulent hernia develops through the hole, through which parts of the stomach are introduced into the chest, causing symptoms associated with the aforementioned space occupation.

This technique is effective, and at the same time it is dangerous. Than? A blow to the area above the stomach can cause loss of consciousness, and in some cases even cardiac arrest. If you have tried all the ways to help, and they turned out to be ineffective, you can try this technique, just be ready in the future to the need to reanimate the victim. If he has a cardiac arrest, he will need to do artificial respiration, combining it with an indirect heart massage. And then another tablet blocks the course of the air ...

Why is a pill stuck in my throat?

To answer your question in a specific way, the treatment of these congenital hernias in patients of your age group should be surgical, with no contraindications, and mainly consist in returning the contents of the intestine, stomach or organ hernia present in the chest cavity to its original location in the abdomen, fixing it, and also restores and closes the diaphragmatic defect with the help of suture material and synthetic nets to prevent its repetition.

What can not be done if the tablet got into the trachea?

Doctors emergency aid  They say that in a critical situation, when a pill or other object hit another person in the airways, one should not spend time inspecting his throat and trying to pull out a foreign body with his hands or tweezers. This will only take precious minutes that may be the last.

Thus, you stop feeling that the blockage that you call, and other symptoms caused by the spatial occupation of the chest. There are many diseases or conditions that can give you a feeling of something stuck in your throat. The list includes gastroesophageal reflux disease, disruption of the upper esophageal sphincter, stress, mental and psychological disorders. If you feel that a piece is stuck on your throat for more than 12 weeks, your condition is medically described as feeling a balloon.

If the victim is unconscious

If a pill or other body is stuck in the throat, and the victim has lost consciousness, lay it on his right side and rhythmically knock with his open palm in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Let someone call at this time. emergency care. As a rule, in such a situation it is almost impossible to help a person.

Help with partial blockage of the airways

The treatment is effective and is available for most cause and effect diseases. For a complete and permanent treatment, an adequate diagnosis of the cause is necessary. In general, a complete anatomical evaluation is performed with endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Sense of something stuck in the throat: Possible reasons. The parts of the body that are most susceptible to this disease are the heart, the large intestine, and the esophagus. Affected organs lose their ability to function normally. As a result, they begin to stretch or stretch. The symptoms of Chagas disease are not felt for a fairly long period of time.


What should I do if a tablet is stuck in my throat? Try to swallow it by drinking warm milk, tea or water. If that doesn't help, eat something. When the pill got into the respiratory tract, do not lose a minute, act as efficiently and quickly as possible, turning the victim down face down, tap between his shoulder blades. Immediately call an ambulance and continue to attempt to rescue. If there are no other options, use the method of the American police. Be prepared to fight for the life of your neighbor to the end. Even if he lost consciousness, it is possible that the ambulance will arrive just in time and will have time to save him.

When they appear, it is mainly boiling or skin lesions, fever, swollen the lymph nodes, headache, fatigue, confusion, shortness of breath, etc. if the esophagus is affected by Chagas disease, you can feel something stuck in your throat. It develops from the chord that forms the spine on early stage  at the fetus. Usually, after six months or so, the chord is replaced by the bones of the spine. Symptoms of chordoma are pain, incontinence, impotence, changes in mobility and bowel habits.

Why does it feel like something is stuck in the throat?

If chordoma occurs at the base of the skull, headaches, double vision, changes in hearing, facial pain and difficulty in swallowing can be identifiable signs. This symptom may be accompanied by a constant sensation of something stuck in the throat. Crohn's disease Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory disease  intestine. It can affect any part of the body, from mouth to anus. However, in the structure in which Crohn's disease develops, the small intestine is more common. Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anal pain, mouth ulcers, rashes, fatigue, etc. If a part of the mouth or the upper part of the esophagus is affected by Crohn's disease, a burning sensation and something stuck in the throat may occur.

No one knows what situation awaits you on the way. Read this article carefully, because this technique can save someone's life.

Different objects get stuck in the throat  in people much more often than you can imagine: food, bone, small details from the designer in the case of a child ... This can lead to strangulation. What to do in a situation when there was such an unexpected accident? A scientist named Heymlich discovered a simple method of action that will save you and your loved ones from danger.

Barrett's esophagus Barrett's esophagus is a condition that develops due to the repeated effects of the lining of the esophagus on stomach acids. If you for a long time  suffer from reflux, you will have a higher risk of developing Barrett's esophagus. The diagnosis and timely treatment of Barrett's esophagus is very important, as it can lead to cancerous growth of the cells that form the esophagus lining. There are no particular signs or symptoms that are specifically produced by Barrett's esophagus. It is heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, difficulty swallowing and, sometimes, a feeling of something stuck in the throat.

How to act on choking

  1. Rate how serious the case is. How are overlapped airways? Very well, if the affected person coughs. With the help of cough, the body protects itself from alien objects, trying to push them out. If there is a cough, the airways are not completely blocked. Ask the victim to cough until you see the stuck object, then pull it out with your index and thumb.

    Care must be taken to ensure that the subject does not completely close the airway. If you are dealing with a child under one year old, it is very good if he cries and cries.

    Considering the above, you must have understood that feeling something stuck in your throat is very serious. This may indicate a very serious medical problem that may develop or has reached an advanced stage. Visit an otolaryngologist for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. The diagnosis is usually made using a series of tests and methods. Tests include esophagography, x-rays on the chest and neck, esophageal manumetry, esophageal pH monitoring, and upper digestive endoscopy.

    If you agree with the treatment of an esophageal disorder, you should strictly follow the advice and instructions of the doctor. This is the key to accelerated recovery and the elimination of serious health problems. In some families, tradition keeps a piece of bread on a plate. Only in case of bone ingestion.

    It also happens that the foreign part completely closes the airways, it is easy to determine - the victim does not make any sounds, but is conscious. In this case, you must immediately resort to receiving Heimlich.

  2. Remember: heimlich's reception  It should be used only if the victim is more than a year old and cannot cough, speak, shout, or breathe. If time does not provide assistance, the person will lose consciousness. The main thing is to do everything quickly and not to panic.

    It is not difficult at all:

    Each Christmas Eve, when the cervix is ​​divided, there are several cases of bone swallowing or suspicion. Rather, it is part of the Christmas jokes, says Professor Peter Havranek from Tomayer Hospital. Sworn aliens are likely to be stuck in the esophagus. And if they pass through the esophagus, they usually pass through the entire digestive tract. In addition, ponds are usually thin, thin, small, short and flexible.

    If the victim is unconscious

    It is said that bread will wrap the bone, and nothing will happen to the person. Is it possible The bread works with the feeling that you have swallowed a bone. Have some soft food and drinks, the doctor explains. To be honest, much more often than a real bone on the neck, it simply irritates the throat with a more rigid diet. So usually it helps. What if this is a real bone? If you can not swallow, for him, of course, it is impossible to bake bread. At this point, a visit to the neck is required.

    • Stand behind the victim if you are right handed - a little to the left, if left handed - a little to the right.
    • Take it firmly under the breast and lean forward slightly, so that the object stuck in the throat moves outwards, not further inwards.
    • Carefully but surely hit the victim between the shoulder blades of the upper part of the wrist.
    • Check if the object is out. If not, strike again, and so repeat up to five times.

    If there is no result from the blows and the victim still cannot breathe, squeeze his hand into a fist and place it between his navel and ribs. Place your other hand on top and press it several times until the stuck object comes out. Please note that this technique cannot be done with pregnant women, children under one year old and people who are overweight.

    In the case where breathing has not recovered, call an ambulance. Do not leave the victim alone and until the arrival of the doctors continue to apply Heimlich's technique.

  3. Child up to one yearwho choked is a special case. If the child does not cough or cry, place it mouth down along your forearm or thigh so that your head has something to lean on.

    Gently hit him five times on the back of the upper part of the wrist. After that, carefully examine the child's mouth and remove the object if you notice it there. Do not try to get the stuck object by putting your fingers into the victim's mouth! It can slip in and it will worsen the situation.

    If this does not help, turn the baby on his back and gently press it five times on his chest. After each attempt, check if the stuck item has come out.